thirty nine

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"Yeah for sure. What do you need?" Changbin asked sitting up on the bed, lightly caressing Jaehyun's cheek who was asleep in his papa's arms. "Uhm..remember what I told you last week."

Changbin's face turned serious and he leaned back. "Yeah." Hyunjin continued. "Can you run a test in what I sent you? I'm sorry I know it's late." Changbin interrupted. "No it's fine. I'll do it and I'll send you the results alright?"

Hyunjin hummed from the other line hearing the water stop running. "Okay, thank you. Good night oh and give Jaehyun a kiss from me." The older smiled. "Alright." And Hyunjin hung up.

Seungmin joined his boyfriend on the bed wearing the blondes clothes. "Who was that?" He asked, Hyunjin snaking his arms around the brunettes waist. "Just my mom." The blonde lied and Seungmin nodded.

A soft sigh left him and Hyunjin ruffled his damp hair. "What's on your mind." He asked, Seungmin placing his hand over Hyunjin's. " dad, I guess."

"Was your dad that guy? The one who left a couple days ago?" Seungmin nodded sadly. "He just showed up out of nowhere and told me he was sorry. He wanted to be in my life again and it made me so mad."

Hyunjin rested his chin atop Seungmin's head, silently listening to his boyfriend talk. "It made me so mad because he was the one who kicked me out and it just triggered me to see him again, I guess." The blonde licked his lips.

"I...I know it's not my place to say or tell you what to do, but I think you should give him a chance. You're right it was selfish and incredibly stupid of him to kick you out but..if he showed up apologizing maybe he's really trying to be back in your life again."

"But why wait so long? Why did he show up after so many years?" Seungmin asked playing with Hyunjin's shirt. "Min maybe he only found you last week. What if he spent all these years looking for you? Maybe that's why it took him so long." What Hyunjin said got the younger thinking.

"I'm not trying to tell you what to do or anything wouldn't hurt if you talked to him. After all he is your dad and I think Heejin deserves to meet her grandfather. If you think that he's bullshitting or starts acting like he used to, then you know to cut him out of your life."

The soft tone Hyunjin was using managed to put Seungmin at ease and the brunette found himself considering what the older said. Nuzzling into Hyunjin's neck, Seungmin held the blonde close to himself. Hyunjin pecking his forehead and rubbing his back. "Thank you." What he said was muffled but Hyunjin understood it.

"Of course, love. I'm always going to be there for you." Seungmin hummed and closed his eyes. Hyunjin grinned resting his cheek on Seungmin's head. Pulling up the blanket with his feet, Hyunjin placed the cover over both of them and shut his pretty eyes.

Legs tangled together and arms around each other, Seungmin and Hyunjin fell asleep in peace, embraced by the person they loved.

However, the Seo's weren't so lucky. Changbin rubbed his eyes hearing his sons sad cries and sat up. Felix was looking around, fading purple hair sticking up in all directions. "I got it Lix, go back to sleep." The younger yawned and Changbin didn't have to tell him twice.

Entering his tiny sons room, Changbin carefully picked up Jaehyun, the tiny baby crying his little heart out. Bending down, the short male grabbed his fallen pacifier and placed it in between Jaehyun's tiny lips.

His cries slowly stopped and Changbin yawned, gently rocking his son in his arms. "Mm such a fussy little baby, Jae. Always keeping me and your papa on our toes." He cooed. Changbin was a buff guy and his son being so tiny, almost drowned in his arms.

Felix always said that it was the cutest thing he's ever seen in his entire life. And he was right.

Rubbing his cheek on Jaehyun's tiny forehead, Changbin caressed the small black fluff of hair on his head. "I hope you grow up and become beautiful like your papa." Jaehyun looked at his dad with questioning eyes, his blue pacifier bopping up and down. "Please don't even grow up." Changbin fake cried smothering the baby with tiny kisses to his face.

Jaehyun whined lightly, arms going up and shooing his dad away. After he did that, Jaehyun's eyes began fluttering shut. From the pacifier in his mouth and being rocked in his fathers warm arms, it's not his fault he was falling asleep.

Changbin held back his very loud squealing and carefully placed Jaehyun in his crib. But feeling the mattress touch his bag, the pacifier slipped from his lips and the baby began crying. Changbin panicked and picked him up again, Jaehyun's sad whimpers replacing his cries.

Sighing, the ravenette reached for the pacifier again and placed it between his lips. "Looks like you're sleeping with us tonight." Changbin grinned and flinched walking past a mirror. He looked extremely sleep deprived.

Getting to their room he shook his head and smiled seeing Felix asleep hugging a chicken plushie. I really do have two kids. Moving the blanket, Changbin gently laid Jaehyun in between him and Felix. The tiny Seo baby only closed his eyes and fell asleep, Changbin laying down next to his family.

He sighed and smiled. Changbin loved his life. Closing his eyes he kept one hand on Jaehyun's tiny tummy, comforted by the fact that it was moving up and down.




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