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Jeongin slammed the shot glass down on the counter. "One more." The bartender gave him a worried look but poured another glass anyways. He took the alcohol and tipped his head back, wincing slightly as the liquid burned going down his throat. "Give me more~"

It was obvious that Jeongin was drunk, the way he was slouched across the counter and his slurred speech. "I think that's enough." The younger pouted. "No~" his eyes got glassy and bottom lip wobbled. "My heart hurts~" the bartender named Irene sighed and she shook her head.

The ravenette wiped his moist eyes and took the drink that Irene gave him. One by one as the time ran late, everyone poured out of the club except Jeongin. There was a man, late 20's, at the other end of the bar eyeing the younger, but Jeongin was too drunk to care.

It came to the point that Irene had to witness Jeongin break down in tears in the midst of her cleaning the cups. "Cause it was *hiccup* my fault I *hiccup* ruined everything. He hates *hiccup* me." The ravenette cried taking one last shot before wiping his tears. "My *hiccup* Channie ha-*hiccup*tes me."

That was the only thing Irene heard before she flinched when Jeongin's head hit the counter, the younger sleeping now. She sighed and searched the boys pockets for his phone, unlocking the device with Jeongin's face.

Calling the first number which was labeled 'Channie' she held the phone up to her ear. By the time she was done talking, the stranger man across the bar counter had gotten up and approached Jeongin's sleeping figure. "What are you doing?" Irene asked.

"Mind your business." The man who was equally drunk scowled, his hand about to touch Jeongin's shoulder when Irene stopped him. "Listen sir you can't do that. Now either you scram or I will have security drag you out." He scoffed and pushed away Irene's hand before walking away somewhere, tripping on air.

Chan showed up at the bar, scanning the place for Jeongin. When he found the ravenette he walked to his sleeping figure. "Hey, are you Chan?" The ravenette nodded staring at Jeongin. "Oh okay. Well your friend here drank so much that he passed out."

"Thank you for calling me." Irene smiled. "No problem." The older took out a couple of bucks and placed them on the counter before gently trying to peel Jeongin's sleeping body away. "Channie?"

"Yeah I'm here." He said holding onto the youngers shoulder, while Jeongin rubbed his eyes. "Where are we?" He asked pouting deeply, and holding Chan's hand. The older froze but he decided to let him. "At the bar."

"Oh." Jeongin got into Chan's car and curled himself up into a ball, no longer needing to sleep. Cheeks tinted pink and bottom lip jutting out, Jeongin wiped his wet eyes and wrapped his arms around himself. "I'm sorry."

Chan's hold on the steering wheel tightened and his jaw clenched. For breaking my heart? Or for leaving me in a pool of self-pity?. "You were probably busy right?" The younger pouted and Chan looked at his face. "I'm sorry for calling you in so late."

The older sighed heavily and Jeongin looked won at his knees. Resting his chin on his knees, the ravenette looked ahead at the flashing lights belonging to the many cars on the roads. "Where do you live?" Chan asked making a right turn. "Hyunjin's." Jeongin replied simply.

Making another right turn at the upcoming alley, Chan's eyes searched for Hyunjin's penthouse and his car came to a stop spotting the tall building. Jeongin looked up and he took off his seatbelt. Chan was quick to rush out of the car, catching the younger who had trouble staying on his feet.

"Careful." Jeongin frowned when Chan placed his arm over his shoulder, helping him stand up. The older grabbed the keys from Jeongin's pocket, one hand on his waist while the other pushed open the lobby door. They got to the elevator and Jeongin leaned on Chan, metal doors closing.

Going to the apartment door, he noticed that Hyunjin's shoes weren't in their place but gave it no thought. Jeongin rubbed his eyes and the younger ravenette guided Chan to his room. Pushing open the door, Chan picked up Jeongin and gently placed the younger in his bed.

Sensing that Chan was about to leave Jeongin's eyes got watery, a couple tears trickling down his cheeks, holding tightly onto Chan's hand. "Please...stay." Chan chewed on the inside of his cheek, staring at the youngers glossy eyes and red lips. "Fine." He replied and Jeongin quickly crawled on his lap.

Chan stiffened up feeling the younger lay his head on his shoulder, not being used to Jeongin in his arms after so long. But he slowly wrapped his arms around the younger and looked down at Jeongin, seeing the ravenette already staring at him.

Jeongin sat up and held the sides of Chan's neck, caressing the olders jawline with his thumbs. "I missed you." Chan knew that the ravenette was drunk and he only curtly nodded looking away. He doesn't mean that. But Jeongin made the older look at him again and he hesitantly leaned in kissing Chan's lips.

For a second, the ravenette wanted to push Jeongin away but feeling those lips he's missed so much, he couldn't. Chan's eyes fluttered close and the older held onto Jeongin's slim waist pulling him closer. Biting down on the youngers lips, Chan pushed his tongue in when Jeongin parted his lips.

Jeongin's tummy was full of butterflies, either from the kiss or from the alcohol, but he missed the feeling. Chan could taste the alcohol in Jeongin's mouth but the ravenette didn't care. Those walls he spent years building around his heart crumbled into rubble and Chan found himself wanting more.

All of the rational decisions flew out of the window and away, out of sight. Chan never realized how much he's really missed Jeongin, too busy trying to push the thought of him away. A string of saliva connected their lips and Chan's hands tightened around Jeongin's hips, kissing down the youngers jaw and around his neck.

Jeongin closed his eyes and tilted his head giving his ex-lover more access. His lips were caught between his two front teeth, missing the way Chan used to touch him, leaving behind tingles on the surface skin of Jeongin's exposed waist.

"You're drunk. I can't do this." Chan said moving his lips away from the youngers neck. Jeongin whined shaking his head. "No, no I'm fine. Please." Chan hummed hands going under the youngers shirt when Jeongin connected their lips again. Oh this is so wrong. You shouldn't be doing this. He's drunk, he's your ex, there's so many things not right.

Chan kept scolding himself in his mind but the younger was so tempting. He was like a drug to him, Chan quit it years ago but now, tasting those lips again and feeling the warm skin underneath the pads of his fingertips he couldn't let go. So he didn't.

Things escalated quickly, and clothes flew everywhere, landing on the floor carelessly. Unholy moans and whimpers bounced off the four-walled room. Neither of them knew if what they were doing was right, but they didn't care.

The door opened and closed but they didn't hear it, too busy with their own thing.

Hyunjin was equally oblivious to everything, the blonde smiling like a fool while walking to his room.


a/n: some jeongchan for the heart and soul mostly because i missed writing about them✨✨
also imagine hooking up with an ex could never be me

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