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The day before

"You fucking idiot, why even mention me?" Hyunjin crossed his arms getting scolded by Jeongin. "Because I panicked. I didn't want Seungmin to think that it was a date."

"But it was a date. You were trying to ask him out on a date!" The blonde blinked up at Jeongin and the younger sighed putting his hands together. "Just so you know, I am not going to come with you." Hyunjin's eyes widened. "But how am I supposed to talk to him?"

Jeongin shrugged starting to pack up his stuff. "I don't know, figure it out. I'm busy." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked to the door. "Text me the details." Hyunjin sighed watching Jeongin disappear behind the door. Oh god I'm so screwed.

He thought and sighed, messing up his hair.

"oOoO~~ Seungmin's going on a date." Insoo teased the younger earning himself a slap across the head. "It's not a date. His friends going to be there." The brunette unknowingly pouted checking his outfit at the mirror. Hyunjin said that they'd go after work. "But you want it to be."

One sharp glare from Seungmin and Insoo raised his arms in a surrendering manner backing away slowly. "Damn." Heejin showed her adorable dimpled smile from behind the door and Seungmin bent down hugging her tiny frame, squeezing her. "God. Why does it feel like I haven't seen you in years." She pouted but burst into giggles when Seungmin started kissing her face.

"Because you've been busy working." Heejin replied and a part of Seungmin's heart felt heavy. But the puppy boy nodded anyways. "Papa, uncle Soo said that you were going on a date." Seungmin's eyes widened. "No sweetie it's not-"

"I think it's okay papa. Daddy's never going to show." She looked down at her feet but smiled at him when she looked up again. "Well thank you my love. But I'm not going on a date." He gave a sharp look to Insoo and the brunette looked away acting innocent.

"Oh. That's fine too. You think he can be my daddy." A pretty pink color bloomed on Seungmin's cheeks and the brunette cleared his throat. Insoo stifled his laugh and the brunette got up to his normal height. "I don't know baby, but probably not. Now why don't we go have breakfast?" She nodded and ran to the kitchen.

Seungmin glared at Insoo and mouthed to the older before walking away. "I'll kill you." The taller male scoffed playfully. "Sure sweetie. What are you going to do? Break my kneecaps?" Insoo laughed and walked in front of the younger. Seungmin kicked the back of Insoo's knees and chuckled when the older fell to the floor with a pained wince.

Heejin was confused staring at her papa who had a satisfied smile on his face. She peeked behind Seungmin and saw her uncle Soo on the ground with one knee, rubbing his legs. "What happened papa?" She asked carefully carrying her breakfast bowl to the dinner table.

Seungmin pulled a chair for her and she sat down. "Oh nothing. Insoo just tripped." The ravenette nodded and didn't dwell much on it. It seemed like every time his uncle laughed, he tripped and fell. "He should be more careful."

"I know sweetie. But he never listens." The older sat down and pouted grabbing his bowl. Seungmin smiled and thought, what a great way to start my morning.

"Bye my darling." Heejin gave her papa a hug per their routine and walked away to school. Seungmin checked the time and got into his car driving to the company. The first thing he did was take off his jacket and start his computer.

From behind him Hyunjin walked by and the brunette smiled at the older who smiled back with tinted cheeks. I'm so not ready for this. The blonde thought. I hope I don't mess up too badly. Please don't let him be in a relationship already.

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