twenty nine

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"You're in love." Jeongin said and stuffed his face with popcorn. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and took a seat next to the younger. It was the next day and Seungmin had to go to a doctors appointment with Heejin. That left Jeongin to deal with a pouting Hyunjin who was sulking.

The younger hummed and glared at the blonde when he took some of the popcorn from the bowl on his lap. "Get your own." Hyunjin scowled. "You're living in my house." The blonde said. "And? We're besties so I can live here."

"Exactly we're besties so I can eat some of your popcorn."

"But I was the one who made it. There's more in the kitchen."

"Then go grab some if there's more."

"You go. I don't want to get up."

"God you're whipped."

"And your not?"

"At least I can admit that I'm in love. Unlike somebody here. Now go make yourself some."

"Sleep with one eye open tonight, Yang. I'm coming for you." Jeongin fake gasped. "Shiver me Timbers." Hyunjin pouted again and got off the couch using his long legs to reach the kitchen. Placing the snack in the microwave he set the timer and waited for the popping.

Just when he was about to take it out of the microwave, his phone rang. Hyunjin fished for the device and a large smile over took his face answering the call. "Hey Minnie. Are you done?" Seungmin giggled. "Yeah. Wanna meet up?"

"Yes yes of course." The brunette buckled his seatbelt. "Alright. I'll pick you up then." Hyunjin nodded and when the brunette hung up, he cheered silently. "Sorry Jeongin, but I have to leave you alone. My boyfriends coming to pick me up."

The ravenette shook his head. "At least bring me the popcorn before you leave." By the time Hyunjin was done getting dressed and stressing about his outfit, Seungmin was already here. Opening the door for the older, Jeongin smiled at him and Hyunjin popped from thin air.

"Hey." Jeongin rolled his eyes at the blondes happy smile. Whipped bitch. "I'll see you later, okay." He nodded and the door was closed on his face before they could even start to walk away. "Sorry, he gets that way sometimes."

Jeongin sighed sadly and grabbed the snack from the microwave. Pouring it in his bowl, he sat cross cross applesauce and stared into nowhere. Seeing Hyunjin act the same way he did brought out some painful memories he tried to bury deep deep down a long time ago.

Sighing through his watery eyes he used his sleeves to get rid of the tears and turned on the TV. During the movie he couldn't focus as much as he'd liked to. So he just turned off the TV and placed the half empty bowl of popcorn on the counter.

Changing his clothes, Jeongin locked the apartment door and sighed out feeling the wind hit his skin when he stepped out of the building. Stuffing his hands into his pockets the ravenette pushed open the door to the nearest cafe and waited in line.

He might've just ate half a bowl of popcorn but he wanted something sweet now. All of us are guilty of that and that includes Jeongin. Ordering a small slice of cheesecake and a latte, Jeongin took a seat in a booth at the corner of the cafe, staring out of the window.

The door chimed and Chan walked in too busy and occupied with his phone to notice anyone around him. He quickly ordered what he needed and took a seat a couple tables in front of Jeongin. Placing his phone down he looked up and his lips parted seeing Jeongin.

Jeongin was staring out of the window, smiling lightly. Chan rested his chin on his palm and sighed inaudibly, eyes not wavering from his ex-boyfriend. When the younger turned to look at the waitress who brought him the food, Chan averted his gaze and hid his face with the menu they put on every table.

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