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"Happy birthday Jinnie." Hyunjin smiled when his dad greeted him at the dinner table, his mom next to her husband. "Awh thank you guys." His parents hugged him and his eyes sparkled like a child's seeing the pretty cake on the dinner table.

"Happy birthday my love. I can't believe you've grown so much." His mother placed a kiss on his cheek and Hyunjin hugged her back. Even if he was an adult and running a company, Hyunjin was never too old for his mothers hugs and praises. "Here I made the cake myself."

The blonde took a seat with his two parents next to him and he cut a piece. The first one went to his mother and the next one was for his father. Picking up the fork he placed a piece in his mouth and his eyes brightened.

"Oh this is so good." Hyunjin said smiling at his mom. The beautiful woman grinned happily and rested her chin in her palm. Their relationship was really the best. Who cares if people see him as "too old"? Everyone needs love from their parents.

"I'm glad you like it."

Breakfast went by really quickly and before he knew it the tall male was getting ready to go to work. His parents left a couple minutes ago but not before giving him a gift. Hyunjin got a new Rolex from his father and his mother gifted him a beautiful diamond necklace.

The tall male smiled and grabbed his phones going downstairs to his living room and picking up the car keys. Driving to the company, the second he got out of the vehicle he was greeted by many wishes from his employees.

Amongst them was the very confused Kim Seungmin who had no idea it was his birthday. On Hyunjin's office desk was an entire mountain of fan mail wishing him a happy birthday. The blonde carefully packed all of them inside a bag and started his work.

A couple hours into his job, the door was opened by his secretary who gave him a smile. "Mr.Hwang. It's your birthday today and the employees want to go to dinner tonight and have some Korean Barbecue. Do you want to come?" Mimi asked. "Sure. Why not."

The gorgeous girl nodded and went back her heels clicking on the shiny floor. Following her departure, Seungmin walked in. "Hi. I have the reports you asked for." Hyunjin laid down the pen in his hand and got up. "Thank you, Mr.Kim." Their fingers brushed lightly when Seungmin handed him the file.

Quickly checking over the reports he placed them on his desk. "Will that be all?" Seungmin nodded. "I'll be back in a couple hours with more concerning the recent project." The blonde nodded and went back to his seat. "Happy birthday Mr.Hwang." Seungmin said closing the door behind himself.

Hyunjin smiled to himself and checked the time before grabbing the recent file and looking over it with more precision and sharper eyes. He was expecting a couple mistakes since it was Seungmin's first day at the job but the tall man was pleasantly surprised when he found none.

On his way downstairs, Seungmin's phone chimed alerting him that he got a text message from Insoo.

Why am I friends with Him?
Hey u still coming early for
Jin's birthday?

Of course
I'm not missing my daughters

Turning off his phone, Seungmin smiled thinking about his little daughter. She turned 9 years old today and Seungmin just wanted to wrap her in a blanket and cuddle her, hoping she never ages so she could always be with her papa.

What are the odds that my boss' birthday is the same day as Heejin's? He asked himself and set a clock on his phone. Opening his computer, the brunette put on his glasses and continued editing the picture open on the screen.

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