twenty eight

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Seungmin hung up the phone and he smiled at Heejin. The ravenette was jumping up and down her pigtails moving with her. "Papa is Jinnie Uncle coming?" The brunette smiled softly and nodded his head. "Yes he is my love." Heejin squealed when the doorbell rang. "He's here!"

The puppy like boy followed his energetic daughter and watched as she jumped to unlock the final lock. She opened the door and Hyunjin grinned, Heejin jumping in his arms. When Seungmin said this was new to him, he didn't lie. His daughter hated strangers and would always be close to her papa in big crowds. What's different now? He doesn't know but he's happy.

"Hey princess." Hyunjin booped her tiny nose and Heejin giggled. The blonde approached his boyfriend and grabbed Seungmin's waist with his free arm placing a kiss on the youngers pink lips. "Hey." Seungmin smiled and Heejin gagged.

"Please don't do that." The two giggled and Seungmin helped her off Hyunjin and placed her down in her chair. While the ravenette wasn't looking, Hyunjin cupped Seungmin's cheeks and kissed the younger making him go weak in his knees. "Sorry. I haven't seen you in a long time."

Seungmin bit his lip and Hyunjin used his thumb to remove it. "It's been only a week." Hyunjin hummed pouting and rubbing his thumb on Seungmin's jawline. The brunette had a lot of work these past few days and Hyunjin saw his lover less and less. "I know but I miss you." He said laying his forehead down on Seungmin's shoulder.

The younger smiled and rested his cheek on the side of Hyunjin's neck. Staying like that for a few seconds the two finally parted and Seungmin brought out breakfast. The blonde took a seat next to Heejin and she smiled cutely and began playing with the rings on Hyunjin's fingers.

After their food, Hyunjin helped Seungmin pick up the dishes. While the blonde was entertaining Heejin, Seungmin got dressed. Since they were heading for to the park he didn't choose anything too fancy. Just a white button up that had sewn rips on the shoulders exposing his milky skin and denim shorts. For shoes he just went with vans.

"Damn. You look good." Seungmin blushed at the complement and Heejin only gave her papa a thumbs up saying she approved. "Okay let's go." He clapped his hands and Hyunjin's large hand held Heejin's the brunette leading them out of the apartment.

It was truly adorable how a 4 feet tall little girl was clinging onto a man who was almost 6 feet. Seungmin giggled feeling a warmth spread through his chest when Heejin extended her other hand to him. They looked like a family. Two dads and their tiny daughter going out on a family day.

Buckling Heejin, Seungmin took a seat next to his boyfriend and the blonde instantly grabbed Seungmin's hands, starting to drive. By the time they were already there, the shorter of the two grinned seeing Minho and Jisung there. "Let's go."

Hyunjin helped Heejin out of the car the little girl running to her best friends the second she spotted the triplets. Almost immediately, the four screamed and headed towards the playground. "Careful." Seungmin yelled after them, Heejin giving a thumbs up.

"Hey guys." Jisung got up, hugging Seungmin. Hyunjin was just standing behind his boyfriend not knowing these people. Minho turned to him and smiled extending his hand. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Minho." The blonde cleared his throat taking the olders hand. "Hyunjin. I just started seeing Seungmin."

The ravenette nodded and observed Hyunjin head to toe making sure there was nothing off about the blonde. If he wanted to date Seungmin, whom he considered his younger brother, than he better not mess up. Is he gonna kill me? Hyunjin asked himself subconsciously, leaning into Seungmin.

"Relax." Seungmin whispered to him, grabbing his hand. "Minho isn't as scary as he looks. Actually he's the complete opposite, the man is a fluffy teddy bear." Hyunjin nodded feeling a little bit of his nerves melt away. Him and Seungmin took a seat next to Minsung.

Seungmin sighed out loud and smiled at the beautiful scenery but he was also watching his daughter, making sure she didn't hurt herself. "Hyunjin was it?" The blonde nodded turning to Jisung. "How did you two meet?" He asked. "I'm his boss."

"Ah." Jisung offered the two a juice box and Seungmin took it gratefully. "Is it good?" Seungmin nodded and Hyunjin bent his neck down placing his lips around the straw. "That is good." It was such a simple act. Why am I getting butterflies? Am I dying? Seungmin asked himself and cleared his throat.

Like Seungmin, Hyunjin was also wathcing out for the children. Until Seojun began fussing and kicking his legs asking his parents to pick him up. The blondes eyes sparkled seeing the baby and his cute chubby cheeks. He smiled at Jisung who was carefully trying to comfort his son and Minho, the ravenette having his eyes on the triplets.

"When did you guys meet?" Hyunjin asked about Minho and Jisung, the blonde laying his head on Seungmin's shoulder. "About like 5 years ago, I think. I met them when I sent Heejin to daycare." The older hummed and his eyes followed a small butterfly.

"Minnie?" Seungmin hummed and Hyunjin looked at the youngers eyes. "Hi." The brunette chuckled. "Hey." Minutes off playing later Heejin came running to his papa followed by the Lee's. "Papa. Papa. I want water." She said and Seungmin searched his bag before handing the ravenette a bottle.

"Uncle Jinnie, do you want to play tag with us?" Heejin asked and Mina gasped. Before Hyunjin knew it he had 4 children overlapping with their chatter asking him to play. He looked at Seungmin who shrugged and the blonde nodded getting up. "Alright. Let's go."

"Tag your it." The older rolled up his sleeves and waited for five seconds letting the children spread out before he began chasing them. Hyunjin was careful around the other kids. Since it was a Saturday the park had an above average number of people and the last thing Hyunjin wanted was to step on a kid.

Seungmin giggled watching his boyfriend chase around a bunch of 8 year olds and fail to get them. Minhye kept running under small play structures and Hyunjin was too tall to fit. Minsu was a master making the blonde thing he had him but he waited until he made a sharp turn.

Minho turned to Seungmin and he sighed seeing the brunette so happy. He knew how much Seungmin's life had changed with Heejin and how much the brunette had to struggle with and go through to raise his daughter. That's what made him so protective of his little brother. Minho loved Seungmin and he didn't want him to get hurt.

The puppy like boy was way too precious and had gone through too much to deal with the problem of a broken heart. Minho knew that's why he didn't date, but seeing Hyunjin. I guess the blonde seemed different to him.

Minho, Seungmin and Jisung laughed when Hyunjin was about to wrap his arms around Mina and deem the younger the new 'it' but he failed when the middle triplet made a sharp turn and the blonde almost face planted in the tanbark.

Hyunjin pouted but he was determined to catch these little humans. He had an advantage because he was tall and he had long legs. Plus, he got to know all of their little tricks.

The blonde went after Heejin this time, the ravenette screeching and flailing her arms everywhere trying to escape. But Hyunjin was quicker grabbing her from behind. Heejin squealed laughing loudly when the blonde picked her off her feet.

Before he knew it four kids were clinging onto him and they didn't weigh much. So he just bent down and let the climb on top of his back, making sure they didn't fall.

Seungmin bit his bottom lip staring fondly at the blonde play with the kids. Hyunjin's too good to be true. The brunette thought and he smiled resting his head on his fingers.


a/n: jYp OpPaR

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