twenty two

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Seungmin's phone rang in the middle of the brunettes work and he was confused but a teeny tiny bit annoyed that someone would interrupt his precious work. Answering the call he placed the phone on his ear. "Yes?"

"Hey Minnie, I'm kind of in trouble right now." Insoo said looking around the company he was working under. Seungmin sighed. "Do I need to bail you out of jail again?" The taller male shook his head. "No, Min. I'm actually having car troubles. I have to go somewhere for the latest scene and we have to be there by 3 and my car doesn't work. I called triple A and they said it was going to take a while. Can I please borrow your car? Please. It's really far and the busses don't go in that direction."

Seungmin sighed out loud hearing the desperation in his best friends voice. He weighed his options but in the end decided to help the person who was kind enough to assist him in the hardest times of his life. "Fine. But your taking a bus and coming here."

Insoo beamed and cheered quietly. "Thank you thank you thank you. I owe you. I'll be there in like 10 minutes. Wait." He stopped moving. "Can you send me the address?" Seungmin shook his head. "Yeah."

"Okay thank you. Love you." Before Seungmin could reply, the brunette hung up and the younger puffed out his cheeks rubbing his temples. I love you too I guess. He put his phone down and continued his work that was so rudely interrupted.

A couple of minutes later Seungmin's phone dinged. Wow he wasn't kidding when he said 10 minutes. He grabbed his car keys and forgot his phone, going down the elevator.

Meanwhile Hyunjin was on the fifth floor trying to make it look like he had work there when in reality he just wanted to see Seungmin. He was about to wave to the younger, when he saw the brunette get up with his keys but forget his phone. Seungmin was already in the elevator and Hyunjin grabbed the device following him.

He took a peek of the wallpaper and smiled seeing the cute little girl, but that smile slowly vanished seeing the other person he couldn't recognize. Is that his...partner? Hyunjin could feel his heart dropping down to his stomach but he shook it off. Maybe not.

The elevator doors opened and he followed Seungmin to the parking lot where he saw the same guy from the wallpaper.

"Here." Insoo turned around and smiled seeing Seungmin. "Thanks Minnie." He hugged the shorter and ruffled his hair while Seungmin swatted his hand away. Insoo only giggled and took the keys from his best friend. "Your really saving my ass."

"You don't even have an ass." Seungmin mumbled and Insoo scoffed playfully. "Like you do?" The taller one flinched when Seungmin glared at him. "Just go. Also how did you get here?" He asked kicking a pebble next to his foot. "I took the bus." He smiled like :]

"Anyways I have to go. I'll see you later and don't worry, I'll pick up Heejin." Seungmin smiled gratefully and waved at the taller who unlocked the vehicle and got in. He took a couple steps back and Insoo drove out of the parking lot.

Remember earlier when Hyunjin's heart dropped to his stomach? Yeah well this time it dropped to his feet seeing the taller guy bend down and hug Seungmin. I fucking knew it. He sighed in disappointment and bit his lip going back into the company.

On his way he placed Seungmin's phone down and went to his office. Jeongin who noticed the olders gloomy aura raised an eyebrow. "What happened?" He asked sitting up. "He's already dating someone." The ravenette winced hearing that.

He felt bad seeing Hyunjin look so...sad. It was his first time crushing on a boy and he finds out the latter is already taken. "It's okay man. There's a reason it's called a crush. Cause they crush your heart." Hyunjin chuckled lightly and Jeongin patted his back.

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