twenty four

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Hyunjin concentrated on the bowl of chicken soup in his hands, trying his hardest not to drop it. Bending down his tongue stuck out and he placed it down on the table flinching when Jeongin sneezed. "Thank you." The younger croaked out and Hyunjin placed his hands on his hips.

"I let you out of my sight for a couple hours and you get yourself sick." The blonde shook his head seeing his best friend wrapped up in a blanket, used tissues all around him. The ravenette coughed and gave a small smile to Hyunjin. "Sorry, it won't happen again."

"You bet your pretty ass it won't. I'm not letting you out of this room until your all better." Jeongin nodded and reached for the hot soup Hyunjin brought. "I have to go now but I'll be back later tonight to check on you." The younger nodded.

Hyunjin sighed and walked out of the room, into the living room and out the door. The entire way to the company he was worried about his friend and stressing about Jeongin. He really is like my child. Hyunjin shook his head and his vehicle came to stop.

Seeing Seungmin his eyes brightened and he waved to the younger. The brunette waiting until Hyunjin caught up. "Hello." Hyunjin greeted and decided to make a bold move and hug the brunette. Seungmin grinned secretly and wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck. "Hi." He said blushing furiously when the older pulled away.

Seungmin bit his bottom lip and looked down at Hyunjin's extended hand. Damn. I must really be feeling confident today. He thought when the younger intertwined their fingers. Hyunjin cleared his throat and stared at his shoes, the only thing on his mind being his hands are so soft.

The brunette felt like his heart was about to burst from the amount of butterflies that were flapping around in his stomach. "How was your night?" The blonde asked, thumbs running over Seungmin's. "It was good. I had to take the bus because Insoo had my car."

"They still haven't fixed his car?" Hyunjin asked. After knowing that they weren't dating, the older didn't bother bother him as much but he was still a little bit jealous. Even though Seungmin wasn't his boyfriend...yet. "Hey, Jeongin isn't here today. Do you mind coming into my office? I could use the company."

Hyunjin felt like he was shitting bricks asking that question, but all of his worries melted away when Seungmin nodded his head. "Sure. I have only a little bit of work anyways." The blonde smiled happily. "Alright." He chirped, quite pleased with the answer.

The two made their stop on Seungmin's desk, the younger grabbing his laptop and then they went to Hyunjin's office. Seungmin took a seat where he saw Jeongin usually sat at and turned on the computer. Hyunjin that whipped bitch didn't even start his device, resting his chin on his hands and staring at Seungmin work.

Hyunjin didn't even realize Chan walked in until the older spoke up. "Where's Jeongin?" The blonde broke his staring away from Seungmin and the brunette looked up at the ravenette. "He's sick." Chan's face was blank like always total opposite to the bright smile he wore the previous years. "What happened?"

The blonde raised a brow taking the paper from Chan. "Careful there buddy. For a second you sounded like you cared." He scoffed and Chan clenched his jaw, turning on his heels and walking away. Hyunjin glared at the older leave and Seungmin looked up but minded his own business.

"Sorry about that." Hyunjin spoke up. "It's fine." The blonde sighed and rubbed his temples placing the paper aside. Of course he had no right to treat Chan like that, but it irked him that Chan started acting cold towards Jeongin without even trying to know the actual truth. But at the same time it's none of his business. I'm gonna kill myself.

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