thirty one

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"What happened?" Hyunjin asked rubbing Seungmin's belly. The two were cuddling on Seungmin's bed since the younger suggested he stay over. The brunette looked down at the c-section scar from when Heejin was born. Suddenly he felt really self-conscious and pulled his shirt down. "I had a c-section."

Hyunjin frowned and his long fingers found the shorter males cute tummy and he laid his head on Seungmin's shoulder, pulling Seungmin closer to himself. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to...but...who is Heejin's other dad?"

Seungmin stiffened at the question and Hyunjin felt like he overstepped some boundaries and mentally facepalmed. He was going to say something but Seungmin beat him to it. "Heejin's other dad...I don't know who he is." The blonde placed a kiss on Seungmin's shoulder listening to his boyfriend.

"I was really young when my parents got divorced. They fought for custody for a long time but my mom got a new boyfriend and she left, so I was given to my dad." Seungmin gulped remembering his beloved father. "My dad wasn't really one to show emotion much. He always had on this cold face and the only time I ever saw him look happy and not blank was when I was in my freshman year." Hyunjin's calm breathing slowly melted away all of the worries Seungmin had.

"Despite being very monotone and strict sometimes, my dad was a good person. He was the best father I could ask for. He let me do what I wanted as long as I didn't overstep any boundaries but like everyone my dad was far from perfect." He licked his lips and Hyunjin held his hand. "My dad was a huge homophobe and he wasn't the type to go out of his way and hate on gay couples, but he did silently judge them. He was a huge Christian and believed that same sex relationships were wrong."

Seungmin took a deep breath, eyes watering the slightest. "And then it was the most cliche thing ever. I was the son of a homophobic man. What my dad didn't know was that his own son was gay. I liked guys and I couldn't do anything about it. So I hid what I dealt was. Pretending that I was straight." Hyunjin drew circles and hearts on Seungmin's waist with his thumbs.

"And one day my best friend at the time dragged me to a party with him. I have an extremely low alcohol tolerance and my stupid ass decided to drink vodka so you can imagine how that went. Long story short, I got drunk and the stupid football player who was hosting the party tried hitting on me. But then this tall guy came and took me away and then one thing lead to another. I don't remember much but I know for sure that he was fall, maybe as tall as Insoo, and had short blonde hair."

"You think it might be him?" Seungmin shrugged. "I don't know." He looked down playing with Hyunjin's fingers. "I'm sorry for dumping all of that on you. It's just I've never told anybody except Insoo."

"Don't be sorry Min. I'm glad you told me." Hyunjin made the younger look at him, using his index finger and thumb to lift up Seungmin's face. "I'm happy you decided to trust me enough to tell me and you don't worry. You didn't dump anything on me. Min, your my boyfriend. Your problem is mine." The blonde tucked some of Seungmin's hair behind his ear, planting a kiss on the youngers forehead.

Seungmin felt like crying but at the same time he wanted to scream out loud because he felt so happy. Instead of doing that, he flashed a grin at his boyfriend and brought the older down to connect their lips into a sweet kiss. It was comforting and made Seungmin smile against Hyunjin's lips, the blonde tickling Seungmin's sides.

The younger burst into a fit of laughter and Hyunjin didn't stop, loving the sound of his happy giggles. "H-hyun-Jin s-stop." Seungmin laughed, his sides hurting from the chuckles. Hyunjin complied and brought Seungmin into his arms again.

Seungmin smiled playing with Hyunjin's hair. "You know I was also in high school when I slept with a guy for the first time in my life. At that time I was 'straight' and I thought it would be better to hide it then tell my parents the truth in where is lend the night." That seemed to grab Seungmin's attention.

"Really?" He nodded. "I caught my girlfriend cheating and didn't know how to deal with my emotions. So I went to this party held by our school rivals. That's where it happened. I want a virgin but it was a new experience and I was kinda embarrassed to share it." The younger hummed. "I think Felix was right. Well, half right. I like girls but then you came along and I started liking guys." The brunette smiled proudly and Hyunjin grabbed his nose.

"Have you ever thought that maybe you're bisexual?" Hyunjin hummed. "I did and I think you're right. I might be bi." You and me both bro.

Hyunjin sighed in content, dimples poking out as he smiled cutely. Seungmin lifted himself up the bed so he was as tall as Hyunjin and reached for the olders blonde hair. "Can I braid your hair?" Hyunjin nodded. "Go ahead."

Seungmin smiled happily and he reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a bunch of small hair ties. Separating Hyunjin's hair into three sections he concentrated hard, braiding the blonde hair belonging to his boyfriend. It was on the side of Hyunjin's head, and when Seungmin was done he tied it and it fell on top of his ear.

The brunette giggled and Hyunjin smiled, happy to know that his hair was giving Seungmin so much excitement.

Taking another section of hair in the opposite side Seungmin did the same thing and let it flop on his ears again. It looked really funny and Hyunjin saw Seungmin try to stifle his laugh.

For the finishing touch, the brunette took some strands of hair at the top of Hyunjin's head and braided that in a straight line. If he had used enough hairbands, then it would stick up like a horn but he didn't have enough.

Hyunjin was puzzled seeing his braided hair flop onto his forehead. Grabbing his phone he turned to the camera and Seungmin burst into laughter again, covering his mouth. "Minnie~" the older whined and the brunette came back down. "Awh come on. You look absolutely adorable, Jin."

A second look to himself later, Hyunjin cracked a smile. If keeping his hair like that meant that Seungmin would be happy, then he wouldn't mind. After all it was a small price to pay to see his beautiful boyfriend smile so brightly.

"Let's take a picture." Hyunjin suggested pulling the brunette closer to himself. Snaking and arm around Seungmin's waist, the blonde smiled at the camera and Seungmin held up a peace sign. Snapping the picture they took several more.

Their night was filled with hushed giggles and the sound of the camera snapping. It was Hyunjin who was taking pictures of Seungmin acting all cute.


a/n: okay i said i would possibly do smut but now that i think about it...i changed my mind. i'll keep this a fluffy book :)

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