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"What are you going to name her?" Insoo asked breaking Seungmin out of his thoughts. The brunette looked at the side of the hospital bed seeing her sleep peacefully in the plastic crib with her tiny arms laid down next to her.

The older male had noticed Seungmin not speaking more than a couple words ever since she was born. He just assumed that Seungmin was tired.

"Heejin." Seungmin broke the silence. Insoo held back a coo seeing the slightest smile crawl onto Seungmin's face staring at Heejin who was still sleeping.

-2 months later-

Tossing in his bed, Seungmin whined opening his brown eyes. Yawning he took in his surroundings and saw the baby monitor on while she was crying. Getting up to his feet, the brunette sprinted to the nursery and picked up the little girl. "You're hungry again?" He asked.

Taking a seat in the rocking chair at the corner of the room, Seungmin sighed and lifted up his shirt. The little girl instantly latched on, starting to suck and fill her small tummy. Her crying ceased and her tiny limbs weren't kicking the air anymore.

Seungmin yawned and wiped his eyes, the small night light giving him the tiniest bit of ability to see. Looking down at his arms, he saw that she was almost asleep, eyes threatening to shut. Sighing out loud, Seungmin's hands felt so large when caressing her small face, making her sleepier and sleepier until her beautiful eyes shut all the way.

She was quietly asleep in his arms and honestly, Seungmin had never seen anything as cute as her in his life. She was so tiny, so fragile, she depended on him. The thought of putting her up for adoption circled his mind, but he was unsure. The longer Seungmin stared at her the more he felt himself falling in love with his daughter.

Insoo helped him set up the nursery. They painted the walls a pretty pastel purple color and the crib at the corner was a beautiful white. A rocking chair decorated the side, and a basket overflowing with toys rested against the changing table.

Small onesies in various colors were neatly folded in the drawer, the gifts being from Insoo. Seungmin really loved that the older was helping him, the two forming a strong friendship.

Insoo loved babies even though he sucked with them, and he loved holding her, showering her with affection and gifts.

You can say that Heejin Kim was mostly spoiled by Insoo Yoo.

Seungmin leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead. He took his time to observe his kid, taking in every single feature on her tiny face.

Heejin didn't really look like her papa, but it was enough to tell that they were father and daughter. She had Seungmin's nose and his lips, but her eyes. The brunette doesn't know where she got her beautiful eyes from. Seungmin had soft, almond shaped eyes, the color of chocolate, but his daughters were more narrowed and a small mole was visible under her right eye. She was really beautiful with her soft black fluffy hair laying on her tiny head.

Staring at her delicate features Seungmin felt the dreaded tears form in his eyes. Ever since she was born, Seungmin felt like the absolute worst person on the planet.

He had never given her any attention when she was still growing in his stomach and he hadn't been an ideal papa when she was born. He had considered abortion multiple times and even went as far as visiting the clinic but never going through with it. Seungmin felt like a selfish person wanting to kill his innocent child for his own personal gain. He felt like a monster.

She didn't deserve to suffer because of the life choices Seungmin made. Warm tears made their way down Seungmin's smooth skin and droplets fell on Heejin's white onesie with the little teddy bears.

As if sensing her papa's distress, Heejin's tiny eyebrows scrunched softly looking like she was in discomfort. Seungmin gently rocked her in his arms, humming an unknown tune. It seemed to work. Heejin's tiny face returned to its relaxed position now peacefully drinking Seungmin's milk.

The brunette smiled caressing the strands of hair on her head. "God you're so beautiful." He whispered. "I'm sorry I can't give you a better life. Please forgive your irresponsible papa. Hmm?" He chewed on his bottom lip.

"I promise I'll try to be the best papa for you." The brunette had no energy to move and he didn't want to wake up his daughter, so he just settled on falling asleep on the rocky chair. His daughter in his arms, the duo fell into the realm of dreams peacefully, being comforted by each other.


a/n: jYp OpPaR

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