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Seungmin gasped in glee, stretching out his hand letting the rain droplets fall on his palm. He never expected it to rain but the brunette wasn't complaining. The calming sound of the rain and the addicting smell of soil filled the air. For a second the puppy like boy just stood there not caring if he was slowly getting wet.

Meanwhile Hyunjin was a little away from him also admiring the rain but also staring at Seungmin. He doesn't know why he found the younger so cute like that. All Seungmin was doing was enjoying the rain but to Hyunjin, it was the most pure thing ever. The blonde smiled happily, and casually took out his phone snapping a picture.

He was so glad that they shared their love for rain.

Seungmin was just waiting for the elevator when he felt someone next to him and turned around to see Hyunjin. "Good morning." The blonde smiled and Seungmin smiled back. "Morning." He turned around to face the elevator again, puffing out his cheeks. Seungmin avoided eye contact with Hyunjin only staring at his feet.

The two got into the elevator and Seungmin wanted to die. They were the only ones there and it was so awkward. Hyunjin looked down at his hands, occasionally stealing small glances at Seungmin. While the younger was red in the face. Being alone with hot people in a confined space made him really nervous. Especially if that hot person was his boss.

"Mr.Kim, can you come to my office?" Seungmin was confused but nodded. Following the blonde into the giant office like a little puppy, Seungmin was pretty sure he was in trouble. Oh god. Is he gonna fire me? Please no! He bit on his lip and flinched lightly when Hyunjin closed the door.

He noticed Jeongin in the corner who was previously blowing bubble gum, but it popped the second he saw his friend. "Here." Seungmin tilted his head to the left but he took the papers from Hyunjin. "Can you make copies of that, please?" And just like that Seungmin's shoulders relaxed.

A smile peeked out and he nodded hugging the papers to his chest. "Will that be all?" Hyunjin nodded clearing his throat. The puppy like boy turned on his heels and began walking out of the office. Hyunjin groaned falling in his chair, dramatically.

"You could've gotten Mimi to do that." Jeongin commented. Hyunjin glared at him and the ravenette chuckled. "Aren't you supposed to be like...I don't know..downstairs ransacking the snack cabinet?"

"You're right." Jeongin smiled and got up. "Well, I'll be back. Oh and uh Jin?" The blonde looked up. "Just tell him you like him already." Jeongin laughed and dodged the pen thrown his way. "Missed me." Jeongin gasped closing the door when Hyunjin threw another pen.

He stifled a snort and turned around in his heels stopping abruptly when he saw Chan. The ravenette had a confused look in his face that morphed into a blank one. He walked past Jeongin and the younger sighed. Ignoring the stinging in his chest, he went to the company pantry.

Hyunjin laid back on his chair, eyes covered by his right hand while the left one was holding a pen. The clicking of the writing device was the only thing you could hear other than the calm breathing of Hyunjin and the occasional sighs.

Do I really like guys? He asked himself, having a battle with what he uncovered and what he's been knowing. But is there really more to it than just simple interest? What if I only like him temporarily? Am I even sure I like guys? He inhaled through his nose. Oh, but he has a kid. There's a huge possibility that he must also have a partner. What if he doesn't like guys? Will he just think I'm a creep?

The door opened and Hyunjin opened one eye seeing Seungmin who had a small smile on his face. "Thank you." The brunette nodded and Hyunjin took the papers from him, their fingers brushing against each other. Hyunjin looked over the stack of copies, and Seungmin's eyes fell on his pink lip.

Closing his oRbS, the brunette mentally hit himself. That's your boss. He probably doesn't even like guys. The puppy like boy looked back up at his boss, who was staring at him. The blonde averted his eyes away and Seungmin could've sworn he saw Hyunjin's cheeks dusted pink. God he's so cute and hot- and what the fuck is wrong with you?

Holy shit. I'm gonna jump out of the window. Why is he so cute? "These are perfect Mr.Kim." Hyunjin said stopping his thoughts. "Thank you sir." Seungmin took his leave, dainty hands being laid on the doorknob. "Hey, Mr.Kim."

Hyunjin chewed on his lips the second Seungmin turned around with a questioning glint to his eyes. No backing out now. Jeongin's voice rang in his ears and the blonde found his lips moving before he had any chance to process what he was saying. "Uhm...would you like to come to dinner with me and Jeongin?"

The blonde asked making sure to emphasize Jeongin. Please don't think weird. The first part of the sentence had Seungmin's eyes widen in what seemed like...excitement. But his shoulders dropped hearing Jeongin. "Sure. mr.Hwang." The blonde mentally facepalmed and Seungmin smiled before leaving.

Jeongin was on his way back to the office, arms full of the variety of snacks the company offered. He gave Hyunjin a questioning look before making himself comfortable on the small leather couch in his best friends office.

Seungmin took a seat on the wheeled chair and took out his phone. Due to him being a super employee, he finished some pictures ahead of time. Unlocking his phone the brunette smiled at the wallpaper on his phone.

It was his favorite picture of his favorite people in the world. Heejin was on Insoo's shoulders, a fake mustache glued onto Heejin's upper lip while his best friend had a drawn one on. He vividly remembers Insoo pouting when the wind blew away his fake mustache. So the brunette just decided to draw it in himself.

Very terribly though.

Seungmin smiled at the memory and turned off his phone. After minutes of scrolling through Instagram, he was already bored.

His mind went to Hyunjin's request and he couldn't help but smile. Of course he didn't forget about Jeongin, but the ravenette seemed like a genuinely sweet person. Way better than Aejong.

The brunettes cell phone dinged and he picked up the device checking out the latest V Live notification. Checking around to make sure nobody was there, he turned down his volume and began watching the live.


a/n: aahahahahaha that was shit🤡🤡

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