What He Did

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What's your favorite imagine so far and have you read some imagines more than once?


It seemed like your whole world stopped when you found the empty condom wrapper in the pants Jack wore last night to an event. It felt like your heart was beating in your ears, the tears in your eyes started to fall. How could he do this to you after 4 years together.

All the signs started to connect like clock work. You guessed you were too in love to notice back then. The late studio sessions, hiding the phone under his pillow, moving to where you couldn't see his phone scene. The delusional part of you thought he was finally about to propose.

Dropping the pants on the floor you walked out the bathroom with the wrapper held tightly in your hand. Jack was in the entertainment room watching a game with some friends. Right now, you didn't give two fucks about making a scene.

"What the fuck is this?" The crumpled up wrapper landed in his lap. The room grew silent watching the show.

"It's a condom wrapper." He laughed flicking it onto the floor.

"Why was it in your pants?" You seen slight panic in his eyes before he blink and it went away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Giving his attention back to the game, he turned the volume up ignoring your presence.

"Jack, I swear." Sadness and anger together never went well for you. "How long have you been cheating."

"I said I didn't know what you're talking about," He jumped up and got in your face. "If you want to accuse me of cheating then that's on you."

"Jack, bro chill." Urban got up and got between you two. He didn't feel like watching WWE right now.

"Nah, she thinks I'm cheating all because of a condom wrapper."

"That I found in your pants!" He was really trying to gaslight you right now and you couldn't believe it.

"Doesn't mean it was mine!" Jerking away from Urban he sat back down.

Jack could try to gaslight and continue to lie to you all day but you aren't stupid. Staying here wasn't an option. You had to get away from him.

Giving him one last look you made your way to the room to pack some clothes. Yeah him cheating hurt like hell but it was the fact he could look you in your eyes everyday knowing what he was doing to you and he just didn't care. Didn't care about your feelings or safety. Calming he loved you just to turn around and hurt you. Maybe he was the delusional one.

You knew you wouldn't be able to pack all your stuff today so you only packed a big suitcase and a duffel bag for right now.

"Where you going?" Jack stood in the doorway watching you hurry.

"I'm gonna go stay with a friend." Keeping which friend to yourself so he didn't come looking for you.

"I said it wasn't mine."

"You just hold peoples condom wrappers for them?" This fool was actually taking you for a fool.

He started to talk again but you didn't pay it any mind. It was just the same recycled lies.

"Are you even listening to me?" It felt better to act like he wasn't there. His talking started to sound like a fly buzzing in by your ear. You just wanted to swat him away.

"Jack, I don't have anything to say to you. You're not even man enough to come clean."

Hearing that finally made him stop talking but it only lasted for a few seconds.

"Not man enough?"

"Yes, not man enough. You cheated on me, I've always been there for you before we even started dating. How could you do this to me?" The anger started to fade away and the sadness hit you again. The tears you didn't want him to see stained your face. "If you wasn't happy that's all you had to say, you didn't have to go cheat on me." Even though you felt weak crying in front of him, you couldn't stop. He really hurt you.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking at the time but you can't leave me."

"You sound stupid. I can't leave you?" Getting up from the floor, you bent down to zip up your suitcase. Men had all the audacity in the world. He could cheat on you but you couldn't leave him. "Jack maybe you don't need a girlfriend right now. You still have a lot of growing up to do."

Knowing who the woman or women was didn't matter, you didn't want to know. Everyone knew he was with you so they obviously didn't care either. All you wanted to do was wash your hands of the situation, not dig yourself farther into it.

"I love you." Not giving him a response, you walked out the room then the house. Leaving him for good.


Alternative Ending:

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you like." Your best friend said while helping you unpack your clothes.

Yeah, you did say you didn't want to know who the woman/women was. That was before you told your friend and she didn't seem surprised.

"So, did he tell you who she was?" She sat on the bed facing you waiting for the tea.

"No." She nodded her head and looked at the floor.

"How'd you find out?" It was time to use your smarts.

"I went and got tested and they said I have an STD." You didn't have an STD but watching panic fill her eyes gave you the answers you needed.


I'm not good at writing imagines where the guy cheats because I can't write emotions good and I have to be realistic. like me? i'd go ghost. fuck all that crying and stuff. now u see me, now u don't.

this wasn't how i wanted it to go originally. i wanted it to go like; jack cheats on her with her friend n she catches them then jack n the friend thought they'll live happily ever after but y/n kills them. the end

Peace & Love ❤️

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