twenty three

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"Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked checking the date on the calendar, a frown on his face. "You know where I'm going." Jeongin said glumly. No snappy remarks at the older, no happy smile on his face. Hyunjin was worried but he knew the younger needed some space. Especially this time of year.

"Ok." The blonde smiled at his best friend but only got a weak one back, Jeongin walking out of the office. Hyunjin bit his bottom lip and his eyes watered, not being able to imagine what the younger was going through right now. Be safe.

Jeongin got into his car and drove to his destination, not blasting ITZY like he always did. Parking the vehicle, the ravenette got out and walked into the flower shop, the old woman smiling sadly at him again. "It's that time of year, huh?" Jeongin nodded and bought a bouquet of daisies paying for the flowers.

Getting back into the car he drove to his final destination. Gripping the steering wheel in his hands, the ravenette closed his eyes and sighed out. His shaky hands grabbed the flowers and he got out of the car. Walking across the grassy field he stopped at the very very end.

And there it was. The small gravestone surrounded by dead daises. He sighed and bent down placing the fresh flowers next to the grave, eyes's getting watery. His fingers caressed the stone and the tears escaped, a sob ripping past his lips. "I miss you." He sat down next to the grave and buried his face in his hands.

"I-I'm so s-sorry. I w-was so t-terrible." He cried feeling the sticky tears run down his cheeks. Jeongin's shoulders shook and the wind messed up his hair, but he didn't care.

This very day, March 23rd, was the worst day in his entire life. On this cursed day he lost the one person who depended on him, he failed her. He failed his job and Jeongin will never forgive himself for losing her. After all it was his fault. He couldn't take care of her probably.

Every year on this day he would drive almost 45 minutes across the city just to bring fresh flowers. It's been almost 6 years but the wound was still fresh. Jeongin still felt the pain he felt that very day. He desperately tries to shove it down not wanting to worry Hyunjin or anyone else around him, but sometimes it would get too hard.

On the days where it was too much to just hide his feelings with fake smiles, he broke down. Quietly crying himself to sleep while holding the picture, curled up into a ball on his bed.

Jeongin just stayed there. Even when the wind picked up he didn't move, only wrapped his jacket tighter around himself. "I finally saw Channie again." He sniffled wiping his tears. "He wasn't very happy to see me." The ravenette looked down at his shoes with guilty eyes.

"Looks like I mess up everywhere I go." Jeongin laughed but there wasn't any humor in it. He wiped his tears and sighed out loudly staring at the darkening sky. "I wish you could see this. It's so beautiful. You would've loved it."

The ravenette shivered when a harsh wind blew past him and lifted up the strands of his hair from his forehead. "Oh god it's cold." He sniffled and wiped his tears. They felt like icicles against his skin now. His nose got red and a sneeze escaped him. Looking back at the gravestone, he lightly touched it.

"I'm sorry but I have to go now. Don't worry I'll be back." He smiled and got up off the ground. Wrapping the black coat tighter around himself he began walking with a last final, teary look to where his loved one lay.

Meanwhile Hyunjin was stressing, leg bopping up and down repeatedly worrying about his friends well-being. Was it the right thing to do? Leaving him alone? He sighed out and raked his fingers through the blonde hair on his head.

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