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Hyunjin wasn't even done with all of the questions he had for Seungmin, and already he was planning on hiring the boy. To him, the younger seemed perfect. He wasn't too talkative, but just enough for them to communicate. His answers seemed well thought out and "pure boy energy" was just oozing out of him.

The blonde got up with Seungmin following him. "Well Mr.Kim, it's a pleasure to say that you're hired." He said while shaking the younger's smaller hands. "Thank you, Mr.Hwang. By any chance can I get a schedule of when I'll be working and not?"

"Oh yes, of course." The tall Korean dug through the files on his desk before handing Seungmin the schedule Felix had printed out right after he interviewed the brunette. During their conversation, Hyunjin kept catching Seungmin check his watch, which made him think that he had to be somewhere. "Thank you. I will see you tomorrow Mr.Hwang."

It was adorable, really. The way Seungmin smiled, eyes getting smaller and teeth showing. Happiness basically flowed out of him and Hyunjin could tell he's been wanting this job for a considerate amount of time. Gripping the paper between his fingers, Seungmin checked his watch and cursed internally.

"I'm sorry I have to go. Have a good day Mr.Hwang." The younger turned his back to the older and began walking away. "You too." Seungmin turned around and they made eye contact before the brunette broke it and closed to door.

Hyunjin sighed and sat back down in his chair, grabbing his phone. Whenever he hired someone, Hyunjin would always check their social media accounts. For him it was just a simple way to know more about his employees. See if they do anything that can harm the image of the company his dad worked hard on.

Searching up 'Kim Seungmin' on Instagram, Hyunjin scrolled a little until he found the right page. "Really?" He chuckled only seeing 3 pictures uploaded onto his page. The younger had an okay amount of followers and his profile picture was him with some other dude.

Clicking on the most recent image he saw that it was taken with the same guy from the profile picture. Seungmin was giving him that Rock face and the guy, name still unknown, was smiling staring at Seungmin. Must be a partner.

The next photo actually had him melt. It was simple but adorable. A picture of Seungmin a couple years younger hugging a small little girl. She was the cutest, in Hyunjin's opinion. The more he observed the little girl the more he felt like he's seen her somewhere, but he shrugged it off. Must be a little sister.

Turning off his phone Hyunjin placed the device face down and on silent making sure his annoying friends didn't bother him whilst he was working. Something they tended to do a lot. So much that one time Hyunjin was forced to block his friends for a week until they promised to not doing it again.

__ __

Seungmin sighed in relief seeing that he wasn't late. Getting out of the car he cutely sprinted to the excited little girl who smiled seeing her lovely papa. "Hi my baby." Seungmin greeted her with a kiss on the forehead and again, like everyday, the moms fangirled over him. But he didn't care, like always.

"Hi papa. How was your day?" Seungmin smiled remembering the interview. "It was good baby. Papa finally got that job." Her chocolate eyes brightened up, a cute smile on her face. "Really papa, I'm so proud of you."

Seungmin melted. "Thank you, my dear." She smiled at him with her adorable but foreign smile. Seungmin kissed her head again and picked her up placing her in the car. "So you wanna go to a chicken restaurant? Sorry papa didn't have time to make food."

"Yes that would be good. Let's go to the Yang restaurant. They have the best." Seungmin nodded agreeing with his tiny daughter who was just as tiny and adorable as her papa. Seungmin didn't even need the GPS. Heejin loved the place and he knows the maps by heart.

"Papa where's uncle Soo?" She asked not seeing her beloved uncle the entire day. "Sweetie uncle Soo is at work." She frowned. "Is he still trying to act?"

"Yeah. He actually landed a pretty big character." Heejin's eyes lit up. "Does that mean we'll see him on TV?" The brunette laughed at her cute enthusiasm. "Yes darling. We'll be able to see him on TV."

She squealed. "I'm so excited. I'm going to give it a billion views." She smiled vibrating in her seat but then she began to wonder. "Papa is the person you're working for nice?" The look in her adorable face reminded Seungmin of one of the orphanage owners who would scold them and worry for them at the same time.

"Yes baby. He was really nice." That seemed to relieve her. "Was he good looking?" Seungmin blushed hearing that unexpected question. Actually he hadn't really paid much attention to Hyunjin...okay yeah he was lying. The blonde was easily the prettiest person Seungmin had ever seen.

"Y-yes baby. He was really...uh...handsome.?" Heejin nodded. "Papa you work for that guy Wang Hujin right?" Seungmin chuckled. "Hwang Hyunjin baby. Did Uncle Soo teach you that?" It was her turn to nod this time. "You know Jake said something really weird today."

Seungmin's brows furrowed, attention on his little little princess. "Like what?" He asked, protective parent mode turning on. "He said that while he was coming to school he saw an ad about the Hujin guy and he brought it up in class. Papa Jake said I look like Wang Hujin. Is that true?"

The brunette paused at the question. He observed his daughter and gulped seeing some resemblances, but he quickly brushed it off. "I think it's because of your eyes darling. But no, not really." He was lying. "So what did you say back to Jake?"

"Jake said maybe I looked like my daddy," her face dropped and she frowned. "But I told him I don't have a daddy."

What she said formed itself into a bullet and flew, hitting Seungmin's already damaged heart. He hates when she reminds him of that not because it's annoying, but because he knows he let down his daughter. He was just as clueless. Seungmin hates himself for never having an answer when her daughter asks about her other dad. It made him feel like the worst person on the planet.

"Sweetie you love me right?" Heejin nodded. "Of course papa. I don't care if I don't have a daddy because I have you papa. You're the only person I need."

Blinking away his tears Seungmin grinned at Heejin, the ravenette seeming to be happier than before. God you're such a terrible parent and a terrible human being. Seungmin glanced at Heejin again. His daughter's the one paying for him making bad life decisions.

I'm so sorry Jinnie, baby.



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