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-The Next Morning-

Oh god oh fuck I am so screwed shit shit shit shit fuck!! Seungmin thought grabbing his clothes from the floor and his rings from the nightstand. "What the-" he winced standing up and limped to the bathroom fixing his clothes at the same time.

He woke up a couple minutes ago on a random end in a random room with his clothes scattered everywhere. Seungmin didn't dare look at the boy who was asleep next to him, only seeing a peek of the boy's blonde hair but that was it. "Oh no, I'm going to die." Seungmin groaned.

His head was pounding, his throat was dry and his ass was sore. Downstairs everything was a mess, students passed out here and there. Grabbing his phone, Seungmin tried calling Zack but the blonde didn't answer him. He tried so much but it went straight to voicemail.

Cursing at his best friend in both English and Korean, Seungmin groaned and ignored the weird looks he got from passer byers. Walking to the bus stop he kept his head down and got in when the giant vehicle pulled up. Paying the driver, Seungmin took a seat at the very end of the bus and rubbed his temples. His head hurt so fucking bad.

Getting to his stop, the puppy like boy got off the bus and walked at least fifteen minutes before reaching his neighborhood. Their house was the second to last one in the street and Seungmin pushed open the door being met with his father.

"What the fuck Seungmin!? Where were you!?" He asked and the brunette winced at the loud yelling holding his head. "I'm so sorry dad. I didn't realize it was morning already." Mr.Kim clenched his jaw and walked up to Seungmin.

"Are you- did you- are those-" he was at a loss of words moving Seungmin's head side to side examining the dark hickeys. "Oh my god Seungmin. You're grounded. No more parties for you." The brunette nodded and his father angrily stomped to the kitchen taking out a couple pills before handing them to his son.

Gratefully, Seungmin took the medicine and gulped down some water going up to his room. Once he reached there, Seungmin changed out of his clothes that reeked if alcohol and jumped into the shower. His entire body was sore and he felt sticky hoping the shower would help.

Replacing his party clothes with gray sweats and a t-shirt, Seungmin crawled into his bed and got under the covers. Closing his eyes, the brunette hummed in content and he fell asleep. Mr.Kim came to check on the boy a couple minutes later and sighed shaking his head. Placing Seungmin's phone in charge he left the room again.

-1 month later-

It was almost graduation day and instead of partying with his friends, Seungmin was hunched over the toilet, puking his brains out. His dad had went to work a couple hours ago leaving his only son to vomit out everything he ate.

Seungmin gasped breathing heavily and wiping his mouth. Flushing the toilet, he got up on his weak legs and went to the sink. Washing his hands, Seungmin grabbed his toothbrush, getting the disgusting taste of vomit out of his mouth.

Putting some water on the stove, Seungmin grabbed a teabag and his favorite green mug. When the water came to a boil, he pored it over the teabag and watched the clear water run a transparent green from the tea leaves.

Taking a seat on the couch Seungmin sighed and laid his head on the back of the couch. So many thoughts were running through his head, just staring at the black TV screen. He was deep in thought and after he was done with his tea, Seungmin checked the time biting on his bottom lip. His dad wouldn't be home for another couple of hours.

Sighing out nervously, he got up to his feet. Checking his outfit, the brunette saw he was only wearing white shorts and a blue shirt but deemed the clothes fine. Slipping on his slippers, he locked the house and walked out to the nearest supermarket near his house.

Entering through the sliding doors, Seungmin went straight to the pharmacy section. Staring at the item he wanted to get, the brunette ruffled his fluffy hair before sighing out and grabbing the thing he came for. On his way, Seungmin also grabbed some chocolate ice cream.

At the register the lady gave him a questioning look seeing him buy a pink pregnancy test as well as chocolate ice cream. Seungmin cleared his throat and appreciated the lady not saying him anything. Quickly grabbing the plastic bag, Seungmin cautiously walked back home.

Locking the door he checked the time again and out the ice cream in the freezer. Seungmin wasn't stupid. He knew the signs of pregnancy, the brunette has studied it for science class. But knowing about it doesn't make him less nervous.

Following the instructions on the box his hands slightly shook and he set the timer for five minutes. Those 300 seconds felt like absolute torture for Seungmin, bopping his legs up and down nervously. Biting down on his fingernails, the puppy like boy flinched when the timer went off.

The loud noise echoed in the small bathroom and Seungmin closed his eyes, turning the plastic stick so he could see the results.

Seungmin wanted to die. Crystal tears rolled down his cheeks as he buried his face in his arms, the small plastic thing in his hand falling to the restroom floor, the thud echoing the walls of his skull. He was so sure that it was just a false alarm. He thought that maybe he was sick, or ate something bad.

But nope. Those two pink lines on the pregnancy test crumbled his entire life into rubble. Seungmin couldn't think straight from the amount of diamond like liquid falling out of his eyes.

It was hard to breathe and he covered his face with his hands just staying on the bathroom floor, leaned up against the white door. He doesn't know what to do.

Seungmin is only 17 years old, how is he going to raise a child. He is a child himself. And not to mention his dad. How is he going to tell his father that the son he thought was straight, was pregnant? He can't possibly raise a kid, he's not mentally or physically ready to give birth to a child.

Wiping his tears was useless as more kept replacing them. Seungmin hiccuped chewing on his bottom lip and messing up his hair. Getting off of the cold floor he picked up the pregnancy test and stuffed it into his pocket. Dad can never find out. He would get kicked out for sure.

Going to his room, Seungmin bend down in front of his closet and hid the test under all of his unclean clothes he's never going ti out in the laundry. Not unless his dad yells at him.

Seungmin wiped his tears and cursed walking to the living room. He opened the fridge and grabbed his ice cream along with a spoon to eat it with.

Plopping himself down on the couch, Seungmin opened the lid and stared into oblivion looking like he found out her secret of the universe while eating the cold dessert. I'm so fucked.


a/n: now this, this is a situation i'm familiar with lol

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