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Coming back home at around 10pm, Seungmin could barely keep his eyes open. He didn't have to stay the extra hours but he needed to finish editing the photos and getting them to the person in charge of all socials.

Yawning, the puppy boy turned on the light, pleasantly surprised when he saw Insoo and Heejin cuddled up on the couch together. The expression of shock then turned to a smile and he carefully approached the two. Cooing silently, Seungmin put his stuff down and gently picked up his daughter carrying her to her room.

Placing her down on the mattress she stirred but was still asleep. Seungmin placed the covers over her small body and he sighed kneeling in front of the bed and staring at her small face.
She was really precious to Seungmin.

A couple years ago when he was still pregnant if you told him that he'd love the baby in his belly with every fiber of his being, he would uncomfortably excuse himself. But now, he doesn't shy away from it. His daughter was his entire world and the only reason Seungmin didn't collapse. Heejin motivated him to keep going and be successful in life. He would always be grateful to his daughter. They didn't start their relationship when she was still a fetus and that was Seungmin's biggest regret. Everyday he would hope for a time machine so he could go back and spend more time with his kid when she was still squirming in his belly.

But that's impossible. So now he shows all of his love to her, hating himself for not being able to do it when he should've. Blinking away his tears, Seungmin placed a small kiss on her little forehead and got up to leave. "Papa..." she mumbled with half open eyes. "Stay."

And who was Seungmin to say no? Shrugging off his, jacket he didn't care if he was in uncomfortable jeans and crawled into bed with his daughter. Heejin almost instantly curled up next to her papa, sticking to the brunettes side and Seungmin hugged her. "I love you papa."

"I love you too, my baby." He said before closing his eyes. Heejin moved closer to her papa, if that was even possible, and Seungmin smiled. He inhaled her addicting strawberry scent and placed a final kiss on her head, falling asleep after.

That night despite being in jeans, Seungmin had the best sleep in his life. Getting to wake up with his adorable daughter snuggled up to him was truly the best way to start a morning. "Jinnie." He whispered and the little girl only breathed in response, still deep in her slumber. "Sweetie you have to get up." He said. "I made cupcakes."

At the mention of food, she stirred and forcefully opened her eyes. "Cupcakes?" Seungmin giggled quietly and sat up helping her sit up too. "Hm..papa. I missed you." She muttered sleepily yawning after. "I missed you too my darling."

The door was thrown open by none other than Yoo Insoo who smiled sheepishly. "Morning Kim's." Heejin glared at him cutely for disturbing her sleep. "Damn little lady. No need to look at me like that." He placed his hand over his heart and Heejin closed her eyes momentarily before getting up to her feet.

Seungmin chuckled at her messy bed hair that resembled a birds nest and shifted his attention to Insoo once the bathroom door closed. "So where were you last night?" He asked putting the spatula he was holding down. "Work." The reply was simple and he got out of bed.

"Thank you for staying with her." The older smiled cutely. "Of course Minnie. I'd be happy to watch her. Now that she doesn't throw baby food around anymore, I think we get along pretty well." The puppy boy walked out of the room and Insoo followed. "Yeah. Thank you for always being there."

Insoo smiled softly and embraced Seungmin into a hug. "I'll always be there." He said before kissing the brunettes head and wiggling his eyebrows. "So how hot is your boss." And Seungmin pushed him away, closing the door on his face. Insoo flinched and pouted. "Just answer the question." No reply. "Can I meet him?"

"No." The reply made Insoo make a stupid face and he admitted defeat going back to the kitchen to resume his cooking.

It was quite warm outside so Seungmin put in the first summer clothes he could get his hands on. Which was just a pair of light blue denim shorts and a mint green t shirt. Brushing his hair and sweeping the brown locks to the side, the brunette walked out of the room.

He saw Heejin sat on her spot eating cereal out of a bowl. "I made breakfast." Insoo smiled proudly and placed the bowl of cheerios in front of Seungmin. The brunette looked down at it and giggled. "Thank you, Soo." Picking up the spoon, he shook his head and began eating.

By the time they were done, Heejin was already close to falling asleep. She would've if it wasn't for Insoo. The tall male spraying water in her every time her eyes closed. Seungmin came back from upstairs carrying Heejin's bag. He didn't even question what was going on at the dinner table and focused on making his daughter lunch.

Cutting the crust off the sandwich, he placed it in a little ziplock bag. Alongside it was a small bag of chips, two chocolate chip cookies, a piece of candy and some juice. The brunette also refilled her water bottle and handed it to her, wiping the water from her face.

The three walked out of the sort meant complex and to anyone with working eyes they looked like a family. But that's because they are. They've been through so many years together. It's be an insult not to call them family.

This time Insoo was dropping Heejin off. Seungmin cupped her soft cheeks and placed a peck on her forehead. "Bye darling." She happily waved back getting into the taller's car. Seungmin smiled seeing the car begin to drive off and he got into his own.

Driving to work, files were handed to him immediately and the brunette flinched but carried them to his desk anyways. Last night he finished his work and got up going to Hyunjin's office to turn it in and have the blonde check over it.

Knocking on the door he walked in and smiled politely at his boss and the pregnant freckled male in front of him. He remembers him ad Felix. "Ah thank you Seungmin." He smiled at the brunette and took the file looking over it briefly.

Felix looked between Hyunjin and Seungmin. "That will be all Mr.Hwang. I'll see you later." The blonde nodded and Felix snickered lowly catching Hyunjin's eyes travel down the brunettes body, lingering in his ass, before they left with him. "What?"

Hyunjin asked looking back at Felix. The freckled shook his head small hands resting in his bump. "Nothing. But like...isn't he cute?" Hyunjin looked up at Felix, then back at the closed door. He cleared his throat and read the file Seungmin turned in.

"I guess he is."




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