thirty five

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Insoo unlocked the apartment door and he realized nobody was awake yet. Placing the key down on the kitchen counter he walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of water, wondering where his best friend was. It was almost 9 and Seungmin would he awake by this time.

Shrugging his shoulders, the tall male walked to Heejin's room, carefully pushing open the door. He smiled seeing her still asleep cuddling her pink bunny plushie she named Cooky. It's been with her since she was born. Standing beside her bed he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. It felt like he hasn't seen her in years.

"Uncle Soo." She muttered and Insoo smiled at the little girl. "Hey Jin." She sat up, hair going everywhere and Insoo tried his best to tame the mess on her head. "What are you doing here?" Heejin asked leaning into his side, Insoo wrapping his long arms around her small frame.

"I came here to check on you and papa. By the way, where is he?" Heejin yawned and rubbed her eyes. "With uncle jinnie." She stated simply. "Uncle jinnie?" He tilted his head but then remembered the blonde dude. "Oh him?" Heejin nodded.

"Is he over right now?" Again she nodded and Insoo's face went like 'o'. "Then it's better not to disturb them. Want to go on a me and you day?" Heejin's eyes brightened and she nodded jumping on the brunette. "Of course. I missed you." Insoo ruffled her hair.

"Alright get ready then. But be quiet we don't want to wake up papa and Uncle Jinnie." She nodded getting out from under the covers and running to the bathroom. Insoo sighed and smiled walking out of her room.

Going to the kitchen he grabbed a sticky note and quickly scribbled something, sticking it on the fridge door. "Let's go princess. We'll have breakfast outside." Heejin held onto his larger hand and the two walked out of the apartment, carefully closing the door on their way.

Meanwhile Seungmin and Hyunjin were still fast asleep, Hyunjin having his arms wrapped around the younger. Clothes were strewn everywhere and the curtains were left half opened, letting sunlight peek in on the couple.

Seungmin hummed and turned around opening his eyes. It took a second for things to register in his brain, but once they did a deep crimson blush covered his cheeks and he hid his face with the blanket. Trying to get out of bed was a real challenge. Even asleep, Hyunjin still had a death grip around him and Seungmin couldn't get himself out without waking up his boyfriend.

Finally though, after a tough fight with an unconscious Hyunjin, Seungmin managed to slide out of bed. The first thing he did was put on his underwear and his shirt.

Slipping the material over his body it was then that he realized what he did was pointless since he was going to shower anyway. Groaning softly after stretching his arms, Seungmin walked into the bathroom and took off the shirt he put on two seconds ago. Idiot.

Hopping under the lukewarm water, the brunette sighed out in content and let the water soothe his sore muscles. Washing the shampoo out his hair he dried his body and got out of the shower. Seungmin shook his head seeing Hyunjin still asleep but just in a different position.

Seungmin was too lazy to put on proper clothes so he just slipped on some underwear and grabbed one of the many shirts Hyunjin left at his house because the blonde has the memory of a goldfish. Buttoning the white shirt, he fixed the sleeves since they were a little bigger on his arms and walked out of the room.

Upon entering the kitchen he saw the bright pink sticky note and took it off the fridge door.

'I'll take Heejin with me today. We'll be at mall and back by 5.

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