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"Yes this is perfect. Wow I'm loving it. You were born for this honey." The photographer kept hyping up Hyunjin, the now ravenette posing for the camera. Tons of lights were set up around Hyunjin and everyone, especially the girls, were admiring the tall man and how breathtaking he looked.

"Oh my god Hwang. You might actually make me get a divorce." The photographer exaggerated looking over the pictures. Hyunjin smiled as a thank you and got off the little stage to go change his outfit for the next set of photos.

His father said that it was necessary for the heir to do a photo shoot with their new brand partner and clothing line that's going to be out soon. Said that it'll boost product sales. Plus he was the perfect model. Kendall Jenner who? Gigi Hadid what?

The make-up artist retouched Hyunjin's eyes and lips after the ravenette put in the clothes he was assigned. "Perfect." He got up and walked to back to the tiny stage seeing the background change. "Okay I want you to step on and pose with...." His eyes looked around the room trying to find the perfect item. "This." Hyunjin got handed the long black jacket that pulled the entire outfit together.

Hooking one of his fingers on the coat neck, he threw it over his shoulder and let it cascade down his back. "Oh my god." The photographer wiped his fake tears and began snapping the photos.

The camera backstage was recording the entire process of the photo shoot and Hyunjin kept his neutral face, following the instructions he was given and nailing every expression.

__ __

Seungmin stretched his long arms and sighed in content. That was the most sleep Seungmin he gotten ever since his daughter was born. Sitting up his brain started working and then the brunette realized wait.. the most sleep I've gotten? What's going on?

Getting out of bed, his bare feet touched the cold floor as he walked out of the room and into the living room. A smile bloomed on his face when he saw his best friend looking at him with a sheepish smile while a squirmy Heejin was in his arms.

"Good morning." Insoo cleared his throat. "Morning. Why are you here so early?" He asked approaching the taller. Heejin who saw her papa began squirming and crying in Insoo's hold, tiny arms reaching for Seungmin.

The brunette cooed and picked up Heejin from Insoo, placing loud kisses on her adorable cheeks. "Do you not know what day is it today?" Seungmin shook his head going to the kitchen with Heejin still in his arms. The little girl had turned 6 months old a couple days ago.

Insoo's jaw fell to the floor, and he scurried into the kitchen taking out a very horribly but adorably decorated cake. "It's your birthday. Happy Birthday Seungmin." The brunette just stood there puzzled. "It's my birthday?" Insoo nodded his head.

"Oh." Seungmin smiled bouncing Heejin in his arms, the little girl giggling quietly. "I didn't even realize." The taller brunette shook his head but carefully pushed Seungmin into the dining area placing the cake in front of him. "Make a wish." Seungmin looked at his daughter, the little girl messing with his collar looking so utterly focused.

"Well, I don't know." The brunette shrugged but closed his eyes. I wish to get a better job so we can move out of this trash neighborhood. He blew out the candles. "Okay so you can go get ready and I'll take care of the princess here." Heejin began fussing and kicking her tiny limbs the second Insoo attempted to grab her out of her papa's hold.

"Or not." Seungmin chuckled and got up, Heejin now cutely sucking on the collar of his pajama shirt with her growing teeth. "Fine." Insoo sighed seeing as how Heejin doesn't like him. Which kinda made him sad but it's okay. He just hopes that they get closer as she grows older.

Seungmin thanked the older a final time and went to Heejin's room first. Placing the baby girl on the changing table, he got out a clean outfit and a new diaper. Quickly changing her and throwing away the old diaper, he pulled the shirt over her head, Heejin giggling making her papa grin.

"You're happy today aren't you?" He peppered her tiny face with kisses, her chubby hands lightly slapping his face. Seungmin smiled and grabbed her taking her with him to his room. Placing her down on the small mat with a bunch of toys he has in his room, Seungmin went to the bathroom.

While Heejin was sitting down staring at the toy car in her hand like she had just figured out the secret to the universe, Seungmin had already brushed his teeth and washed his face. Throwing on a pair of blue jeans, Seungmin tucked his white shirt in and slipped his arms through the sleeves of a black and white flannel.

Going back to the room, he picked out a small black headband from his desk and crouched in front of his daughter. Carefully placing it on her head, he fixed the bow that was a little wonky and cooed. "God you're so cute I could roll you into a ball and swallow." He picked up the girl, her toy car still in her hand.

In the living room, Insoo was on the couch. "You sure took long." He said lowering down the volume. "Yeah but at least we look cute." The tall man smiled and got up. "So where are we going?" Seungmin asked putting Heejin on his lap. The little girl was always with her papa, and she didn't complain.

"Just out. Don't worry I got my dad to let us off the hook." Cutting a small piece of the cake, Seungmin took a bite. "Ah. You fed Heejin right?" Insoo sighed nodding his head looking like he was having flashbacks. "It was war." Seungmin looked at his daughter who was cutely staring at her papa.

"No." Insoo vigorously nodded. "I swear I got more baby food on my clothes than I did in her tummy." The brunette giggled taking a bit of frosting and feeding it to his daughter who gladly took it. "I think it's because you tried to feed her the pea flavor. She hates pea." The tall brunette crossed his arms.

"Why didn't you tell me? I literally spent an hour battling with someone who's barely been on this planet for one year!" Seungmin shrugged hooping Heejin's nose. "Ugh!" Insoo groaned, but pouted thinking about the clothes he got dirty.

He went back to the couch and fell face first, turning up the volume for the TV. "What are you watching?" The younger asked peeking at the TV. "Nothing. Just the behind the scenes they aired for the photo shoot of that guy. What's his name? Wang Hujin? Jinhu?"

"Hwang Hyunjin." Seungmin corrected putting away the dirty plate and putting down Heejin who's been dying to get on the floor since the morning. "Yeah him? You know him?" Seungmin shook his head. "No. His dad and their company just pop up a lot on my TV."

Insoo's face made an 'o' shape as he nodded and turned off the TV, getting off the couch. "Okay great. You're both ready." He rubbed his hands together. "Let's go."

Insoo helped Seungmin with the car seat and the stroller, the brunette making sure to pack extra clothes, diapers, and a couple snacks, in case she gets hungry, in his backpack. Checking everything one last time, he locked his door and went to Insoo's car seeing him literally fight to put Heejin in her car seat.

He sighed but a smile was present on his face. Who knew my shitty life could actually be good once in a while. He saw Heejin's flailing arms and chuckled running to help the older before his blood pressure goes through the roof.


a/n: insoo=me
seungmin=my friend
heejin=my friends kid

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