New House

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The new house you recently purchased with your husband Jack was victorian style. Made in the early 1900's. With it being remodeled and put on the market, you two snatched it up. Perfect home to build a family.

"This house is so beautiful, I'm glad we got it." Thinking of all the ways you can decorate it, get into gardening, just normal house owner stuff.

Picking a box up, you took it upstairs to an empty room. Setting the box down, you looked around the room, chills going through your body.

You heard footsteps walking close to the room. "Jack?" You called out walking towards the door. There was no one in the hallway. "Hm, that's weird. Probably old floors."

Shaking your head from the thoughts, you started to unpack the box. It had all your collectible glass figurines. The walking in the hallway started again, you hurried and rushed to the door.

Turning the corner you bumped into Jack. "You scared the heck out of me."

"I'm sorry, I seen you standing in the window and came to check on you."

You weren't standing in front of any windows where Jack could see you.

"I wasn't."

"Maybe it was a smudge or something." You agreed with that to ease your mind.

"Did the movers bring the rest of the boxes and furniture in?" Rubbing your arms from the sudden cold air that hit you. It was the middle of July.

"The AC on?"

"No. Why?"

"I'm just so cold." Jack stood in a tank top sweating, he was confused why you were freezing and he was burning up.

"Are you getting sick?"


Finding a hoodie from one of your boxes, you went back to unpacking. Hours unpacking and moving the furniture where you wanted it. You were done for today.

"Ready to hit the hay?" Jack said he's getting started on his dad sayings for when you two have a kid. So he's been saying just any and everything all day.

When the movers scraped the wall with the couch he really said, "You done fiddled your last fiddle." To the guy.

"Yes, my back hurts from carrying all those boxes."

You made sure you got the bedroom all ready for the first night of slumber. You wanted to sleep comfortably in your new home.

Jack stood in the doorway of the en-suite brushing his teeth, interested in the show you had on. Looking up from your phone, you seen a shadow moving behind Jack.

"Jack!" You pointed behind him and he hurried and ran out the doorway towards you without looking behind him.

"What is it, a spider?" He stood next to you starring the doorway down.

"No, I seen something behind you." He went back into the bathroom to inspect your suspension.

"There's nothing in there." He turned the light off coming to get in the bed.

"But I seen something." You pressed on the subject.

"You've been up since 5am, baby. You probably just need to sleep." That has to be it.

Just has to sleep. You drifted off to sleep cuddled in your husbands arms. You awoke facing his back, you placed your hand on his shoulder and he felt cold to the touch.

"Jack, wake up." You shook him but he didn't wake up. "Jack. Please wake up." He started to sit up with his back still towards you. Placing his feet on the ground, he stood and walked out the room.

Removing the covers, you got up and followed him out the room. He was walking down the stairs when you caught up to him. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and you stood at the top. "Jack?"

He turned around. His eyes were missing and blood was pouring out his eye sockets. "Get out of my house!" You walked backwards and tripped over your own foot. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Jack screamed running up the stairs toward you.

You got up and ran to the room, locking yourself in.
"What's wrong with you?!" You cried holding the door handle. He banged on the door until the wooden door started to chip. "Jack, please stop. You're scaring me."

"Y/N, wake up. You're having a nightmare." You woke up sweaty and breathing heavy. "Are you okay?" You were scared to face him, incase your nightmare was true.

Getting the courage to face him, you were met with his concern face with his eyes intact. Releasing a sigh, you told him you were okay.

"I had a nightmare that your eyes were gone. You charged at me like you wanted to kill me." Pulling you into a hug, he started to rock you to comfort you.

"It was just a dream, I'm right here."

Out the corner of your eye, you seen something fast coming towards the bed

"Holy shit!" Jack said falling off the bed from his legs being tangled in the sheets

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"Holy shit!" Jack said falling off the bed from his legs being tangled in the sheets.

This thing was at the end of your bed just looking. All you could see was the whites of its eyes. When Jack stood up, the thing followed his movements.

"Baby, don't move." You had no plans to. When Jack moved, the thing moved. It was like it was playing red light green light with Jack and that scared the fuck out of you.

It suddenly crawled under the bed and you heard the nails scraping against the hardwood floor. "Jack get on the bed!"

Instead of getting on the bed, he walked backwards to the wall. Trapping himself.

The nails scraping the floor started again, the sound going towards Jack. "Please, no."

Jack started to run toward the door but the thing reached out and grabbed his foot, dragging him under the bed into darkness.


What's your favorite horror movie? I have way too many to choose. Hope this scared y'all.

Peace & Love ❤️

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