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"Oh my god. Fuck. What if he changes his mind and decides he's better off without me? Oh god, if he does that I'm going to die alone." Hyunjin paced back and forth not letting the makeup artist finish her job. "Hey hey, calm down. If he wanted to leave you then he would've done it a long time ago."

Jeongin placed his hands on Hyunjin's shoulders and tried calming down his best friend. "I know, I know. But what if he decides today is the day. I couldn't handle that." Chan sighed and walked up to Hyunjin. "Look, Innie's right. It's your wedding day and Seungmin loves you a lot, he's not going to just pack up and leave."

"Yeah, yeah. You're right." Hyunjin took in deep breaths. "You're right." Chan nodded, smiling. Jeongin let go of Hyunjin and the blonde went to get his makeup fixed.

Chan grinned and snaked his arms around Jeongin's waist. His fiancé looked absolutely gorgeous wearing a skirt that showed off his legs. Changbin was busy trying to entertain his one year old son while Felix was fixing Hyunjin's suit.

Meanwhile in the other room Seungmin was close to bursting into tears from how nervous he was. "Don't you dare cry." Jisung warned trying to do Seungmin's makeup. "I'm sorry I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me." Erin cooed and soaked up his tears with a white napkin.

"It's okay to be nervous. I was a mess before getting married to your father too." Mr.Kim chuckled at the memory and Seungmin smiled, Jisung glaring at him. "Min, you know I love you to death but you better not mess up your makeup."

Seungmin nodded and Insoo walked into the room wearing a black suit. His hair was swept back exposing the holy forehead. "I got the flowers." Minho took them from the older. "Thank you, Soo."

He placed them down on the table and ran to go fix Seungmin's suit. "Oh Min you look gorgeous." Insoo complemented leaning on his side. "I know right. He looks so pretty." Mr.Kim said, sniffling and on the verge of tears. "Dad don't cry."

"Yeah Mr.Kim. Don't you dare cry." Jisung glared at the two Kim's and brought out the eyeshadow. "Close."

Heejin and the Lee triplets were outside playing not wanting to bother their parents. Seungmin sighed out nervously staring at himself in the mirror. "This is really happening." Insoo nodded. "Yes it is, Min."

The wedding planner named Yeji, popped out head head from the door. "Guys, 2 minutes until the two grooms have to be out." Seungmin's heart was beating faster by the second he was scared he'll die.

"Okay come on, let me fix your tie." Seungmin walked to his dad letting the taller man fix the tie around Seungmin's neck. The brunette wanted to bite his lips but Jisung would probably cut his head off for it.

"Oh my god. You look perfect." Seungmin stared at himself and smiled. Insoo handed him the bouquet and an encouraging smile. "You got this." He said and placed a kiss atop Seungmin's head.

The younger nodded and he walked out of the makeup room with the five people tailing behind him. "If you don't want to do this, I have a car waiting outside." Minho joked easing Seungmin's nerves. The others left and took their place in the crowd.

"You ready kiddo?" Mr.Kim asked and Seungmin nodded. The curtains opened and Seungmin held onto the crease of his fathers elbow. Music played and the brunette smiled seeing his daughter as the flower girl.

Heejin began spreading the flower petals walking a few steps in front of Seungmin and Mr.Kim. Seungmin refused to look up, heart beating nervously just staring at his shiny shoes.

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