The Giver

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The way his eyes look over the glasses make him look so crazy but it's hot 😏 i'm trying out possessive/dom Jack in this i think..

Republishing this again. Sorry in advance for the trash writing.


Growing up, you had a crush on your brothers friend, Jack. They were only a couple of years older than you but always treated you like a kid when you asked to hang out with them.

Now you're in your twenty's, the same as them. They still treat you like kid. It's frustrating. Can't talk to boys while they're around, can't drink, nothing.

Especially living with your brother. You had to learn his schedule by heart just so you could invite boys over to keep you company. How come he could have girls over but wouldn't allow any boys besides his friends? It was stupid.

Today was one of those days when you have a boy over to keep you company while your brother was playing basketball with his friends.

The both of you were just chilling on the couch watching a movie, talking.

Your brother and his friends walked in and thought you were making an OnlyFans video with the guy. They were always this dramatic about stuff but the way they were acting today, they were doing too much.

One of his friends had his hands on his hips tapping his foot, your brother went up against the wall and started gripping it like the room was spinning. Actually for the first time Jack wasn't being the most dramatic one, he was just looking at you.

"Stop, y'all are embarrassing me." You took the guys hand and helped him stand up from the couch. "Let's go to my room." Since the cat was out the bag, you thought your brother would be okay with it.

"Don't you think it's time for him to go home." Jack said setting down the basketball stuff.

"Jack, mind your business. No one is talking to you." He always tried to boss you around more than your brother. Once, he told your parents you were talking to this boy who "used girls" and they tried to forbid you from seeing him.

"You think just because you got a boy over that you're grown, huh?" Here he goes trying to treat you like you're a kid again.

"You're only two years older than me! I've been grown."

"Yeah, I think it's time for him to go, sis." Your brother co-signed.

"I want him to stay so he's doing just that." You waited for them to challenge you. Why did you having a guy over bother them so much, it was stupid.

"Okay, he can stay."

"What? No he can't." Jack stood up to go put a bug in your brothers ear to change his mind.

You grabbed the guys hand again leading him to your room. Closing the door, you walked to your bed sitting down. "Want to continue the movie?"

The guy left sometime after the movie. Going to go get something to eat out the kitchen, you only seen Jack in the kitchen.

"Where's my brother?" Opening the refrigerator, you took out your leftovers from earlier.

"They went to the mall."

"Why didn't you go?" The trio were the three musketeers, always together.

"Didn't feel like it." This was the first time Jack looked down and out. Had something happened in the short time you were in your room?

"What's wrong?" Sitting next to him, you gave him your attention, seemed like he needed someone to talk to.


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