twenty five

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"How did Jeongin get sick?" Seungmin asked when the two were starting to get ready to go home. "He stayed outside too long. I swear he's like a little child." The blonde sighed and shook his head while Seungmin grinned. Holding the brunettes hand, Hyunjin ignored his pounding heart and lead him to the elevator.

"Oh Mr.Hwang. Thank god I caught you you need to-" Hyunjin's smile disappeared seeing Aejong, the woman rushing to them. Her words were abruptly stopped when her gaze landed in their interlocked hands. Feeling the glare Hyunjin took a step in front of Seungmin, almost in like a protective manner. "What is it you need Ms.Yoon?"

"Uhm." She cleared her throat forcing a smile on her face. "I just needed you to sign these documents regarding the trade between the company and HYBE." The blonde nodded not letting go of Seungmin's hand, the younger holding onto Hyunjin's arm like a child.

"Alright just place them down on my desk and I'll sign it first thing tomorrow morning." She nodded her head before leaving, not forgetting to send a subtle glare to Seungmin. Her heels clacked, meeting with the floor and Hyunjin turned to the brunette.

The gorgeous smile was back on his face. "Sorry for that. She can be a bit...much sometimes." Seungmin laughed in a way it was mixed with a sigh. "I think she's quite..pleasant." The two giggled quietly and Hyunjin's eyes lingered on the younger. Taking in his breathtaking features he felt the air being knocked out of his lungs. Hyunjin never felt this way before.

Sensing eyes on him, Seungmin looked at the blonde and Hyunjin quickly averted his gaze to the small scratch on the metal walls. Seungmin smiled to himself and raised Hyunjin's hand, playing with it. "You have pretty hands." The blonde chuckled. "Thank you." And Seungmin only hummed before playing with Hyunjin's long fingers.

The elevator doors opened and Hyunjin dragged the brunette to his car. Seungmin blushed and snorted when Hyunjin opened the door for him. "I guess chivalry isn't dead after all." Hyunjin gave the younger a charming smile before winking and sprinting to the other side. Getting in he buckled his seatbelt and began driving.

"The author hates small talk, and they can't write it to save their lives." Hyunjin said. "So we just pretend like we're having a good time and the conversation is interesting?" Seungmin asked and the blonde nodded. "Yep."

Getting to Seungmin's apartment building, Hyunjin opened the door for Seungmin again and the brunette cringed at the sweet act. Like usual, Hyunjin walked Seungmin to his apartment, standing in front of the door he shuffled with his feet.

Hyunjin was having an internal battle with himself wondering if what he was going to do is the right thing to do. Is it taking things too fast? His palms got clammy and he stared at Seungmin's gorgeous face, eyes going down to the brunettes pink lips.

"Can I kiss you?" Seungmin's cheeks turned pink at the question and Hyunjin's eyes widened at the straightforwardness of his tone. "I-uh-I mean-" Seungmin smiled softly and tip toed grabbing Hyunjin's collar and leaning in, lips colliding together.

The blonde instantly held onto Seungmin's waist, bringing the younger closer. It was a sweet kiss, no tongues, but both of them still got butterflies from it. Pulling away, Seungmin blushed in embarrassment and his head fell on Hyunjin's shoulder.

" you...want to be my boyfriend." The question made Seungmin look up and his eyes looked almost nervous. He bit on his bottom lip and gulped softly. "I have a daughter." Seungmin said and he was ready. He was preparing himself for the nervous stuttering and the sudden change of mind. He was ready for Hyunjin to run for the hills.

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