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"Ugh fuck. My head." Hyunjin whined in discomfort rubbing his temples hoping to ease the pain in his brain. "Mr.Hwang?" The mentioned male looked up and Seungmin cringed seeing the older look so terrible.

"I brought some medicine for the headache." The puppy boy placed the bottle of pills down on the table. Hyunjin took them gratefully and pooped two in his mouth, taking out a water bottle from one of his desk compartments. "I was told to get you for the new photo shoot. We're going to the beach."

The blonde's eyes widened and he sat up groaning loudly. "Oh god. I totally forgot about that." Seungmin hid his smile and checked the plans he had again. "Don't worry, it doesn't start until 2pm. Mimi told me to tell you that she already cleared your schedule and you can go home."

"Yay." Seungmin had to turn away to hide his smile. A grown man who runs a giant ass company saying yay like a child. That's something you don't see everyday. "Okay thank you Mr.Kim. I guess I'll see you in a couple hours." Hyunjin smiled and used his long legs to get up and walk across the office.

Seungmin nodded and the long legged blonde walked out of the office. He didn't see Mimi on her desk but didn't pay much attention to it. While riding the elevator down he was stopped by Aejong. "Sir, you can't go home just yet."

"Why? Mr.Kim said the shoot didn't start until the afternoon." Aejong seemed taken aback by it. "O-oh he did? Well I guess I shouldn't stop you." She grabbed a hold of her platinum blonde hair again, twirling it around her finger. "Yeah. Bye Ms.Yoon." Hyunjin cleared his throat and walked past her.

Sighing out loud the blonde shook his head but it wasn't something that was new for him. Ever since he took over the company, many female and male employees had tried hitting on him. Actually, even before he took over the company. Everywhere he went, Hyunjin would be approached by so many people asking for his number. But he had no interest.

Parking the car in his designated spot, the blonde got out and rubbed his temples walking into the penthouse. He lived all the way at the top so the elevator ride was longer than most. Getting out, Hyunjin dropped everything in his hands on the couch and took off his tie on his way to his bedroom.

By the time he got to the actual room, his tie was thrown on the hallway and his shirt was half buttoned. Continuing to unbutton the white shirt, he took it off and threw it across the room as well. Falling face first onto his bed, the blonde closed his eyes and let the soft mattress engulf his tired body.

Meanwhile Seungmin was on call with Jisung. He asked the squirrel male to pick up Heejin since he couldn't do it himself. "Ah thank you Sung. You're really saving my life here." Seungmin said. "Of course Min. I'd be happy to pick up that adorable little llama."

"Llama?" Jisung giggled over the phone. "Yes Llama." Seungmin smiled and he shook his head. "Babe." He heard the faint sound of Minho's voice. "Oh look at that. I have to go. Bye Min." Jisung said before hanging up on the puppy boy leaving him confused but happy.

He really admired Minho's and Jisung's relationship. They were truly goals. Sometimes Seungmin wants someone like that. He wants someone to look at him and love him, doesn't matter the gender. The brunette was fine with the first few years of being single. He had to take care of his daughter and he wasn't too enthusiastic about getting into a relationship, especially not with his previous job.

But now it's been 8 years since he's done something or ever talked to someone with the intention of starting something. He misses that physical attention and even though he has his daughter and Insoo, he can't help but occasionally feel alone.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Seungmin's phone chimed. The screen lit up with a text from Mimi and Seungmin was confused why the girl was texting him.

Hey can u finish the file
on my desk?
I'm too tired


He replied simply and sighed, checking the time. If he did that within an hour then he'd have enough time to set up for the photo shoot and go to their destination. Walking to Mimi's desk, his eyes widened when he saw the thick file. Shit. This is going to take long. He thought and bit his lip.

Despite wanting to abandon the work, he took a seat on the chair and opened the file. The brunette barely started this job and he doesn't want his seniors to not like him. So he sighed and rested his head in his hand, beginning to work on the files.

His fingers were hurting from the excessive typing and his back ached from sitting in a hunched position for nearly one and a half hours. Cracking his neck, the brunette sighed out in relief when he finally finished the work. Cracking his knuckles, the puppy boy neatly placed the file on the desk and got up.

"Shit! I'm screwed!" He was so busy trying to get the work done (that wasn't even his) he forgot about the photo shoot he was supposed to be at. Rushing to his car he started the vehicle and was panting heavily driving out of the parking lot. "Oh fuck. How can you forget." He nervously chewed on the inside of his cheeks and checked the time.

If he wasn't there in 5 minutes then the brunette was toast. Quickly getting out of the seat, he ran down the beach cringing when he felt the sand enter his shoes but this job was more important.

"I'm so sorry for being late. Something came up." The staff already there seemed pissed and Seungmin saw Mimi with her arms crossed. "Next time try managing your time better. You made all of us including Mr.Hwang wait in the sun."

"I'm really sorry I was just so-" Aejong cut him off. "Stop apologizing to us. You should be sorry to Mr.Hwang." The brunette turned to his boss who just came out wearing swimming trunks with no shirt. "I'm really sorry for being late Mr.Hwang. I promise it won't happen again."

Hyunjin smiled and the girls squealed. "No worries Mr.Kim. It happens sometimes, but don't let it become a habit." Seungmin smiled gratefully and nodded vigorously. "Okay let's start." Both Mimi and Aejong were shocked at how soft their boss was with Seungmin.

The long legged man was very strict about time and managing it. When they first got late, he almost popped a vein.

Seungmin sighed out in relief and grabbed the camera from one of the staff, thanking them. Hyunjin stood in front of the backdrop they had created and a bunch of guys threw a bucket of water on him. The blonde shuddered and shook his head moving the wet hair from his face.

"Let's go." Seungmin nodded coming back from LaLaLand and fixed the camera. Making sure the lens was focused, he made a couple adjustments and double checked to see if it was focused and he snapped a picture.

The entire day Seungmin would catch himself slipping staring at his boss' upper body but he quickly blushed and slapped himself out of it. He is your boss who is very straight. But very good looking. No. Don't be that person. He scolded himself.

Of course Hyunjin noticed it though. The blonde wasn't dumb and caught the little stares that would linger too much on his body. He couldn't help but smirk. The blush on Seungmin's cheeks when he realized he was caught was too adorable. What the fuck? What are you saying? It's probably just the sun. He glanced back at Seungmin who was focus pouting checking the photos.

Yeah totally the sun.


a/n: am i going too fast?

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