twenty seven

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Jisung shifted uncomfortably trying his best to move the bright sun out of his eyes. He groaned and covered his face with a blanket. "Dad!" Minsu ran into the room plopping himself on his parent. The youngest triplet was followed by his 2 other siblings.

"Mm..hi babies." The squirrel man smiled removing the covers off his face and giving his children a beautiful smile. "Daddy said we can go to the park with Heejin and Uncle puppy." From the corners of his blurry vision Jisung could make out a figure

It was lovely husband, holding their tiny son in his arms. Jisung sat up holding Minhye in his arms while the other two clung to his sides. Mina didn't say anything and just laid her head down on her dad's shoulder. She's definitely calmer than her siblings. But only when she wants to be.

Minho grinned lightly seeing his husband surrounded by their wonderful children. Jisung's chubby cheek was resting on top of Minsu's head and the blue haired looked like he could fall asleep any time. Seojun who was in his arms had his chubby cheek resting on Minho's shoulder sighing softly, small hands holding his appa's shirt. They were exact copies of each other.

He had woken up a couple minutes prior and Minho cooed at his two sleepy squirrels. "Sung sweetie." The blue haired grinned at his husband's smooth voice and hummed opening his eyes. Minho held Seojun against his chest and laid down next to his love. Seojun was sprawled out across his appa's chest and the squirrel looked like he was close to sleeping. "We should get out of bed."

"Then why did you come lay down?" Jisung asked gently caressing Minsu's hair, the usually energetic boy almost falling asleep at the touch. "Because. I want to lay with my family." He said playing with Mina's pigtails. The little girl only smiled at her appa before her attention was grabbed by Seojun. "Oh Jun's awake." She said earning Minhye's attention.

Jisung chuckled when his eldest got off her lap and the three formed a circle around Minho and Seojun. "He's so cute." Even after months of living with their newest family member, the triplets never got tired of cooing over their little brother and playing with his tiny hands and feet. Seojun didn't mind though. He loved the attention.

Minho kissed Seojun's smooth cheek and smiled at how confused he looked seeing his siblings surrounding him. The ravenette laid his head down and turned to look at Jisung who was staring at their children with heart eyes.

Witnessing this beautiful scene Minho fell more and more in love with Jisung. Moments like these were what the cherished the most. Reaching out he gently caressed Jisung's cheek and the younger shifted his gaze at him. The two stared at each other, so much love and warmth radiating off of them. I love you. Minho said with his eyes, playing with Jisung's hair. I love you more.

They only got distracted when Seojun started crying softly. "I'll get the plushie." Minhye panicked and got off the bed running into Seojun's nursery. "No he needs his pacifier." Minsu yelled and followed his sister. "Maybe a diaper change." Mina spoke and followed her siblings grabbing a clean diaper for her little brother.

"Or food." Minho said and Jisung giggled getting handed his wailing baby. "Oh no darling don't cry." He wiped the tears and Seojun calmed down a tad bit in the comfy arms of his dad, but he was still whimpering softly. "I'll make breakfast." Minho kissed the top of Jisung's head and got off the bed.

"We got it!" The triplets yelled all of them coming in and holding one thing, Minho trialing behind them. But they halted in their steps seeing Seojun not crying and instead sucking softly on Jisung's chest. "Thank you darlings. You can put them here." Jisung patted the space next to himself and the triplets smiled again and placed them there.

Jisung gave them all a kiss on the head and Minho smiled leading them into the kitchen. "I'll join later." The older nodded and left with a final kiss to his lips. Jisung sighed contented with his life.

Rubbing the soft hair atop Seojun's head he still couldn't believe that only 4 months ago this tiny human was in his belly, squirming around and practicing his soccer kicks on his dad. Jisung remembers his sons birth like it was yesterday. Unlike the triplets who were extremely hard to give birth to and push out of his body, Seojun came out without much struggle. But Minho did faint...again.


"Congratulations. It's a healthy baby boy." The doctor said putting tiny Seojun on Jisung's chest. The squirrel boy sobbed softly moving the blanket from Seojun's face. "" Jisung freaked out when his husband fainted and the nurses rushed to help him.

"Mr.Lee? Mr.Lee?" The nurse lightly slapped Minho's cheeks, the ravenette jolting awake. "Holy shit." Jisung closed his eyes and the lights in the room made him look like he was covered in glitter due to the sweat in his face and neck. "Minho."

He got up feeling a bit lightheaded but he still walked to his husband. Smiling softly, his eyes shone like a thousand stars seeing the small bundle in his husbands arms. "Are you okay?" The ravenette nodded. "Sorry. I just forgot how messy birth was." Jisung chuckled.

"God Minho, you stress me out."


"Jisung honey your phones ringing." Minho said entering the room. He held a spatula in one hand, Jisung's phone in the other and a pink apron was wrapped around his waist. "Who is it?" Jisung asked handing their son to his lover and taking the device.

Fixing his shirt, Jisung answers the call while Minho rubbed Seojun's back, burping the small boy. "Seungmin."

"Hey, Sung. Sorry to bother you this early but Minho didn't tell me what park we were going to meet in." Jisung shook his head and got off the bed. "It's fine, and don't worry, I'll send you the address." Seungmin smiled from behind the phone.

"Thank you. I'll see you soon then." Jisung hummed and he hung up. "What'd he say?" Minho asked smiling when he heard Seojun burp. "You forgot to send him the address, Min."

"Oh." He blinked twice and smiled sheepishly. "Oops." Jisung messed up his hair even more and closed the door to the bathroom. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and joined his lovely family at the breakfast table.


a/n: i love minsung


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