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It's been a week and Jeongin was officially hired. Okay, maybe not hired for a job, but just to keep Hyunjin company. The younger would lounge around his best friends office, annoying the older with random thoughts that came to his head. Anyways, it's been a week and Jeongin started noticing a pattern in his friend.

Every 30 to 45 minutes, Hyunjin would call in Seungmin. See, being said like that it sounds normal t? Wrong. Jeongin paid attention to the things Seungmin was called in for, and honestly they weren't that important. At this point just say that you like him and want him around.

Jeongin rolled his eyes seeing the blondes eyes go down Seungmin's body and stop at his ass for like two seconds before he looked away. Only because Seungmin walked out. "If you like him, just say it. No shame in liking the same gender."

Hyunjin brushed off the ravenettes comment and completely ignored the boy who was extremely bored. The blonde watched the younger walk out and didn't pay much attention. He heard the door close and that's when his face met the desk with a loud thud.

The possibility of Jeongin being right was stressing him out. All of his life Hyunjin has only liked girls and now that he finds a guy interesting he's questioning his entire existence. Sure, okay, he admits it. Maybe he finds Seungmin a little bit cute but come on, who doesn't. He's literally so adorable. It's impossible not to develop feelings.

Until Hyunjin gets his shit together and comes to terms with the fact that he may be bisexual, the blonde doesn't want to tell his best friend anything. Hyunjin wants to make sure that his head isn't messing with him. Rubbing his temples, the blonde puffed out his cheeks in an adorable way and cracked his knuckles.

Light knocks on the door grabbed his attention, and the door knob turned. Hyunjin smiled seeing Felix enter but his jaw fell to the floor, eyes sparkling in pure happiness when he saw the little bundle in Felix's arms. "Oh my god." He got up from the chair and approached the new parent.

"Hi." Felix smiled and Hyunjin swore he glowed. "Hi. What's his name?" Hyunjin asked moving the blanket and cooing at how cute he looked. "Jaehyun." The blonde's large hands caressed Jaehyun's soft cheek and he was smiling so hard, you couldn't see his eyes. "Hi, baby Jae. I hope you grow tall unlike your parents."

Felix clicked his tongue but let the comment slide. "Can I?" Felix nodded and Hyunjin took the adorable being in his arms, wanting to die from how cute Jaehyun was. His hand supported Jaehyun's neck and he looked at the baby in wonder. "He's so tiny."

The freckled sat down in front of Hyunjin's desk and the blonde was next to him occupied with his kid. "Yeah. He really is. Changbin started crying when he held Jaehyun, but don't tell him I said that." Hyunjin looked up smiling at the younger. "I would too, honestly." He looked back down at the baby.

No one except his most closest friends knew about Hyunjin's love for children. The blonde loved kids and babies especially. Felix remembers Hyunjin telling him that if he ever got married, he would have like at least 4 children. It wasn't rare to see Hyunjin openly express his love for kids.

The purple haired male smiled sitting back and admiring his friend with Jaehyun. Hyunjin would be such a good dad. He thought. A couple minutes passed with Hyunjin almost melting from cuteness and Felix laughing at the blonde.

The door was thrown open and Felix instantly got up seeing Jeongin by the door who was just as surprised. "Hi, Lix." The ravenette smiled sheepishly but it didn't last long as he was tackled into a hug. "What the fuck Yang?" Felix punched the younger and he winced. Deserved. "I'm sorry."

"Who just takes off like that? And across the entire world?" His anger evaporated as quickly as it boiled and his eyes went soft. "God, I missed you. All of us did. You missed so much."

"I know and I'm sorry. But hey, I heard you had a baby." The freckled nodded wiping his wet eyes. "Yeah, Hyunjin's holding him." Jeongin's eyes went to Jaehyun and he squealed running to the newborn. "Oh my-" Hyunjin smiled and handed Jaehyun over to the ravenette.

Jeongin's eyes sparkled brighter than a million stars and his lips parted into a small gasp, feeling the soft skin. "Hi." He brought the baby closer to his face and planted a feather light kiss on his forehead. "You're so beautiful." Hyunjin smiled sadly seeing the interaction and he sighed turning around.

The ravenette cooed rubbing their noses together and Hyunjin wanted to her himself out of the window. His heart was already too damaged by Jaehyun alone and just seeing this interaction tore his heart apart.

"What's going on?" Chan asked smiling lightly only seeing Felix and Hyunjin. Jeongin was too busy with Jaehyun by the giant window behind Hyunjin. "Hm oh nothing. Just a little reunion." The ravenette nodded and he approached Hyunjin's desk placing down the weekly report.

That's when he saw Jeongin. The younger was still to busy to notice his ex-lover and Chan took advantage of that. He couldn't help but stare at the ravenette. The way the sunlight bounced off his skin created a glow similar to that of a an angel. His attention was grabbed by the small baby in Jeongin's arms and he smiled for a split second. But then he snapped out of it and looked away.

Felix and Hyunjin were both staring at each other in an unsure type of way. Both were worried for their friends. "Thank you Chan." The eldest there nodded and swiftly left the office, but not before taking a last look at his ex-lover.

Jaehyun started crying whining and throwing his small limbs everywhere but Jeongin was a pro and before Felix could even react, the ravenette began rocking the baby back and forth in his arms, humming an all too familiar tune. The small baby boy whined softly before sticking his small finger in his mouth.

For a second Jeongin thought that Jaehyun was really his baby, but he snapped back to reality hearing Felix's deep voice. His heart clenched in pain and reality hit him like a fucking truck. I guess life really hates me.



Uhmm slay ig

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