twenty one

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Present Time

Chan woke up due to the sun bothering his face and tickling his nose. At first he didn't know where he was but everything from the previous night crashed down on him and he soon began feeling that pool of regret form in his stomach.

Looking down at Jeongin who was curled up in his arms, hairs tickling his chin, the older sighed and shut his eyes. You really fucked up this time. Carefully peeling Jeongin away from himself, Chan replaced his body with a pillow and reached down for his boxers.

Picking up the rest of his clothes from off the floor, he hurriedly buttoned his shirt, cursing at the dark marks that decorated his pale skin. Looking down at Jeongin again, he bit his lip and uncertainty shone in his gorgeous eyes.

Carefully opening the door, he walked out of the room. It was too early for Hyunjin to wake up and the ravenette used it to his advantage, managing a clean getaway from the penthouse.

About half an hour later, Jeongin woke up feeling the emptiness next to him. He had something in his arms but it wasn't what he wanted to see. His head pounded and he groaned rubbing his temples and sitting up, wincing. Jeongin's vision was blurry for a couple of seconds before everything in his brain clicked.

"Stupid fucking idiot. You've been hanging with Hyunjin too much." He groaned and held his hurting head in his hands. Looking around he spotted his pants and slipped them on, getting out of bed. Taking last nights clothes he threw them in the laundry, a piece of black plastic square falling to his feet, a tear on the side.

Jeongin blushed furiously picking up the condom packet and he went to throw it away when he found another one. "Two! Seriously?! Fuck!" The ravenette threw them away and hopped in the shower. He really wanted to die and melt into floor. Hopefully he doesn't bump into Chan today.

"Why are you wearing a turtleneck? It's like 95° outside." Hyunjin asked sipping his iced americano. The ravenette cleared his throat and looked everywhere but at Hyunjin. "I just felt like...I could use a style change." The older was unconvinced and he used his long legs to walk to Jeongin.

His slender fingers moved the neck of the sweater and Jeongin closed his eyes knowing Hyunjin saw all of the hickeys. The blonde smirked. "Looks like someone got exercise last night." Jeongin rolled his eyes and stomped to the door. "I'll see you in your office."

Hyunjin shook his head at the younger and sighed checking the time. Grabbing his stuff as well, he locked the door and followed Jeongin out of the building.

"What the fuck-" Insoo whined when Seungmin slapped him on the back of the head. "Ow!" He pouted rubbing the now red spot. Heejin who was on her papa's lap giggled happily and Seungmin smiled kissing her cheeks. "I told you Soo. You keep cursing around us and I'll smack you."

"Why am I always the one being bullied." He frowned and Heejin crawled off her papa and hugged Insoo. The action immediately blossomed a smile on the olders face and he cooed petting Heejin's hair. "God your such an angel." He said and left a kiss on her head. "Unlike your papa-" Seungmin threw a pillow at his face.

Insoo scowled and hugged Heejin tighter. "So Min, how did your date go?" He asked, Heejin turning in his hold so she can face her papa. Seungmin cleared his throat and got up to go to the kitchen. "It was fine. He's nice." The older hummed narrowing his eyes. He got up with Heejin still pressed to his chest.

"Is that all? Just he was nice? Are you going on a second date?" He asked and Seungmin started to feel like he was being interviewed by the police. "Uhm..yeah. We're going out out again this week." Insoo smirked leaning against the counter and resting his cheek on Heejin's head.

"Ah, office romance. Especially with the boss, how scandalous of you Kim Seungmin." The older giggled and dodged the piece of bread coming his way. "Papa's always hitting uncle Soo." Heejin decided to speak up. "I know, love. Look at how horrible he treats me."

"But uncle Soo, you sometimes deserve it." Seungmin burst into laughter and Insoo's jaw fell to the floor looking betrayed. "That's right, darling. Sometimes he deserves it." Heejin looked up with her beautiful eyes and Insoo sighed pouting. "I can never win with you guys ganging up on me."

Heejin smiled innocently, a faded dimple poking out on her cheek. Insoo poked the dimple and she giggled, letting go of Insoo's neck and falling to her feet. "Lets go uncle. It's time for school." She spoke and got her lunch from her papa. "I love you so much my baby." Seungmin said and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too." Heejin did the same for her papa pressing her lips on the man's cheeks. "Bye." Insoo waved and walked out of the door, a purple my little pony backpack on his shoulder. Seungmin sighed out in happiness and began cleaning up the mess breakfast made.

Once he was done, the brunette also grabbed his things and put on his shoes, walking to his car. Getting to the company he entered the building and shyly smiled seeing Hyunjin approach him. "Hi." The blonde grinned at Seungmin. "Good morning."

"Did you sleep well?" Hyunjin asked once the doors to the elevator opened. "Yeah, I slept great. How about you?" Seungmin's gaze turned to the older and he gave him his undivided attention. "Me too. It was undisturbed for the most part." He chuckled and Seungmin nodded.

The elevator doors opened and the two got out of the metal compartment. "Hey." Seungmin turned to him, feeling the deja vu. "Uhm...are you still down for those chicken nuggets today?" The brunette grinned from ear to ear and he nodded, fluffy hair bouncing.

Hyunjin smiled in relief not wanting to embarrass himself. "Alright. Perfect. I'll see you then." He said and walked away almost bumping into Chan. Seungmin giggled seeing the older awkwardly shuffle to his office. He's cute.

Oh hell no. Aejong scowled and crossed her arms glaring at Seungmin.


a/n:jYp OpPaR

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