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-6 years later-

"Heejin-ah. Are you awake?" 25 year old Seungmin called for his daughter from downstairs while making breakfast. "Yeah papa, I'm awake." Heejin yelled back from upstairs, Seungmin grinned hearing the pitter patter of her feet running down the stairs.

"Good morning papa." The energetic 6 year old hugged her papa, Seungmin cooing and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Morning my love. Sit down breakfast is ready." She nodded sitting down next to her papa, the brunette placing the plate of pancakes in front of her. "Yummy." She grabbed the syrup and drowned the pancakes in the sweet substance.

"That's a lot." Seungmin chuckled pouring just a drizzle on his. "Yeah well it just tastes like heaven." She replied biting into the delicious breakfast. "You finished your homework right?" She nodded like the good girl she was and Seungmin pinched her adorable cheeks. "Good job."

The doorbell rang and Seungmin got up to answer it. On the other side of the brown door was Insoo, the brunette grinning widely. "Hi Minnie." Seungmin let the brunette in. Insoo greeted Heejin with a kiss on the forehead and the little girl smiled cutely, eyes disappearing and crinkling at the corners. Like he had wished, they did get along as she got older.

Insoo would always join the Kim's for breakfast, taking a seat next to Heejin. According to him, Heejin replaced Seungmin as his favorite Kim.

Seungmin checked the time on his watch and continued eating listening in on the conversation Insoo and Heejin were having about hair dye. He couldn't help but smile at how invested Heejin looked in what her uncle was saying. It was truly adorable.

Their entire relationship was adorable.

"All done." She said smiling cutely. Seungmin got up and grabbed his plate as well as Insoo's and Heejin's, leaving a kiss on the ravenettes head. "What I don't get a kiss?" Seungmin scoffed at the fake hurt tone in Insoo's voice. "No." The brunette rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Heejin.

Placing the plates inside the sink, Seungmin washed his hands. "Come on guys. It's almost time to leave." Hearing that, Heejin got out of the chair and ran upstairs coming back with her backpack. "Thank you Jinnie." Seungmin grabbed the lunchbox and packed a sandwich along with a juice box, some gummies and a small bag of chips for his daughter.

The little girl happily took the pastel blue lunchbox from her papa. "Let's go kids." Seungmin said addressing Insoo as well. The three went out of the apartment and into Seungmin's car.

On their way to work, the two dropped off Heejin at her school, Seungmin kissing her fluffy cheeks several times before letting her leave. It's been 6 years and a lot of things has changed. Like Seungmin wanted they moved out of the crappy neighborhood they were living in, actually they moved out of Los Angeles entirely.

A couple years ago, maybe when Heejin was 3, Seungmin had found an interest in photography. The puppy like boy has always liked it, holding mock photo shoots with the younger kids his old neighborhood. He was looking for a job that offers more money and found an ad for a business.

He worked there for a couple months but the business went under. From then on, he took on small jobs involving cameras and soon grew to love what he was doing.

It didn't take long for him to want to move out to San Francisco and Insoo followed. The older had a passion for acting and had landed small supporting roles in the city along the years and was more than happy to accompany his best friend.

"So did you hear back from the company?" Insoo asked adjusting the radio. Seungmin shook his head. "Not yet. I probably didn't even get the job." He pouted. "Are you crazy? You're an amazing photographer if they don't hire you, I will."

Seungmin smiled. "Sure. Anyways how's it going with the auditions?" A bright smile made its way onto Insoo's face. A couple months ago he had applied for a role in a new drama about zombies and high school. "It's going great actually. They said they would call me back."

"If you get famous please don't forget to give me your autograph." The puppy boy joked earning a chuckle from his best friend. "Of course of course." The car came to a halt and both of them got out. They worked in the same building but their floors were different. "I'll see you after work." Seungmin nodded waving bye to Insoo, the older disappearing inside an elevator.

Showing his employee ID to the person who worked behind the desk, Seungmin made his way to his office. Taking a seat, he turned on his computer and fixed the glasses resting on his nose bridge. Opening the last file he was working on, the brunette resumed his work.

__ __

Checking the time, Seungmin saw that he had 20 minutes until Heejin would be dismissed from school and pushed back his chair. Packing up his stuff, the brunette walked out of the office and then the building getting to his car.

Driving to her school, because of traffic, Seungmin arrived right when the bell rang. A sea of students were unleashed when the gate opened and the puppy boy searched the crowd trying to find his little girl. Spotting her, he smiled, the ravenette running to him and sticking to his leg.

"Hi sweetheart." Seungmin bend down kissing her forehead and grabbing her bag for her. "Hi papa. Guess what? Guess what?" She held onto Seungmin's outstretched hand and some of the moms in the corner began whispering, talking about how handsome Seungmin was. They weren't lying.

"What is it honey?" Heejin smiled looking up at her papa. "I made a new friend today. He was new to the class." Seungmin hummed swinging their hands. "Really what was his name?"

"His name was Jake papa. And he had cool hair and pretty eyes and a pretty smile and a pretty accent but you know papa it was so sad because people said he talked funny and no one shared their crayons. I thought he talked cool." She pouted and Seungmin internally melted.

Suddenly a big smile was on her face again. "But I shared papa. He was so happy and we played in recess and got on the swing and he pushed me on the swing and I pushed him, it was fun." Seungmin smiled listening to his daughters ramblings about her new friend. "I can't wait to see him again tomorrow."

Seungmin opened the car door for her and she got in buckling her seatbelt. "That was nice of you darling. I'm sure you made his day and I'm sure he can't wait to play with you again as well." He placed a kiss on her cheek and she smiled.

"Are we going to daycare now?" Seungmin nodded getting into the drivers side. He had discovered a cute daycare around the block when Seungmin first started working. It was run by a couple who had children of their own and after having several conversations, Seungmin knew that they were good people.

Heejin had been going there for a few years now and she made good friends with their kids. "So my darling, what do you want for dinner?" Seungmin asked beginning to drive to the building. Heejin pouted thinking about it and caressing her chin as if she had a beard. The action making Seungmin smile.

"How about some chicken? I love chicken." Seungmin nodded seeing the building come into view. "Chicken it is." Parking the car, Seungmin helped his small girl get out of the car and the two walked in to the daycare.

They were greeted by Minho playing with the kids and Jisung admiring his husband with heart eyes. "Hi Min." The squirrel noticed his friend and Seungmin greeted him back. "Jinnie!" Heejin's best friend and Minsung's eldest daughter, Minhye screeched the ravenette letting go of Seungmin's hand and the two meeting in a hug. Even though they see each other every day, it was still cute to see these moments.

"Well I guess I don't need to say bye." Seungmin chuckled dropping her bag. "I'll pick her up by 7." Jisung nodded, picking up the bag and giving Seungmin a quick hug.

The brunette took one last look at his daughter who was laughing with the triplets, Minhye, Mina and Minsu, surrounding her in a circle. Minho was right next to them with Seojun on his lap keeping an eye on the other kids.

"Bye." He walked out of the building. Getting back into his car, Seungmin drove back to work.


a/n: omg tripletsi've mentioned them in another story but their still adorable. and minho with seojun🥺

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