thirty seven

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"Hey I don't think we properly met before. I'm Insoo." The brunette smiled at Hyunjin. He had just arrived to drop off Heejin but saw his best friends boyfriend instead. "Nice to meet you, Hyunjin." The blonde smiled down at Heejin who looked half asleep.

"I'm sorry, but can you take her? I was going to drop her off but my manager called and I have to be somewhere." Hyunjin nodded getting handed Heejin's smol hand. "Thank you. I'll see you later princess." The taller male placed a kiss on her head and hurriedly ran to his car.

Hyunjin smiled down at Heejin and cooed, picking up the little girl. "Hi daddy. Can I call you daddy?" Hyunjin froze when Heejin asked him that, eyes threatening to shut. "Y-yeah of course." The blonde bit his lip to prevent a smile from breaking through and went up to his boyfriends apartment.

But he frowned hearing yells coming from the house. Even Heejin heard it, the ravenette coming down from Hyunjin's arms. "Daddy what was that?" She asked a pout in her face, rubbing her eyes. Hyunjin cleared his throat still not used to the name. "I don't know sweetie."

He pushed open the door and if turns out Seungmin never fully closed the door. Inside his eyes went wide seeing his boyfriend crying while screaming at a man who seemed to be in the same emotional state as Seungmin.

Heejin was scared, all of the sleep leaving her system. She had never seen her papa yell like that. He's never even raised his voice around her. Hiding behind Hyunjin's leg, she was scared, whimpering quietly but it was enough for Seungmin to hear.

The brunette stopped his shouting and wiped the liquid from his eyes. Hyunjin held Heejin close to his leg seeing the foreign man walk out.

Seeing her papa start to cry, Heejin's first instinct was to let go of Hyunjin's leg and run to the brunette. Seungmin covered his face, but looked up seeing Heejin get on the couch next to him. She wrapped her small arms around Seungmin and the brunette hugged his daughter back crying harder at the contact.

Hyunjin frowned his heart breaking seeing the person so dear to him crying his heart out. Dropping the stuff in his hands he went up to Seungmin and sat down next to the brunette. Gently guiding Seungmin's head to his shoulder, Hyunjin ruffled Heejin's hair.

Seungmin hid his face in Hyunjin's shoulder, Heejin pouting sadly at her papa's crying. She was close to crying herself. Her papa was strong and it hurt her to see him break down like that in front of her.

"Papa." She whispered tugging on his shirt. Her tiny hands went to wipe the tears from his cheeks. "It's okay papa, don't cry." Seungmin smiled through his tears and caressed Heejin's cheek. "I don't like it when you cry, papa. Please don't cry." Her eyes got wet and her bottom lip jutted out.

The brunette wiped the remaining of his tears but it was extremely obvious he was crying. "I'm sorry, sweetie." He kissed Heejin's forehead. Seungmin look up at his boyfriend and Hyunjin was staring at the younger with a worried look plastered all over his face, perfect brows furrowed.

He wanted to ask who that was but he knew it was best to let Seungmin calm down first. "Do you want some food?" He asked moving the hairs from Seungmin's forehead. The brunette smiled lightly and nodded his head. "Yes please."

"What did you get?" Heejin asked looking at Hyunjin. The blonde smiled at the question. "I got a lot. I was out with my dad and I was like who has enough time to cook, so I went to the nearest McDonald's and got some food."

"Chicken nuggets?" Hyunjin ruffled her hair. "Yes, baby, chicken nuggets." Seungmin smiled at Heejin's happy cheering, holding his boyfriends hand. Hyunjin grinned and leaned in pecking the brunettes nose. Rubbing circles on Hyunjin's hand, Seungmin laid his head down on the blondes shoulder.

"Papa can we have nuggets now?" Seungmin nodded, smiling at a pouty Hyunjin when he stopped giving the older affection. "But papa." She held his hand. "Please don't cry again." Seungmin bent down in front of Heejin holding her tiny hands. "I will never cry again, my love."

She hugged Seungmin's neck and the brunette picked her up. "We have ice cream. And I want milkshakes, you guys too?" Hyunjin nodded and got up, Seungmin placing Heejin down. The blonde stopped what his boyfriend was doing by hugging his waist.

He could tell that Hyunjin was still worried for him and it was sweet. It let him know that his boyfriend cared. "Min." Seungmin hummed, hugging Hyunjin's arms. "Do you want to go to dinner with my parents?" The brunette froze, eyes wide. "Your parents?"

"Yeah. But you don't have to." He turned Seungmin around. "I just..I told my dad about it and he was cool with it. And so is my mom." Seungmin bit his bottom lip. "I don't know Jin."

"That's fine, love. Just let me know when you change your mind." Most of the time, actually, all of the time Heejin hated it when Hyunjin and Seungmin hugged, or kissed or did couple shit in front of her, but this time she didn't mind. She just quietly munched on her food smiling at the two.

Seungmin nodded and Hyunjin let go, reaching for the vanilla ice cream inside the refrigerator, Seungmin grabbed the milk and the vanilla extract. Heejin covered her ears when they turned on the blender and once it stopped, the milkshakes were poured into three cups.

Hyunjin put the food down on the dinner table and everyone grabbed what they wanted. Heejin dipped her fries in the milkshake and took a bite laughing at the stupid joke Hyunjin made.

"Alright. What do you call a cow with no legs?" Seungmin groaned. "Ground beef." Heejin burst into giggled and Seungmin cringed. "Jin, what's up the with the dad jokes."

"I don't know. My dad rubbed off on me I guess. He used to make the stupidest jokes when I was a kid and mom would always cringe." Seungmin smiled. "You're family sounds fun."

"It's so much fun. Growing up I never witnessed my parents growing old because they were always so active, messing with each other and pulling pranks."

"That sounds fun." Heejin piped up. "Yeah, sometimes they even pranked me. One time I was so close to going bald." Seungmin snorted covering his face. He closed his eyes imagining his boyfriend bald.

"I can't do this. Sweetie if you don't want to go bald, you should stop dying your hair." Hyunjin's jaw fell to the floor. "That's exactly what I told Chan this morning." Seungmin remembered the short buff guy from the other floor.

"Papa, can uncle Jinnie be my daddy?" The question made Seungmin stop eating and the brunette gulped shifting uncomfortably. He looked to Hyunjin but the older didn't look freaked out, instead he grinned and nodded his head. "For sure, princess. I can be your daddy."

"Yay!" Heejin threw her arms up and Hyunjin grabbed Seungmin's hand under the table, gifting his boyfriend a smile. "But only if papa wants me to be." Seungmin blushed a fiery red and he cleared his throat nodding his head while mumbling something.

He pouted while Hyunjin ruffled his hair but a smile peeked through in the end. Seungmin's heart rate picked up staring at the older. Is this love?

Am I falling in love? Hyunjin asked himself.



bald hyunjin

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bald hyunjin. yes i know, you're welcome 😌

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