twenty six

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"Oh god ew!" Jeongin jokingly gagged throwing a small plushie at Hyunjin's head. The eldest there let go of Seungmin's lips and the brunette groaned hiding behind Hyunjin. "I can't believe this is the first thing I see when I get back."

"Shut up. This is why you knock." Hyunjin said and Seungmin hugged the olders waist, resting his chin on Hyunjin's shoulder. "Wow. If this is what I'm going to see everyday, I quit." Jeongin said dramatically and Seungmin giggled.

"You can't quit." The ravenette pouted. "Yeah I know." Jeongin scoffed playfully and left his stuff on the floor, turning around and walking out of the office. Hyunjin smiled and went back to Seungmin.

Holding the brunettes face softly he smiled and leaned in again, Seungmin giggling happily before their lips crashed together again. Tingles rushed up and down Seungmin's body feeling those warm lips again and he tip toed arms snaking around Hyunjin's neck. The blonde held Seungmin's waist, not daring to go any lower.

Seungmin hummed tasting the cherry from Hyunjin's lips but reluctantly the brunette pushed his lover away. Hyunjin whined. "I have work to do." The older whined again and rested his head on Seungmin's shoulder, placing a kiss on his neck that sent shivers down the youngers spine. "Well, as your boss, I demand you do it another day."

"You know I can't do that." Seungmin said closing his eyes when Hyunjin kissed beside his jawline. "I know." The blonde said leaving a last peck right under Seungmin's ear. "I'll see you later." Seungmin said and tip toed leaving a peck on Hyunjin's lips.

Hyunjin pouted watching Seungmin go. He hates it when the younger leaves but loves to watch him go. Licking his lips, Hyunjin turned around, pads of his fingers touching his bottom lip. A smile made its way onto his face and he took a seat on his chair.

Holy shit! Did you just make out with the boss?! In his office?! Seungmin's cheeks were a rosy color and his hands were on his hot cheeks hoping to cool them off. From around the corner, Jeongin showed. The younger gave him a cheeky smile and an eyebrow wiggle. Seungmin watched him go and scoffed playfully.

Cupping his cheeks, the brunette walked to his desk, biting in his lips to hide his smile. "Hey." Giant stacks of paper being placed in his desk broke Seungmin out of his fantasy and the younger flinched. Aejong smiled bitterly. "Can you finish this?" The brunette stared at the woman and she left before Seungmin got to say anything.

Staring at the stacks of paper he sighed and scrunched his eyebrows, wanting to die. Picking up the pile he put it to the side and began working on the files that actually belonged to him and posting their recent photos the company took.

Once he was done with his own work, his attention shifted to the other papers and he sighed, rubbing his temples. Picking up a packet, he huffed out and grabbed a pen.

By the time Seungmin was halfway finished with the work his shoulders were stiff and his back hurt, so did his hand. Sighing out loud, the puppy like boy didn't even realize that everyone had already left, too occupied with the work.

"Min?" If Seungmin wasn't so tired he would be squealing at the nickname. "Why haven't you gone home yet?" He asked approaching the boy. Hyunjin's perfect brows furrowed seeing all of the work on his lovers desk. "I don't remember giving you this much." He muttered and Seungmin hummed, not hearing him.

"Come on, it's time to go home." The brunette checked the time and sighed rubbing his eyes. Hyunjin cooed when the younger yawned cutely and got up from the chair. Stretching his arms, he smiled when Hyunjin's hands sneaked around his waist hugging the younger. "Let's go. I'll give you a ride." Ok😏

"Alright. Thank you." Seungmin wanted to kiss his cheek but Hyunjin moved his head and the brunette ended up landing on his plump lips. "Okay. Let's go." Hyunjin smiled happily, the aura of a child coming off him in waves. Seungmin giggled and they intertwined their hands.

"Wanna get ice cream on the way? We can get some for Heejin as well." Seungmin's heart skipped a beat for the second time. He remembered Heejin. The brunette wanted to jump in Hyunjin's arms, but the older was driving so he chose not to. Looking down at Seungmin's unoccupied hand, Hyunjin interlocked their fingers again and the younger smiled.

Hyunjin loved holding Seungmin's hands. They were soft, and fit perfectly in his. The younger had smaller hands than Hyunjin and the blonde found it absolutely adorable to see his boyfriends hands drown in his own.

Stopping by an ice cream parlor, Hyunjin and Seungmin entered the shop. "What flavor does she like?" Hyunjin asked fishing for his wallet. "Your not paying." Seungmin said and reached for his own. "Yes I am." The blonde grabbed Seungmin's wallet. "Give it~" the brunette whined reaching for his money, but Hyunjin raised it above his head.

"Your not paying, Kim. Not when you're with me." The person behind the counter smiled at the cute interaction clearing her throat. "How can I help you?" Seungmin turned to her with a pout. Hyunjin joined the younger, wrapping an arm around Seungmin's waist. The puppy boy would be lying if he said it didn't give him butterflies.

"I'll have the vanilla." Seungmin answered and she put it in. "And I'll take the mango flavor." The brunette raised 2 fingers. "Make that 2 please. Heejin likes mango as well." The person behind the counter nodded. "That'll be $10.34. Would you like to try our new containers? They keep the ice cream cold on your way home."

"Sure." Hyunjin gave her his card and she took it with a smile, swiping the plastic rectangle. "Alright. It'll be out shortly." She said and disappeared to get the ice cream.

"I never knew she liked the same things as me." Hyunjin said laying his head atop Seungmin's. "We have stuff in common." Seungmin cooed at the excitement in Hyunjin's voice and he patted Hyunjin's cheek. "I guess you guys do. Maybe that'll help you get along with her. But don't worry she already loves you."

"She does!" Hyunjin asked, bright eyes. Heejin's approval meant everything to the guy and not just because he's dating her papa, okay that's a big reason. But also because the kid seemed like a sweet girl and Hyunjin wanted to get to know her more.

"Here are your ice creams have a great day." She smiled and gave Hyunjin and Seungmin their respective cones, while the blonde took the container of ice cream for Heejin. It wasn't too big but not too small either. Just perfect for her.

They drove back to the apartment both adults close to finishing their desserts when the car came to a halt. Seungmin unlocked the apartment door and walked in. "Jinnie sweetie?" Nothing. Seungmin set down his stuff. "We got ice cream." And just like he heard a cheeky giggle and the pitter patter of her feet made both of them smile.

"Hi papa. Hi uncle Jin. What'd you get?" She asked hugging her papa's leg. "Ice cream. Your favorite flavor." Heejin's eyes sparkled like Hyunjin's and the ravenette began jumping up and down reaching for the container in Hyunjin's hand. "Here." Hyunjin bent down and Heejin climbed into his hold grabbing the sweet dessert.

Seungmin smiled and the other two came to the dinner table, the brunette giving his daughter a spoon. Heejin crawled into the seat between Seungmin and Hyunjin, stuffing her mouth with the dessert. "This is so good." She said. "I love mango."

Insoo peeked in seeing the adorable sight. Taking out his phone he snapped a picture and tip toed out of the apartment. No one even noticed him leaving. The brunette sighed, happy for his best friend. Seungmin deserved a family.

Let's hope it doesn't end in disaster.


a/n: might start doing double updates because why the fuck not. i have no life and am bored as fuck :]

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