I'm Leaving You

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Is there an imagine anyone want to read another part of?

This prank imagine was requested. (:


"Okay, I'm gonna start packing my bags and when he walks through the doors, you're gonna have to look nervous." You and Urban came up with the funny idea to prank Jack. You're leaving him for Urban. "Urban, make sure you don't look at the cameras."

He had the tendency to glance at the cameras that aren't hidden very well and if Jack followed his eye sight, he would for sure see the cameras.

"It's just so hard, I want them to get my good side." Deciding it was best to leave him to do him, you went back to pulling more clothes out the closet and stuffing them in a suitcase. Making this look realistic was your main goal so if that meant making a mess, so be it.

"Y/N, he's here, he's here." Urban screamed running into the room.

"Shhh, he probably heard you." Getting into character, you seen Urban start to sweat a little on his forehead. "Wipe your forehead and get into character."

A minute after he wiped his forehead Jack walked into the room and stopped in his tracks when he seen the mess you made. "Why you packing your clothes?" Taking his jacket off, he threw it on the bed.

"Jack, I'm leaving you," He started laughing. "For Urban." You finished. Guess the funny bone in his body broke because he stopped laughing.

Looking at a nervous Urban, he looked back at you while you continued to slowly put your underwear in the suitcase.

"What do you mean you're leaving me for Urban?"

"Exactly what I said, he makes me happy." It pained you to say that. On second thought, maybe doing this prank wasn't a good idea. Urban came up to you and started helping you pack quicker.

"Urban get the fuck up." Jack stood over you two glaring at Urban.

"I'm good, bro."

"Oh, you're good?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just trying to help my woman pack." Jack snatched your suitcase up and dumped all the clothes out.

"You're really gonna leave me Y/N? For my best friend?" Jack couldn't believe it. Was this a dream? He just couldn't see the two people he love the most betraying him like this.

"I'm sorry, Jack." With the help of Urban, you were on your feet and standing in front of Jack. He turned his heated stare to you.

"You're not sorry." His eyes started to fill with tears he didn't let fall. That's it, you couldn't go on with the prank anymore.

"Baby, it's a prank. I'm not leaving you especially for Urban." That offended Urban but you didn't see his facial expression.

"I don't believe you." Shaking your hands off him, he sat on the bed.

"Look, I placed cameras in all over the room." You walked to a camera you hid behind some books and showed him. "See? Please believe me."

"Nah, this is just your cover up. If you two want each other, don't let me stop you." Standing back up, he went and stuffed your clothes back in the suitcase.

"Stop, I'm not leaving you!" You threw your clothes back out the suitcase. Why was he taking this so serious, it's obvious it was a joke.

"Then it's over, I don't trust you anymore."

"You don't mean that."

"Yes I do, get your stuff and go."

Looking at him with your now tear filled eyes, his face still held the same emotion, hate. He didn't care he was hurting your feelings, didn't care he was breaking your heart.

"Jack, it was just a prank."

Jack pulled you into a hug while rocking you side to side. "I know baby, just stop crying." Your crying didn't stop like he expected it to. "Urban, turn the camera off."

Peeking towards Urban, you seen him recording on his phone, with the flash on.

Pushing against Jack, you wiped your tears and looked up at him. "Why is he recording?"

"He's recording my prank to you." You just did the Raven Baxter face without the future telling but with recognition.

"So, you pranked me during my prank to you?" He nodded his head trying to stop the smile from forming on his face but the corners kept lifting. "How did you find out?" He pointed towards Urban who suddenly found the ceiling more interesting than the conversation.

"Urban I'm gonna fucking kill you." You chased him around the room hoping to take a fistful of his hair. Dragging him around by his hair was the imagine flowing through your head.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. You know I can't keep a secret from him! It just slipped out I swear." He used Jack as a shield

"Hope this teaches you a listen, don't pull pranks and don't ask Urban to help you. But did you like my acting? I've been practicing for my movie." No comment.


I've never seen White Boy Can't Jump but you already know i'm watching the reboot and it's not because of Jack. nooooo never nooooo.

As you already know, i went completely off script and gifted you this wanna be broke ass imagine that owes me $5.27.

Give me my damn money!

Give me my damn money!

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