forty one

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"Are you okay?" Seungmin asked straddling his boyfriend on the couch. The blonde nodded laying his chin on Seungmin's shoulder. "I'm good. Just a lot of stress from work." The brunette hummed.

Hyunjin wasn't lying when he said he was stressed about work, but the thing he discovered occupied his mind more. Ever since he found out, it was like he became smarter. Noticing the obvious similarities between him and his daughter.

His daughter. It felt natural. Maybe because Hyunjin has been around her for months. It's been almost two weeks and the tall blonde still hasn't gathered the courage to tell his boyfriend. Jeongin scolds him for it everyday.

"Alright. But take a break now and then. I don't need you to die on me." The puppy boy cupped his boyfriends cheeks and crashed their lips together, pulling away quickly, leaving a whiny Hyunjin. "I forgot to tell you. Dad and Erin are coming over for lunch."

"You're going to let him meet Heejin?" Seungmin nodded getting off Hyunjin's lap. Something the older didn't like but chose not to make a comment about. "Do you think I forgave him too easily?" Hyunjin laid his head on Seungmin's lap, the brunette playing with his hair.

"No. That's your father, Min. He made a really huge mistake but you know he's a good person if he recognizes his mistake and tries to make up for it." Seungmin sighed, braiding Hyunjin's hair. It was something that helped him relax and the blonde didn't mind. Not one bit.

"I guess you're right." The doorbell rang and Hyunjin sat up. Seungmin traveled to the door and threw it open seeing his adorable daughter. "Hi my love. How was the sleepover?" Seungmin asked kissing her soft cheeks.

Jisung smiled. "It was good papa. We had so much fun." Hyunjin came behind the younger and grabbed the little girl into his arms, Heejin melting in them. "I hope they didn't make a mess." Jisung shook his head. "It's fine. Nothing me and Minho weren't used to."

The two hugged and Seungmin ruffled Jisung's now brown hair. "Thank you, Sung." The older smiled happily looking so fucking gorgeous, Seungmin was blown away. "Of course. I enjoy having your tiny daughter around and so do my kids." Heejin giggled shyly when Jisung booped her nose.

"Good luck, Seungie and I'll see you later." The puppy boy nodded, the two exchanging quick hugs before Jisung left. "So princess, I hope you didn't tire Uncle Min and Sung too much." Hyunjin spoke sitting down on the couch with his daughter.

"Of course not daddy. We didn't tire him out because he tired himself out trying to chase us." Seungmin shook his head ruffling Heejin's hair. "If you say so." Hyunjin grinned and stared fondly at Heejin. Seungmin did such a good job with her. He pecked her tiny nose making her burst into giggles.

"Say, Jin-ah. How would you like to meet your grandfather?" Heejin tilted her head at Seungmin. "I have a grandfather?" The brunette nodded. "Yeah you do, my love. He's papa's dad."

"Oh. Is he coming over?" Seungmin nodded surprised to see his daughter more clam than he though she'd be. "Alright. I hope he's nice. It brings chocolate." Heejin muttered to herself and wrapped her tiny arms around Hyunjin's torso snuggling into the blondes shoulder. Hyunjin sighed in content and rested his cheek on her head. God I love her so much.

Seungmin smiled at the cute scene and whipped out his phone, snapping a couple pictures. When he put the device away, the doorbell rang. Sighing out nervously, Seungmin stood up and walked to the door opening it.

He saw his father and a shorter woman with long red hair, her blue eyes shimmering with excitement. "Hi." Seungmin smiled. "Hi, Min. This is Erin." The brunette ushered them inside and thanked Erin when she handed him a bouquet of flowers. "Thank you, this is beautiful."

"Oh it's no problem. I'm just glad to see you, Jaein told me so much about you." Seungmin took her coat and his dad's placing them on the rack. "Really?" Mr.Kim smiled sheepishly and his attention turned to Hyunjin who stood up.

"Hi Mr.Kim. My names Hyunjin." Seungmin's father grinned shaking the blondes hand. The two stood at the same height and it was then that Mr.Kim noticed Heejin hanging onto Hyunjin refusing to look at him. "Jin-ah. Say hi darling."

Heejin shyly looked up from Hyunjin's shoulder and the brunette smiled at his granddaughter. "Hi." She said timidly and Mr.Kim waved at her. "Baby, this is your grandpa." Seungmin introduced the two.

Erin smiled seeing how absolutely cute her husbands, sons, family was. "You guys are so cute. Is Heejin your baby?" The question was directed at Hyunjin and the blonde froze while Seungmin blushed in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry if I said something wrong it's just that you two look so much alike-"

"Uhm...she's not mine, but I consider her my daughter." Hyunjin felt guilty for lying that guilt increasing when he saw the flushes smile on his boyfriends face. Erin nodded at the answer, holding onto her husband. "Ah. Well I love your little family. I think it's truly adorable."

Mr.Kim nodded agreeing and turned to Seungmin. Heejin held on tightly to Hyunjin. "Daddy, is he really grandpa?" She asked and Hyunjin chuckled. "Yeah baby she is." Heejin pouted. "Then how come I've never seen him. And papa never talked about him."

"Well, my love. Papa and grandpa had a really big fight and then they made up." Heejin nodded, humming and holding onto her daddy. "Daddy?" Hyunjin looked at her. "You're not going to leave, right?"

"Of course not Jin-ah. I love you and your papa and I'm never leaving." The ravenette seemed happy with the answer and she lightly pecked her daddy's cheek. "I love you too, daddy." Hyunjin's heart burst.

Seungmin didn't hear their conversation but just seeing the interaction was enough to swell up his heart with love for his family. The oven dinged and the brunette checked the time. "Who wants dinner?"

"Here, Min. I'll help." Hyunjin got off the couch but Heejin was still clinging onto him. It was like she wasn't even there, the blonde brought plates down, set up utensils and even Erin and Mr.Kim helped with the food. She was just clinging there and to Hyunjin, it was like nothing. Fuck, now I want a kid.


a/n: istg if they don't call me a faggot they call me a fucking furry. why? because my 9 year old self had a "cat phase" and now my friend won't let it go :(

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