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"Sir, do you want to go to lunch?" Aejong asked twirling her blonde hair. Jeongin looked up at her, then looked at Hyunjin. The boss closed the paper he was working on and put the pen down. "Actually-" Jeongin interrupted. "That sounds great. I was getting really hungry get, anyways. Wanna go Jin?"

The question made Aejong chuckle awkwardly. Hyunjin shrugged and stood up with Jeongin. "Sure. Why not? Call everyone else in the department." Jeongin hid his smile and got up following Hyunjin like a little duckling. Aejong sighed out loudly and glared at the back of Jeongin's head.

"Hey, Mr.Kim." The mentioned male looked up seeing Hyunjin and another cute boy next to him. "We're going out for lunch. Do you want to come?" Seungmin checked the time. Heejin should be with Jisung and Minho right now. "Sure." He smiled like :] and got up from his chair.

Hyunjin nodded and Jeongin crossed his arms. With narrowed eyes he looked back and forth between Seungmin and Hyunjin. Seungmin was packing up his things and putting his phone in his pocket, meanwhile Hyunjin had his hands stuffed in his pants, watching the youngers every move.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and mentally facepalmed. Straight. Yeah sure Jin. Your as straight as a fucking circle. The ravenette gave his friend that teasing look and Hyunjin scoffed slapping him on the arm. "Let's go." Seungmin smiled and Hyunjin nodded.

A couple more members of their team joined and they were just waiting for one last person when Jeongin had an emergency. "I have to use the bathroom." He stated simply and sped walked to the direction of the toilets. "Why are all of you here?" Chan asked coming out of his office.

"Oh well, we're all going to get some food. Would you like the join us?" The ravenette scanned the people not seeing Jeongin and he nodded. "Sure." Hyunjin nodded and Chan went back in to grab his wallet and jacket. "Okay okay I'm back." Jeongin smiled reappearing next to Seungmin.

But his smile fell and he saw Chan for the second time that day. Seungmin gulped sensing the tension in the air and subconsciously scooted to the left. Hyunjin noticed the younger move slightly next to him and looked down at his shoes hiding his smile.

Aejong saw how the two were close and her blood boiled. She rudely pushed Seungmin out of the way and squeezed herself next to Hyunjin. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Jeongin glared at her, attention shifting from his ex-boyfriend to the annoying girl. Hyunjin's jaw clenched seeing Seungmin get shoved to the side.

"Don't do that." The tone of voice surprised everyone there and Seungmin played with his fingers feeling the eyes on him. Hyunjin walked away from the girl and stood next to Seungmin again, Jeongin's jaw dropped to the floor and even Chan was surprised. The startled brunette looked up at his boss with eyes as big as dinner plates, while Hyunjin stared down at him before looking away.

"I think we should go." Jeongin said and everyone started to move their legs towards the exit/entrance. Altogether there were only 6 employees heading out to lunch. The other ones were either absent or too busy to stop for a lunch break. "Where are we going to go?" Seungmin asked, checking the time. An all too old habit. "Let's go to the Italian Restaurant across the street." Jeongin suggested happily.

Hyunjin nodded, approving the choice and Seungmin puffed out his cheeks. The brunette could feel the death glare burning holes in the back of his head and he thought that maybe falling behind would stop him from being murder. But that wasn't the case.

Seungmin kept purposely falling back from the group every two minutes and Hyunjin who took notice stopped to let him catch up. The brunette whined internally, walking side by side with his boss. It felt so fucking awkward because they were a good 4 feet away, none of them were talking, and their hands would brush every two seconds.

Hyunjin cleared his throat and looked the other way closing his eyes feeling the embarrassment creep into his body. Pushing open the restaurant door, Hyunjin let Seungmin go in first and went after the brunette. Taking a seat at a table, it wasn't a coincidence that Hyunjin ended up next to Seungmin.

The younger male bit his lip and nervously picked up the menu. Scanning the items on the menu he just settled for some simple chicken alfredo. Jeongin who had the menu in front of his face in like a spy manner, narrowed his eyes looking at Hyunjin, observing his best friends body language.

Oh would you look at that. The one, the only, Hwang Hyunjin has a crush. The ravenette smirked. I can't wait to rub it in his face that I knew all along. Chan who was next to his ex, looked to the side and sighed before shifting his gaze.

Everyone ordered what they wanted and the waitress left with her notepad, disappearing into the kitchen. "So, Chan. Is it your first day at the company?" Erick asked folding his hands in the table. "No actually, I used to work here a long time ago."

"And you just decided to come back again?" The ravenette nodded. "Why did you leave in the first place though?" Chan, Hyunjin and Jeongin all froze. Jeongin glanced at Chan and not a single nerve on his face moved. "Just personal." Erick cleared his throat and nodded feeling the tension, not pushing any further.

Hyunjin gave Jeongin a worried look and the younger smiled shakily trying to assure him that everything was fine. But it wasn't. No one knew the real reason Jeongin and Chan, the perfect couple in the world, suddenly broke up. Nobody knew except for Jeongin and Hyunjin.

The waitress came back with all of their foods and Seungmin's eyes shined seeing the delicious food in front of him. His phone dinged and the brunette took out the device and sent a quick reply to Minho. Putting his phone down, Seungmin picked up the fork and started eating.

The blonde was almost done with his food and he was quite pleased with the afternoon. From earlier, the tense atmosphere quickly lifted and everything was just flowing on its own. Aejong stopped being a bitch and Chan actually joined in on a conversation.

Jeongin was stuck staring at his ex boyfriends side profile, smiling every time the older did. Chan wasn't stupid. He felt Jeongin's eyes on him but he just didn't care enough to respond.

Seungmin finished his food and drank some of his water, almost choking when he felt something on his thigh. Looking at Hyunjin, the older realized his mistake and removed his hand from the brunettes thighs so fast. "I-shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't do it on purpose I swear." Seungmin's cheeks were flaming red, the same as Hyunjin's

"Uhm..its..uh its fine." The younger said clearing his throat and looking away. "Excuse me." He said and got up to go to the bathroom leaving Hyunjin in a pool of his own shame. His hands landed on his eyes and he scolded himself in every language he knew.

Meanwhile Seungmin was in the bathroom fanning his face. Just a simple touch shouldn't be powerful enough to make him blush that hard, but you can't blame him. Hyunjin is super hot and it's been almost 9 years since he even came near a guy like in that way.

He patted his face and sighed out, strands of his hair blowing up. "Ugh." Seungmin whined covering his face and wanting the earth to open up and swallow him whole.

Back in the restaurant, Hyunjin was feeling the same feeling. "Hey, are you okay?" Jeongin asked and Hyunjin nodded. "Just peachy."


a/n: imagine accidentally touching somebody else's thigh. could never be me😅

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