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After Seungmin got kicked out from his house, he had found a job. His living state wasn't clear at the moment, but at least he had somewhere to work.

Sighing out for the umpteenth time, Seungmin plastered on a fake smile like always and greeted the new customer. A couple days ago he found a job at a popular restaurant that was looking to hire a person behind the counter. The pay wasn't great but it's better than his old job.

"You can head on to table 13." He said with a fake smile and the kind couple nodded following his instructions. Once they were gone Seungmin sighed the smile dropping from his face. "Hey, you okay?" One of his coworkers, a waiter, asked nudging his arm.

Seungmin just nodded. "I'm fine." He said and the waiter nodded. "You sure?" The brunette nodded again. "I'm fine Insoo." Getting the signal, Insoo didn't press any further and grabbed a menu going to the new customers.

The brunette watched as the lanky man disappeared, plastering on a smile as he was talking to the couple that just arrived. "Welcome. How can I help you today?" It's okay. You can do this.

__ __

Until today, Seungmin was living in a cheap motel and the brunette was so glad that he finally rented an apartment. He was starting to get tired of the feet smell the motel room had. "I'll be back in 2 months for rent." Seungmin nodded and the kind old lady handed him the keys to the apartment before leaving.

Stepping foot into the apartment, Seungmin sighed and put down his suitcase. Walking around, he observed the place, ripping the white sheet off the furniture. The dust in the air made the brunette hide his face in the crook of his elbow, sneezing two times. Wow, this place needs a good cleaning.

Sneezing once more, Seungmin traveled to the other rooms. The landlady said that the last owners left in a hurry and forgot most of their stuff. To say that Seungmin was over the moon would be an overstatement but he was still happy.

The living room walls were painted a pleasant pastel yellow and the white of the furniture fit the entire house's vibe. There were two bedrooms and like the living room, the walls were a pastel yellow.

Messing up his brown hair, the first thing Seungmin needed to do was clean. So the brunette grabbed a couple dollars from his wallet and ran to the nearest Walmart purchasing some cleaning supplies and coming back to the apartment.

Shrugging off his coat, Seungmin put on his gloves and started cleaning the apartment. By the time night fell on the city, he was half done. He had cleaned the two rooms and part of the kitchen, leaving only the living room.

Stretching his tired body, Seungmin drank some water and went to bed. Trying to get comfortable was the hardest part though. The baby has grown a lot and so has his belly meaning that Seungmin had lost his sleep privileges. Usually, Seungmin sleeps on his stomach but he obviously couldn't do that.

He was 7 months pregnant and everywhere hurt. His back hurt, his legs hurt, and his feet were swollen. Not to mention the motherfucking mood swings and cravings. Seungmin was drained. Especially since the baby began kicking. He had to work from 7am to 8pm everyday and the kid was not work friendly.

They would always be kicking and keeping Seungmin on his toes, using the brunette's bladder as if it was their toy. Every 5 minutes Seungmin had to pee. But thank god he has nice coworkers. Seungmin doesn't really talk to Insoo but he seems like a sweet person.

When Seungmin needs to sit down or use the bathroom, he's always managing the brunette's work if he doesn't have to do his job. Seungmin doesn't really know him, but he still appreciates the olders help.

Finally closing his eyes, Seungmin sighed out in content and went to dreamland. Of course he didn't forget to change the bedsheets and pillow cases.

__ __

Knocking on the door made Seungmin huff and struggle to get up from the couch. Waddling to the door, he threw it open and was met with Insoo who was smiling brightly. "Sorry to come unannounced, but I brought you food." He smiled sheepishly while holding up the takeout bag. Maybe it's good to have friends. Seungmin surprised Insoo by giving him a small smile and letting the older in.

"I hope you like Korean food." Insoo said stepping foot into the apartment. Seungmin was confused at his comment. "Aren't we both Korean?" A rosy color bloomed on Insoo's cheeks as he awkwardly shuffled. "Right." Seungmin chuckled and the older brunette smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry again, for coming without telling you. I thought it wouldn't be good to leave a pregnant person alone." Seungmin took a seat. "Thank you for your concern." Insoo nodded handing Seungmin some food. "This is the longest conversation we've had."

"Oh yeah."

"At first I thought you didn't like me cause you never talked." The puppy-like boy stopped chewing and looked up with his puffed up cheeks. Swallowing the food in his mouth he wiped his lips. "It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I don't like people."

Insoo laughed at the comment and Seungmin smiled. "Yeah, people suck." The brunette nodded. "They really do." While they continued eating, Seungmin was starting to get uncomfortable with how much the baby kept moving.

They kept kicking and moving to the point where Seungmin said, "ow!" Insoo looked up drying his hands. "What happened?" Seungmin groaned holding his belly. "N-nothing. I think the baby just keeps k-ow." The lanky male sprinted into the living room helping Seungmin. "Do you wanna go to the hospital?"

"No I'm fine. I think it's just-" he squeezed his eyes tightly groaning when another sharp pain went through his body. Insoo was frozen. "I think your going into labor." Seungmin gasped feeling something run down his leg. "But it's too early." Insoo held the boy's shoulder.

"Let's go to the hospital, come on." The taller male ushered Seungmin out of the house with much difficulty and into his car. During the entire ride Insoo was trying to help the puppy like boy who was in more pain than ever. They didn't know what to do.

Seungmin gasped breathing heavily while the nurses helped him change into proper clothes. "He can't do this normally." The doctor spoke to the nurses. "Get the room ready." Seungmin's vision was blurry as the nurses dragged his bed to somewhere else.

An oxygen mask was placed on his face and with every breath he took, he found his vision get darker and darker, eyes getting heavy until they fluttered shut.

It felt like his body got hit by a truck when Seungmin woke up. The stench of sanitizer burned his nostrils and his head hurt, bright lights made him force his tired eyes close again. He was close to going to sleep but then baby crying startled him awake.

Insoo cursed silently and walked back in the room trying his best to pick up the sleeping baby. "Mm." His attention was grabbed by Seungmin, the brunette struggling to sit up. "No no stop. You shouldn't move." Seungmin ignored the older and sat up, wincing.

His chocolate eyes fell on the bundle in Insoo's arms, the taller doing a horrible job at stopping their crying. Seungmin closed his eyes, the crying making his head hurt. Reluctantly he reached out his arms and Insoo shook his head. "It's fine I got this."

"Just give it to me." Biting on his lip, Insoo sighed and placed the baby in their papa's arms. Seungmin moved the blanket away seeing them stop crying. "It's a girl." The brunette stared at her with a blank look and just simply lifted his shirt.

The little girl was brought closer to Seungmin's nipple and it didn't take long for her to latch on stop her small whining. Seungmin's head fell back on the bed and he closed his eyes, the girl's eyes also starting to fall shut, the brunette feeling her light sucking.

Insoo looked everywhere but at Seungmin. In the end he just decided to go get some food since hospital food was ass.


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