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Hyunjin's heart was beating so fast that he was afraid he was going to die. Bopping his leg up and down nervously he chewed on his nails staring at his phone like it was Seungmin. The call made him almost trip, reaching for the device.

"Bin, hey! What'd you get?" He asked hearing the older sigh from the side. Changbin took off his glasses putting the paper down. "I hope your sitting down for this."

Seungmin's phone buzzed and he saw a text from Insoo.

Good luck :)

Thank you
I think I might just ditch

You gotta talk at some point

I hate it when your right


read 1:21pm

Setting down his phone, Seungmin straightened his posture, expression going blank seeing his father sit down in front of him. Thanks to his amazing boyfriend pulling some strings, Seungmin managed to get his number.

"Hi. Thank you for meeting me." Mr.Kim said looking nervous as fuck. Seungmin looked down at the table for a second. "Yeah, sure. You said you were sorry and I'm here to make sure you actually are."

Mr.Kim nodded, understanding everything. Seungmin sighed grabbing the latte cup. The air was awkward and the brunette wanted to leave already. It was too much to see his dad, the opposite of what he remembered of the man.

"Well, I know me saying sorry won't bring back all of the lost time and pain I caused but I want to be in your life again. I spent years trying to find your new address and the only reason I found it was because Zack contacted me. He said that he couldn't reach you, but you gave him your address if he ever was in town. Min, it wasn't until you were gone that I realized how much you meant to me. Please, I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of those mean things I said to you. My life's been miserable without you. I changed the way I think and now that I see it, it doesn't matter who you love. As long your happy, I'll be happy too. I know it's too late to make amends and I get it completely if you don't forgive me. I just wanted to tell you, that I really miss you."

Seungmin clenched his jaw holding back tears. Instead of the last time he faced his dad where he was angry, this time he's more sad. Why couldn't he have said these words 6 years ago? Seungmin thought that the sound of his father not accepting him for who he is had healed a long time ago, but boy was he wrong.

Stirring the coffee aimlessly, Seungmin finally spoke up. "You're right dad, it is too late to make amends. But...that doesn't mean we can't try. Things won't be the same and it may take some time for me to be comfortable with you again and I hope your willing to accept that."

"Yeah, yeah of course Min. As long as I'm still in your life and we're talking." Mr.Kim smiled at his son and the gesture seemed so foreign for the brunette. Seungmin's lips twitched into a smile and he cleared his throat. "So..was that little girl your daughter?"

At the question, Seungmin nodded smiling. "Yeah. Her name is Heejin." Mr.Kim grinned lightly fiddling with the ends of his scarves. "She's so cute. But doesn't look like you." The puppy boy chuckled. "Yeah I get that a lot. So what's new in your life?"

Mr.Kim puffed out his cheeks with air and scratched his nape. "I..uh..actually met someone." The surprise was evident on Seungmin's face. He remembers his dad saying he'd never date anyone after his mom. "Really? That's great, dad. What's their name?"

His father bit his lip and covered his face and Seungmin gasped reaching for the brunettes hand. "You're married?" Mr.Kim nodded. "Yeah. We got married a year ago."

"Okay now I definitely want to meet her." His father sat him down and pulled out his phone.

"Her names Erin. I met her about 3 years ago at a bar and I guess we clicked." Seungmin muttered a holy shit taking the phone from his dad, seeing the picture of his dads wife. "Damn. She's gorgeous." Mr.Kim nodded.

"Actually she was the one who made me come talk to you today. I was close to chickening out but Erin chased me with a spoon out of the door." Seungmin laughed. "Sounds like a fun person."

"Yeah. I learned a lot about myself over the years and honestly...I'm happy." Seungmin smiled fondly, slender fingers wrapped around the white coffee mug that was slowly becoming cold. If you thought about it, his dad was young.

Seungmin himself is 24 years old and his father is only 44 years old. He was born while his dad was still in law school, maybe that's why Mr.Kim and his wife never got along that much. They didn't really love each other. But seeing his dad talk about this Erin gal..he could really see the happiness oozing out of him.

"Oh my god." Hyunjin's eyes were wide staring at the phone in his hand. Everything he knew about Seungmin crashed down on him and the blonde wanted to cry. "It'" He asked on the verge of tears.

"It's you for what?" Jeongin asked coming out of his room, wincing when he sat down. He saw Hyunjin about to cry and peeked in on the olders phone. "Oh." The blonde turned to Jeongin, pouting. "I'm her other dad."

Hyunjin blinked and the tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked more shocked than sad. "Yeah. What are you going to do?" Hyunjin slumped. "I...I don't know. What should I do?" His long fingers for tangled in his hair and Jeongin placed a hand in his shoulder.

"You should tell Seungmin first." Jeongin said and panicked when Hyunjin began crying. "Why? why? why? Why are you crying? What happened now?" Jeongin asked trying to calm his best friend. "You want water? Mouth wash?"

"No." Hyunjin wiped his tears. "I'm just...happy and confused." More tears replaced the ones he wiped away. "She's so cute..and-and I left Seungmin to raise her all alone. Without help."

Jeongin didn't know what to do so he just slapped Hyunjin, the blonde whining. "What the fuck?" He asked glaring at Jeongin. "Sorry but you needed to shut up. Anyways, it wasn't your fault. Jin you didn't even know about it."

"But-but I just pulled an ejac and evac." Jeongin held the blondes shoulders making him look at him. "Listen, look, you might've gotten him pregnant and left but you didn't know. What counts is that you're here right now. Helping him."

"But you didn't have to slap me." Jeongin wiped his best friends tears. "Yeah I know. That was just for me." Hyunjin glared at him and raised his hand to punch Jeongin on the shoulder, but stopped mid way seeing Chan appear out of nowhere.

The ravenette gave him a look that said 'I dare you' and Jeongin smiled cheekily. Hyunjin sighed and his arm fell. "But like, how do I tell Seungmin?"


a/n: dude i'm not in the right mental state to have a kid

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