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By the time Seungmin was back at his desk, the brunette frowned seeing a couple more fatal a of paper on his desk he doesn't remember being in charge of. Aejong walked by and she smiled at the younger. "You don't mind doing these right?" She said pouting suddenly. "I'm really tired right now."

Seungmin was confused but he plastered on a fake smile. "Sure." The girl smiled and walked off leaving the brunette to sigh loudly to himself. Ruffling and messing up his fluffy hair, Seungmin took a seat on the chair and groaned facepalming. You moron. Why did you agree to do this? You know you can finish this.

The brunettes fingers picked up a fat stack and he payed through it his pout deepening. It would take hours before he was done with this work. Better start now. The puppy boy bit his bottom lip and sighed.

Flipping to the first page he picked up a pen, and turned on his computer ready to do work that wasn't even his.

His fingers moved at a good pace, flipping through countless pages and writing down things. His fingers started to cramp from all of the writing and his neck began to hurt. Time flew very painfully for him and before he knew it, it was already dark outside.

"Fuck." He cursed being reminded of his daughter. "Shit shit shit." The brunette scrambled for his phone dialing Insoo's number. The older picked up in two rings. "Seungmin what the heck? Where were you? I thought you were going to pick her up."

"I know I know and I'm sorry. I was just really busy with work and lost track of time. I'm sorry Soo, can you stay with her until I get there." He asked feeling super shitty asking his best friend to do something he was supposed to do as her papa. "Yeah yeah of course Min. Sorry for yelling I was just worried."

Hyunjin fidgeted with his keys walking down the empty hallways of his company. His phone in one hand, other one rubbing his temples. The blonde came down to the last floor expecting to see no one there since it was way past work time. But he was pleasantly surprised to see Seungmin with his phone tucked in between his shoulder and ear, packing up rather quickly.

He was about to say hi to the puppy like boy but the brunette didn't see him and ended up walking past Hyunjin. "Yes thank you. Hi sweetie, don't worry papa's going to be there soon. What do you want me to pick up?" He hears a snippet of the conversation while Seungmin walked past him.

Papa? He has a kid? Oh. I didn't know. The blonde turned around eyes lingering on Seungmin's retreating back. He shrugged and turned around going to his destination, which was his car.

Hyunjin was so tired and ready to unwind for the day. He thought that if he ran the company, he didn't have to do much work. But nope. He was wrong. Running the company meant twice as work since he had his portion to do and also check his employees.

Parking his car he spotted someone and his brows furrowed in confusion. Taking off his seatbelt he approached the unknown person and his jaw fell to the floor when the person turned around giving him that all too familiar smile.

"Jeongin?" He smiled running to the younger boy and engulfing him in a hug. "Innie where have you been. I missed you so much. You fucking bastard." Jeongin laughed and hugged his best friend back, rubbing his face in the blonde's shoulder.

"I hope you missed me enough to let me stay with you." He chuckled. "I don't have a place to stay and I've been standing in the cold waiting for you for almost an hour." Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak, but the younger beat him to it. "Let's go let's go. It can be like old times again."

The older stood in his place, a smile taking over his features when he saw Jeongin skip to the entrance of the building waiting for Hyunjin. "Come on." The blonde nodded and grabbed Jeongin's suitcase, the two going to his apartment.

"Ah. I missed your comfortable couch." Jeongin said flopping on the sofa the second he stepped foot into the apartment. Hyunjin shook his head and placed the suitcase in a corner. "I hope your okay with sleeping on the couch, no blanket." He joked and Jeongin looked up at him.

"Oh please. You don't have the heart to leave me like that~" The ravenette said in a sing song manner. Hyunjin nodded knowing he really couldn't leave Jeongin like that. "God your right." He loosened his shirt and took a seat next to Jeongin.

"Have you seen him yet?" And just like that Jeongin's smile dropped and his happy mood crumbled around him. He really hoped that Hyunjin wouldn't ask that. "No." He sighed out and played with his fingers. "That's why I didn't want to come to the company. In case I see him again." The ravenette took in a deep shaky breath. "I don't I'll be able to handle that."

"But you guys have to talk at some point. Jeongin you've been away for more than 3 years, he misses you, every single day. And so does everybody else." Jeongin smiled remembering his chaotic friends. He wiped his eyes and smiled looking at Hyunjin.

"You know, Jin. For a straight guy you sure do have a lot of gay friends." Hyunjin clicked his tongue. "Shush." Jeongin smirked leaning in. "Is there anything you'd like to tell me? A little birdie told me that you got a new employee. Super cute~~"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Of course. And yes I did, he does great work. But that's it." The fox gave him an unconvinced look but dropped the topic. "Plus, even if I did find him cute, I'm pretty sure he has a kid." Jeongin stiffened and re-positioned on the couch. "Oof."

"Anyways I'm pretty tired and I'm sure you are too. Let's head to bed, little fox." Jeongin kicked the back of Hyunjin's knee, the blonde wincing and falling down. "I told you not to call me that." Hyunjin rubbed his leg but got up anyways.

"Yeah yeah. This will be your room. If you need anything, anything at all, feel free to not call me." Jeongin rolled his eyes and ushered the older out. "I won't I won't. Now good night Jin."

Hyunjin smiled fondly messing up Jeongin's hair. "Good night Innie."


a/n: happy four years to us and stray kids. i can't believe it's been this long🥲

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