forty three

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Harsh knocks on the door made Seungmin jolt awake and the brunette groaned holding his head. He hates getting hungover. Walking to the door it felt like every knock was a pound in his brain. "I'm coming. Chill out!" He yelled.

Throwing open the door the brunette was shocked seeing Insoo standing there. "What the hell? You find her father and you don't call me." Insoo let himself in and Seungmin closed the door falling on the couch.

"I'm sorry. But how do you even know about that." The taller brunette sighed and brought out a pill and water handing it to Seungmin. "Cause, I saw Hyunjin in the parking lot. It looked like he slept there the entire night."

Swallowing the water, Seungmin felt the guilt wash over him hearing that. "Really?" Insoo nodded but soon realized what he said. "Did you kick him out because of that?" Seungmin nodded looking down at his lap, ashamed.

Insoo sighed and sat next to his best friend, wrapping an arm around the younger. "I know that your mad and confused right now, but Min imagine how he felt. Sure, it was a bad decision to keep it from you for that long but maybe he was still trying to adapt to the fact that he had a kid."

Seungmin felt like a toddler getting softly scolded by their parent. Insoo wasn't yelling but trying to make him understand. The brunette felt really bad for lashing out and making his boyfriend sleep in the parking lot. "I..I guess you're right."

The older smiled and Seungmin sighed laying his head on Insoo's shoulder. "Should I bring him back home?" The older shrugged. "That's up to you, Minnie. But I think you two should talk it out like adults." The shorter nodded and stood up.

His headache had gotten better but that full pain was still in his head. Getting up, the short male walked to the entrance. "Can you watch Heejin for me?" Insoo nodded and laid down on the couch, Seungmin laughing at his actions.

Sighing, the short male took his short legs and went down the stairs of the building and into the parking lot. It was easy to spot his boyfriends white car amongst the other ones and he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants before resuming his hurried steps.

Hyunjin groaned rubbing his temples. Sleeping in a car while crying wasn't the most comfortable thing to do. A loud over dramatic screech went past his lips when Seungmin knocked on the car window. "What the fuck?!" Seungmin sighed biting down on his lip.

"Open the door." Every single terrible situation was going through Hyunjin's head at a mile a second. Is he here to break up with me? Oh god please no. But either way, he unlocked the car door and Seungmin sat down in the passenger seat.

"Look if you're here to break up with me, please don't. Seungmin I really like you a whole lot and I already love Heejin and me being her father doesn't change anything in fact it makes me love you and her more and you're the only relationship that's worked in a really long time and if you leave me I might never get into another one and like please don't leave me you make my life better by existing and if it weren't for you I probably wouldn't have been so happy and I just really want to be with you and Heejin."

Seungmin blinked two times trying to understand and process Hyunjin's rambling. Once it was all in his head the brunette sighed. "Hyunjin, I'm not here to break up with you." Relief replaced the stressed expression had on and the blind relaxed. "You're not?"

The younger shook his head fiddling with his fingers. "Actually I'm here to..apologize. It couldn't have been easy to find out you have a kid overnight. And..and if you like, I hope you can still be in Heejin's life-"

"Yes of course." The instant response had Seungmin smiling and Hyunjin grabbed his hand. "God, Min. I'm really really sorry for keeping it from you. From today I shall solemnly swear to never keep anything from you ever again." Seungmin giggled intertwining their fingers. "I hope you don't."

Hyunjin nodded smiling cutely. The brunette pulled him in for a short kiss and Hyunjin grinned connecting their lips again. "So, want to have breakfast?" The blonde nodded.

The couple got out of the car and walked back into the building and into Seungmin's apartment. Upon seeing Hyunjin, Heejin smiled rubbing to the blonde. "Daddy! You're back." Hyunjin picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Of course I am darling."

Insoo smiled and walked up to Seungmin patting the youngers shoulder. "You made the right choice." The brunette nodded, hearts flowing out of his eyes watching Hyunjin and Heejin. "I know." Insoo pecked the top of his head. "Damn I guess I got replaced."

Seungmin slapped his chest. "You can never be replaced Soo. You're too special for that." Insoo smiled cutely. "Awh thank you Min. But I think you'll be seeing less of me." The brunette pouted. "Why?"

"The show really picked up and my manager has an entire calendar full of photo shoots, interviews and lives planned for me for the next two months." Seungmin sighed sadly. He was sad he couldn't see his boyfriend anymore but happy that his career was taking off.

"Boo you whore." Heejin whipped her head at her papa and Hyunjin facepalmed. "Papa what does that mean?" Insoo stifled a laugh. "I'll let you handle this." He said, pecking Heejin's nose before walking out of the apartment with a smile.

"Uhm." Seungmin smiled nervously. "That word is a very bad word, my love. Let's not use it to describe anyone alright?" Heejin nodded and Hyunjin giggled. "Then why use it to describe Insoo?" Seungmin glared at his boyfriend and Hyunjin knew he was going to get murdered.

"Yeah papa why?" The puppy boy sighed bending down to Heejin's level. "Sweetie, sometimes when you have really really close friends instead of using complements you use bad words to communicate. But before you do that, you have to make sure it's okay with the other person first."

Heejin's face made an 'o' shape. "Okay papa." She smiled a similar one to her daddy and Seungmin pecked her cheeks. She let go of Hyunjin and ran off to her room to go finish the homework she was procrastinating on.

Hyunjin chuckled and pulled Seungmin close running his fingers through the brunettes hair, trying to tame the mess. "I can't believe you would set me up like that." Hyunjin hugged Seungmin's waist and left a kiss on the brunettes neck.

"I'm sorry love. I'll make it up to you." Seungmin hummed closing his eyes. "Really? How?" Hyunjin smirked against the youngers skin and his naughty hands went to Seungmin's sides tickling the younger. "No, Jin."

Seungmin burst into laughter squirming under his lovers hold. "J-Jin s-stop..." Hyunjin laughed at the continuous sound coming out of Seungmin's mouth, enjoying it. "Never." Seungmin screeched when Hyunjin picked him up and the blonde took them to the couch.

His giggles faded and Seungmin sighed happily, laying his head on Hyunjin's shoulder. "I love you." Hyunjin rubbed the puppy boy's back. "I know." Seungmin punched him in the shoulder and Hyunjin laughed.

"I love you too, Min."


a/n: it really over?

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