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Seungmin hated it. He really did. He hates the situation he was in right now. Watery eyes, standing in front of the mirror without his shirt. His gaze piercing holes into the small baby bump that he found when he woke up this morning.

Placing his bottom lip between his teeth, Seungmin sniffled wiping his wet eyes. I'm so screwed. Reaching for his shirt he let the baggy material hang on his petite frame and cover up the small three month old bump. He had graduated a month ago.

It's been three, almost four months and his dad still doesn't know. Seungmin is so conflicted. Should he just get over it and tell his dad or should he wait until his stomach got too big to hide under shirts.

Mr.Kim's brows raised up seeing Seungmin wear a baggy shirt for the hundredth time. "Is something wrong?" Seungmin froze and he subconsciously pulled in his shirt. "No dad. Nothing wrong." He fake smiled and the man didn't push any further.

Eating his breakfast and finishing, Mr.Kim walked out the door and to his work while Seungmin was shitting bricks. He had texted Zack to meet him at the mall. Hurriedly grabbing his wallet, Seungmin walked out the door after his father and got into his dads spare car. The one he doesn't use.

Seungmin got his license a year ago but the brunette boy was too scared to drive his dads car anywhere, afraid he'll crash it. But he ducked it up and began driving to the mall at the center of the town.

Parking the car, Seungmin walked out and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Upon entering, Seungmin's eyes landed on Zack seeing the blonde wave him over. "Hey. What is it you need to tell me?" Zack asked offering Seungmin a soda, but the younger declined.

Seungmin and Zack began walking around the mall, his friend sipping on the drink in hand. "Actually I-" zack's phone began buzzing and the blonde rolled his eyes turning it off. "Is there something going on?" The blonde bit his lip. "Yeah. But you were going to tell me something."

"It can wait." Zack ruffled his hair. "Actually, I got accepted to Yale." Seungmin's eyes widened. "Holy shit man. That's huge. When are you leaving?" Seungmin asked and Zack rubbed his nape. "The thing is...I'm leaving tonight." Seungmin's smile dropped.

"Oh." But he plastered on that fake smile again. "That's great man. Good job, I'm so proud of you." Zack smiled. "Really?" The brunette nodded. "Ah I'm sorry. You were going to say something."

Seungmin gulped feeling his friends blue eyes in him and he took in a deep breath. "I just wanted to tell you that..that..I may be moving." Zack was surprised. "Oh. Damn. I guess we're both leaving Los Angeles." Seungmin nodded, lying right through his teeth.

I mean what was the point of even telling his friend now that he was going to leave? Seungmin wanted Zack to not he worried because he knows his friend and the blonde will be. He's not really leaving Los Angeles but Seungmin has plans of moving out of the house.

He had saved up over the years and it's enough for an apartment and a jumpstart until he gets himself a job.

Their time at the mall was really fun. Zack got new clothes and Seungmin bought himself a couple of pants and shirts as well as some work shirts for his dad. While Zack was in the bathroom, he had noticed a baby store and Seungmin wanted to go in it but at the same time he wanted to stay away from it.

Sighing he checked the bathroom again and walked in. His ears turned red the second he realized he was the only male in there but the people in there couldn't give two shits. He just looked around not really wanting to buy anything. He doesn't need his dad finding out.

Seungmin's eyes landed on a small pink bunny plushie with one of its ears folded. It was absolutely adorable. Looking over his shoulder he grabbed it from the shelf and sped walked to the counter. "Will that be all?" Seungmin nodded and the woman ringed him up. "Have a nice day."

"You too." He said and walked out. Perfect timing because Zack also came out of the bathroom. Seungmin stuffed the plushie in one of his bags and the two walked to the exit of the building.

A tearful goodbye later and Seungmin found himself in the car, hands on the steering wheel staring at the setting sun. Why did he even buy the plush? It's not like he actually wanted the kid. Ruffling his hair, Seungmin drove out of the mall parking lot and found himself by his house.

The door was already unlocked and Seungmin knew his dad was home. "Hey dad-" but Seungmin stopped dead in his tracks noticing the taller brunette. His dad had on a neutral face but Seungmin already knew where this was going.

Gulping he closed the door behind himself and set down the bags. "Seungmin. Is there anything you would like to tell me?" His dad had his arms crossed in front of his chest. Something he only does when he's upset. The brunette gulped and shook his head. "N-no dad."

"Are you lying?" He asked and Seungmin could feel the tears burn his eyes. Fuck pregnancy hormones. "So you can imagine my surprise when I went to collect the dirty laundry and instead of clothes I find this." Seungmin's eyes widened and his mouth dried up seeing his dad hold his pregnancy test between his two fingers.

"Dad I can explain-" Seungmin flinched when Mr.Kim slammed his hands down on the coffee table in front of him. "Is this yours?" Seungmin tried so hard to blink back his tears and he nodded fearfully. "You really thought I wouldn't find out?"

"Dad please-" he was interrupted by the man. "Seungmin are you gay?" The question he's been so afraid to answer was finally spoken out loud and Seungmin wanted to bury himself in a hole.

"Dad just hear me out-"

"Your gay." Mr.Kim looked down at his hands before rubbing his face. "Seungmin you like guys and you got pregnant by one?!" This is where he started yelling. The tears he wanted to keep at bay fell down Seungmin's cheeks. He didn't want his father to find out like this.

"I am, dad." His quiet voice broke the silence and Seungmin looked up sadly when his dad didn't say anything. "Pack your stuff." He said coldly and Seungmin's heart broke. Of course he knew he would get kicked out but actually hearing it from his own father, it hurt man.

Hanging his head, Seungmin willed his weak legs to move up the stairs of their house and into his room. Seungmin covered his mouth but the quiet sob still left past his throat, hands shaking as he searched for his bag.

Grabbing a bunch of random clothes, Seungmin shoved them inside the black bag and he wiped his tears. Taking some of the jewelry and pictures of his friend as well, the brunette traveled downstairs again.

He saw his dad by the dinner table, back turned on Seungmin. He had a glass of whiskey and Seungmin sighed out shakily. Bending down he grabbed the plastic bag full of new clothes he had gotten for his father and walked to the man.

Tugging on Mr.Kim's sleeve, Seungmin smiled sadly with his teary eyes and handed the plastic to his father. "I got these for you." And like that, Seungmin walked to the front door. Mr.Kim clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, hands dropping to his sides.


a/n: imagine crying while writing this hahahahha could never be meㅠㅠ

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