thirty two

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The next morning, Seungmin groaned at the sun, hating the bright rays for interrupting his much needed sleep. Humming lightly he tightened his hold on Hyunjin's sleeping body next to him and buried his face in the older chest. A content sigh left his lips and Seungmin was so close to going back to sleep.

But. "Papa! Papa! Wake up! Uncle Jinnie! Wake up up!" Heejin barged in screaming at her parents even climbing the bed. Seungmin peeled his eyes open and the brunette groaned when Heejin continued her jumping. "I'm awake I'm awake."

He muttered sleepily and sat up, Heejin diving into his arms. "Hmm...Jin-ah. The second you start high school, I'll get you back for all of the times you woke me up." Heejin giggled cuddling her papa and Seungmin couldn't help but smile tightening the hold on the young ravenette.

"Uncle Jinnie still sleeping?" Seungmin chuckled and he looked at his boyfriend. Even when he was unconscious, he looked gorgeous. "I guess that's another thing you guys have in common." The brunette smiled and Heejin nodded. "Good morning my love."

"Morning? Papa it's almost 11." Seungmin's eyes widened. "Really?" She nodded. "Okay my love, why don't you go have some cereal." Heejin complied and got out of the bed but not before giving her papa a kiss.

Seungmin turned to his blonde lover and smiled throwing his body across Hyunjin's. "Hyunjin. Hyunjin. Hyuuuuunnnnjjiiiiiiiinn." He whispered trying to wake up he older. "Wang Hujin! Wake up!" Still no movement. Then he got an idea. "Oh my god there's a fire!"

At that Hyunjin bounced up, Seungmin moving out of the way. "Fire? Where?" He asked looking around like a maniac and Seungmin giggled. "Morning." Hyunjin's hair was sticking everywhere and the blonde's shoulders slumped. "God, Minnie." He muttered and Seungmin hugged him, the blonde leaning in to the touch.

"Come on sleepyhead. It's time to have some breakfast." Hyunjin whined when Seungmin was going to pull himself out of the blondes arms. "Don't. Let's just stay for a moment." The puppy boy smiled and nodded resting his head on Hyunjin's shoulder while the blonde was close to falling asleep. His boyfriend was just so comfortable.

"Papa!" His daughter called for him and Hyunjin smiled hearing her voice. Seungmin tapped the olders shoulder and peeled away. "Awh!" He pouted and the brunette got off the bed. Going to the kitchen to tend to his child, Hyunjin walked into the bathroom, yawning.

"What do you need my love?" Seungmin asked rubbing his eyes. "Can you get that for me?" The brunette nodded and reached for the cereal box on the top shelf. His fingers barely grazed it and the puppy boy let out a frustrated huff. "Damn you and your height, Insoo." He whispered.

"Need help?" Hyunjin's voice could be heard after Seungmin struggling to get it for a good 20 seconds. "Yes please." Seungmin cleared his throat and stepped away. Hyunjin easily reached for the box and grabbed it down giving it to the younger who smiled. "Thank you." The blonde hummed kissing Seungmin.

"Yuck!" Heejin grabbed the cereal box and walked away, the couple chuckling at her cute actions. "I love her." Seungmin sighed, holding the cabinet behind himself. "You know, there's a lot of similarities between you and her." The blonde smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah." Hyunjin grinned. "Then we'll just get along better." Heejin fake gagged and passed her papa and uncle jinnie whilst grabbing the milk. "I'll help her with breakfast. Why don't you go freshen up and we can go somewhere?" Seungmin smiled from ear to ear and complied.

Hyunjin watched the younger walk away and he leaned on the counter, arms crossed. "Can you help me?" Hyunjin turned to the little girl and smiled. "Of course." Grabbing the milk from her he watched fondly as she poured the cereal and he dumped the milk on top. "You should eat some too." She said taking her seat.

"I will. I'm just waiting for your papa." She hummed and took another spoonful. "You know, you're the first person other than Lee's and uncle Soo to be in our house." The llama was surprised sitting next to Heejin. "Really?" She hummed chewing what was in her mouth.

"Papa doesn't like anybody staying over and he only lets uncle Soo do it." Hyunjin grinned widely ruffling up her hair. He doesn't know why that made him feel so happy, but he is so god damn happy. "You know I like you better than anybody else. Except uncle Soo."

Hyunjin pouted crossing his arms. "Uncle Soo was always there for me and papa and he gave me my first bike." The blonde saw how excited Heejin got and he played with her hair. "Can I do something?" She nodded giving him permission.

Cheering silently, Hyunjin ran into Heejin's room and searched the drawers grabbing a hair clip and a hair brush. Rushing back to Heejin, he knelt down behind the girl. She already finishes her breakfast and was patiently waiting for her uncle Jinnie.

Taking the pastel purple hair brush he gently held Heejin's hair brushing the dark brown hair, trying his best not to hurt the little girl. Heejin smiled and played with her fingers getting reminded of when her papa does this.

Seungmin got out of the shower and he entered the living room but stopped when he saw what was happening. His heart melted and a warm feeling spread through his chest seeing Hyunjin do Heejin's hair with such concentration. And of course he didn't miss the smile on his daughters face.

Leaning on the door frame he rested his head on the wall and hearts were overflowing out of his eyes. Now he understood why Jisung always looked like the 😍 emoji whenever he was staring at his husband.

Hyunjin grabbed two pieces of her hair from the sides of her head and brought them together at the back, clipping it with the small blue bow. "There you go. So pretty." She touched the bow and turned around launching herself at Hyunjin. "Thank you uncle jinnie."

The blonde placed a light kiss on her head and got up with her still clinging to him. "Of course and thank you for letting me do your hair." She wrapped her legs around his torso and Hyunjin held her back seeing Seungmin. "Oh hey."

Seungmin waved. His cheeks hurt from smiling too much. "Hi." Hyunjin walked to him with Heejin still glued to him. "Let's have breakfast now." The brunette nodded and followed his boyfriend to the kitchen.



why am i friends with them again?

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why am i friends with them again?

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