Birth Control

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Tiktok and a comment inspired this lol. Next imagine is going to be a day in their life then Jack meeting Y/N's black family. Both of them were requested. Who else has seen those tiktok's where it's the guy taking the male birth control and acting emotional?


It's been two weeks since Jack started taking the new male birth control. Two long weeks. He wanted to have sex raw but you didn't want to get on birth control because all of the side effects. So he suggested he try the male version.

"Man, I can't even fit into these pants anymore." Jack whined for the thousandth time it seems. He's been going through all his old clothes just to have something to complain about. "Thats it, I'm not going."

"Jack, you said you've had those pants for years. Try on a newer pair." You went back to doing your makeup while he did the cry jog back to the closet.

"Nothing fits!" He walked out in only his boxers and a tank top. Flopping onto the bed, he placed the blanket over him. "It's like, you don't even care."

"What are you talking about?" Placing the beauty blender down, you went to sit on the bed next to him.

"I've been gaining weight, breaking out and I've been so emotional and you don't even care." You reached over to rub his back. "No, don't touch me." Jerking away from you, he rolled to the other side of the bed.

"Jack, you're being ridiculous."

"No what's ridiculous is feeling like my period is about to start any day now. I could've sworn I was spotting the other day." Out of all the stupid stuff he has said in the relationship, that made its way to the top.

"You know what," Without finishing your sentence you got up and walked away. "You can't have a period."

"You don't know what my body can do."

"Are we going to this party or not?" Druski invited you two to a house party he's throwing. You didn't care if you went or didn't but Jack was making a big deal about going now look at him.

"Yeah, I guess I gotta wear sweats, again." Getting up from the bed, he walked back into the closet calm this time. Couple minutes later he walked back out wearing sweat pants and a matching hoodie with his signature New Balance shoes.

"Look at you, looking handsome and stuff." You hyped him up.

"Are you saying I'm not handsome any other day?"


"Save it, I don't want to hear your lies." He picked up his wallet and the car keys and waited for you to be done. When you were done, which was only five minutes later, he was half way asleep.

"I think I should drive." His eyes popped open and he sat up.

"No, I was only resting my eyes plus I always drive." He stood up and stepped around you.

"Hand me the keys." He seen the seriousness on your face and slowly placed the keys in your open hand. "Thank you."

Twenty minutes later you two finally walked out to get into Jacks jeep. "You never drove my baby before so please treat her right."

The car ride was silent besides the music playing lowly in the background. Jack was playing some Leon Bridges to put himself in a sad mood.

"Take me to your river, I wanna go." Jack sung along with Leon and it almost looked like tears were shining in his eyes. "Dip me in your smooth waters."

The next song he played was "That Was Yesterday" by Leon Bridges. "I had holes in my shoes and in my clothes, only yesterday." He sung louder while gripping his seatbelt.

Deciding to let him have his moment you just continued the drive to Druski's house wondering how this was your reality.

When you two arrived to the party, it didn't even look like a party. Only about five cars were outside and there wasn't any music playing.

"Oh my gosh, why'd you bring her?" Druski cried from the top of the stairs. He walked down with a robe around him and holding an ice cream bucket.

"You said it was a party." Jack said following him into the kitchen. You followed them to be nosey.

"Yeah, a party for us guys. No girls allowed." Opening the freezer he grabbed another bucket of ice cream and two extra spoons. "Well, she can stay since she's already here."

Walking back upstairs Druski walked into his entertainment room. Four other guys were seated on couch with their own robes and a throw blanket over them, eating ice cream while Pretty Woman played on the screen.

"What's going on?" You asked wanting to laugh at them.

"Self care Sunday." One of the guys said.

Grabbing an extra blanket for you and Jack, you went to sit next to Druski on the couch.

"No, I'm cramping and don't want to sit next to anyone." Druski said propping his leg up where you were about to sit.

What's happening made you laugh out loud.

"Are all of you on birth control?" You asked trying to hold back your laugh.

"This is why I said no girls, they just don't understand what we're going through right now."


I laughed for like 2 minutes when I got the idea for one of the boys to say they were cramping lol.

Sorry if it sucked lol, trying to get back into writing. SO DEAL WITH IT OR FIGHT ME!

Peace & Love ❤️

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