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"Don't leave me again." Those words hit Jeongin's heart so hard. His eyes watered and he looked down seeing Chan asleep in his arms. Wiping the tears from his ex-lovers eyes, Jeongin did the same to his. "I didn't want to leave you. But you would've hated me."

He tried so hard to suppress his cries, fingers playing with Chan's hair, twisting it around his finger. "I'm so sorry. I was so fucking stupid." He apologized, planting a kiss on Chan's head. Taking a shaky breath in, he closed his eyes.


"Bye. I love you." Chan said grabbing Jeongin's waist and placing a kiss on the boy's lips. Pulling away the younger smiled. "Bye Channie. I love you too." Before leaving, Chan placed a last kiss on his boyfriends neck right above the fading hickeys.

"Don't piss off Mr.Hwang again. You're his assistant so don't slack off and take notes." Chan hummed going to the door, a bag on his shoulder. "Okay. And you too mister. Don't be working so hard and take care of your health." Jeongin nodded leaning on the doorframe.

Smiling at his lover a final time, Jeongin watched the blonde leave and sighed pouting slightly. Closing the door he leaned against the back of the door. Locking all of the doors and windows he sprinted to the bathroom.

Closing the door behind himself, Jeongin sighed out loud nervously. Wiping his hands on his pants, the brunette took a seat on the edge of the bathtub and reached for the pregnancy test on the counter upside down. "Oh god I'm going to puke." He said turning it around.

His eyes widened and his palm slapped across his mouth. Jeongin needed a second to process the information he was holding in his hands. "Holy shit. I-I'm p-pregnant?" He asked himself chewing on his lips.

Jeongin's heart was pounding inside his rib cage and he needed to take a couple of deep breaths and reassure himself. "It's fine. You'll tell him when he gets back. Everything is going to be just fine." He reminded himself and smiled.

Throwing away the rest, the brunette went back to their bedroom and sighed. Changing out of his current clothes, Jeongin searched his boyfriends section of the closet and found his favorite hoodie that belonged to Chan. Putting it on, the brunette smiled and gave himself sweater paws falling on the bed.

The piece of material smelled like his boyfriend and Jeongin hummed, very satisfied with the scent. Chan wasn't even gone an hour and Jeongin was already missing his boyfriend.

Yawning, Jeongin hugged the small fox plushie in the corner of the bed he named Jungwon and fell asleep.

__ __

"I miss you. Why is it taking so long?" Jeongin pouted over the phone caressing his small stomach. He really didn't want to tell his boyfriend about such a big deal over the phone. "I know baby. I'm sorry, it's just that Mr.Hwang has a whole lot of work. I think I'll be back by next week."

Jeongin sighed silently. "Alright. Have you eaten yet?" Chan smiled at the question and put down the pen he was holding. "Yeah I did, love. Did you?" Jeongin hummed. "Mhm. I had a sandwich a couple minutes ago." The brunette lied.

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