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Seungmin plugged his ears following Zack into the big house. The music was so loud it was shaking the grass and lights were flashing out of the window, temporarily blinding the brunette. "I can't believe you talked me into this." Seungmin looked at his friend.

"What!?" Zack shouted over the music entering the house. "You deaf bitch! I said I can't believe you talked me into this." Zack smiled sheepishly and dragged Seungmin by the wrist. "Have some fun, Min."

With that Zack disappeared into the crowd of people and left Seungmin uncomfortable with the amount of people in the house. Sighing out heavily, he plugged his ears and walked around the dance crowd, taking a seat in one of the couches placed at the corner of the house.

His eyes scanned the crowd and Seungmin wanted to gag seeing his best friend eat some girls face. Gross. He thought and looked away. There was a pack of beers at the table and he shrugged reaching for one. Why not? He thought and popped open the can.

Seungmin brought out his phone while taking small sips of the drink in his hand. Just scrolling through his social media and seeing what's new on twitter. After a while, his drink was finished and Seungmin was bored. He forgot to charge it before coming so it was close to dying. And it's only 9:01 he groaned throwing his head back.

Suddenly Bryan joined looking like he had way too many drinks than he should've. "Hey." He hiccuped and Seungmin plugged his nose at the alcohol smell coming off him in waves. "Bye." Seungmin spoke and got up, leaving the football player there.

Bryan was always a fucking creep. He would try to make moves towards Seungmin but the brunette wanted nothing more than for him to disappear.

Finding himself in the kitchen, Seungmin opened the fridge and sighed sadly when there wasn't anything he could eat. His eyes landed on red cups and a big punch bowl so he lazily went up to the bowl and grabbed a cup. Pouring some of the liquid in his cup, Seungmin took a sip expecting something sweet, gagging when the bitter liquid hit his throat.

He was used to having some beer from here and there mostly because Zack was a weird kid but this one was strong. Like really strong. "Woah!" He shook his head but kept the cup in his hand. And don't ask me, I've never had a drink in my life. Apart from wine, but still.

Seungmin just leaned back on the kitchen counter and reluctantly he raised the cup to his lips again. Taking another sip he was more prepared for the sting, sighing internally and wanting to go home.

He felt a bit lightheaded after he finished the drink and thought why the fuck not? Seungmin could not hold his alcohol, the boy barely being used to the liquid. So after a cup of vodka and fruit punch, the brunette was already swaying from side to side. I love Ariana Grande.

He made it into the main room and found Zack with a random girl on his arm. "Seungmin! Are you drunk?!" He asked approaching his friend and abandoning the girl. "No. I only had one drink." Unlike Seungmin, Zack had a high tolerance for alcohol. "Oh my god! Seungmin what did you drink?"

"Just some punch and a beer." He smiled while Zack dragged him to the same couch. "God Min, you know you can't hold your liquor and you went and drank the strongest one at the party." Seungmin pouted being handed a bottle of water.

"Now stay here until I come back. Do not move, please." Seungmin wasn't even listening to the blonde, attention somewhere else. He had looking at the flashing lights from the DJ booth being mesmerized by the color.

The second Zack left a second presence say down next to Seungmin, but the brunette ignored him. "Hey." It was Bryan. Even in drunk form Seungmin rolled his eyes and moved away quite clumsily. "Go away Bryan."

__ __

"Don't be so sad Jin, she didn't deserve you." Felix tried consoling his best friend who was taking shots like his life depended on it. "But I loved her." Hyunjin said wiping his tears and slamming the glass down.

"Where are you going?" Felix asked seeing Hyunjin struggle to get up. "Going to get fresh air." He sighed and slumped in his seat knowing that no matter what he does the older isn't going to listen to him.

On his way outside, Hyunjin wiped his eyes bumping into random people. Apologizing quickly he made it to the door when something else caught his attention. Even in his drunk state of mind he could tell that the boy on the couch was uncomfortable with how close Bryan was getting.

Tripping over air, Hyunjin almost face planted when he tried to walk to them. "Leave me alone Bryan." The brunette said with a pout. "Yeah Bryan leave him alone." Hyunjin frowned grabbing Seungmin by the arm and helping the boy up, hiding him behind himself.

"Whatever." Bryan hiccuped and rolled his eyes walking away from the two. "You good?" Hyunjin asked not really seeing the boys fave because of how dark it was. "I'm fine." Seungmin sighed and fell back on the couch. "Want some company?" The brunette nodded and Hyunjin took a seat next to him.

"So what happened to you? Why is such a hot guy alone at a party?" Seungmin asked lips formed into a pout, staring at the Hyunjin. He could barely make out what the boy looked like. "My girlfriend cheated on me." Hyunjin said and his eyes got watery.

"It was one of my friends too." He said and started crying again. Seungmin frowned and his instincts told him to wrap his arms around the blonde. Hyunjin wiped his eyes and reached for the beer on the coffee table. "How about you?" He asked offering Seungmin some, the boy taking a sip.

"My dads homophobic. And I'm gay." The blonde winced at that. "Damn. That's got to sting." Seungmin nodded offering the beer to Hyunjin again.

(I can't do small talk)

Their night was spent with Seungmin and Hyunjin taking about some topics they couldn't talk about with other people. Zack somehow disappeared but Seungmin didn't care. Their aimless conversations ended up with Seungmin talking about the weather and Hyunjin listening to every word the brunette was saying.

Somehow the conversation shifted from weather to school, to them making out on the couch. Seungmin felt butterflies at the hands around his waist, never having much experience with boys. He was sat in Hyunjin's lap, the blonde sucking dark hickeys onto his neck.

I think it's fair to say that their night ended with a bang.


a/n: pls this was so bad sksksksk

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