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"He quit?" Hyunjin nodded looking down at his coffee mug. "After you left, he just kinda flunked on his work and left the company." Jeongin bit down on his lip and cleared his throat. "Oh." Hyunjin sensed the mood. "Don't worry though. I'm pretty sure he got his shit together. I heard he was going to join the company again."

The blondes phone beeped and he finished his coffee. "Anyways, Innie I have to go. Try not to burn my apartment down." Jeongin laughed when Hyunjin gave him that look. "Promise. But don't count on that." Hyunjin shook his head and grabbed his stuff. "Bye." He smiled and walked out the door.

In the company, Hyunjin stuffed his hands into his long coat and ignored the subtle flirting that would occasionally come his way. Waiting for the elevator, the blonde heard the ding and was about to go in when his feet were frozen in place.

"What you're not going to get in?" Chan joked and Hyunjin was quick to shake his head and walk into the right space. "I didn't know you'd be back today." Hyunjin said, hating the tension in the air. Chan shrugged. "Yeah well, your dad called me and I couldn't refuse him."

Hyunjin hummed and he couldn't help but stare at Chan. He had changed so much. Last time Hyunjin saw him, he was blonde, and not as buff. But now. Jesus, now he dyed his hair back to black and even though Chan was wearing clothes, he could see his biceps flexing. He must've really taken it hard.

The elevator ride was so fucking awkward and unnatural. The two have been friends as long as they remember but it felt like they were strangers at this point. A question was itching to be let out and Chan cleared his throat. "So uhm...have you heard from him?"

Chan asked. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and his body language screamed that he didn't care, but Hyunjin knew his friend. "Yeah. He actually showed up in front of my building last night." Chan nodded and the doors opened. The two employees on the other side bowed to Hyunjin and the two walked out.

"Well I suppose you know what to do." The ravenette nodded and walked through the building he knew like the back of his hand. Hyunjin sighed and stared at Chan's back rubbing his temples. It hasn't even hit 10am and he already felt the headache coming on.

Walking to his office he saw Seungmin carrying fat stacks of paper and it caught his attention. "Mr.Kim?" Seungmin looked up. "What are all of those papers for?" He asked not remembering giving that much work to the younger. Seungmin readjusted the glasses in his face. "Ms.Yoon asked me to drop these off at her desk."

"But why would you do that?" Hyunjin was confused. Seungmin opened his mouth to answer but Aejong approached them. "Uhm..excuse me." Seungmin struggled holding the stack and Hyunjin wanted to help him but Aejong was holding him back.

"Ms.Yoon would you mind answering why Mr.Kim is doing your job for you?" He crossed his arms. "Oh no sir. He's not doing my job for me. Mr.Kim just offered his help seeing how heavy the papers were." Hyunjin narrowed his eyes not believing what Aeojong was saying. But instead he subtly rolled his eyes and dismissed her.

Hyunjin saw Seungmin place the papers down on her desk and stare at his hands. Even from a distance, the blonde could tell that they're ere red and he frowned. Looking back at Aejong, he saw her casually talking with Mimi. Maybe I should let her know it's time to leave. Hyunjin out down his stuff and sat in his chair.

Halfway through the day, Seungmin had visited his office more than 3 times. The brunette was delivering things he expected from Mimi and Aejong. After the sixth time he got really suspicious. "Mr.Kim, are you perhaps doing other employees work for them?"

Seungmin looked confused and he tilted his head to the side. "No. Sir, I was just helping them." Don't bullshit yourself. You know you were doing it for them. "Oh." Hyunjin out down his pen and folded his hands in his desk. "Well, Mr.Kim. Your job is taking care of the models and editing the pictures, if you are caught doing any other work that doesn't belong to you, someone will get in trouble."

The brunette nodded understanding what his boss was saying. "Okay good." Seungmin sighed out on his way out and rubbed the back of his neck.

On the desk, Hyunjin's phone buzzed and he already knew who it was.

I'm here
Don't be happy crying
in your office

Just come up

Jeongin smiled seeing the message and put the device inside his pocket. Skipping around the huge company he was in awe, eyes sparkling at how pretty it looked. He was so distracted that he didn't see in front of him and bumped into someone, the papers in their hand dropping.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Jeongin's first reaction was to bend down and pick up the papers from the floor. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." He handed the last paper to the man and that's when they finally saw each other.

Jeongin bit on his bottom lip and Chan's face hardened seeing the person who broke his heart. The older got up and Jeongin followed. "Channie-" but Chan already walked away leaving Jeongin to purse his lips together and hang his head.

Sighing out a shaky breath, he continued where he was walking. To Hyunjin's office. On his way he walked past Seungmin, the brunette having his nose stuck in a paper file. Knocking on the door, he smiled and showed his face.

"Hello. Im here to brighten up your day." Hyunjin smiled and leaned back. "Did you get bored?" The younger nodded, pouting lightly. "Your house is so boring. You know for a millionaire, you sure don't know how to spend your money."

"Are you here for my credit card?" Hyunjin questioned and the younger chuckled shaking his head. "No. Like I said." Jeongin lifted both of his arms. "I'm here to give you company."

"Hey, can you make copies of this." Aejong asked approaching Seungmin at the copy machine. The brunette was done and about to leave but he nodded nonetheless and took the papers from her. "2 of each please." Seungmin nodded once more and placed the paper in the copier.

I am way too nice. He thought, waiting for it finish.


a/n: i'm fucking sleep deprived

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