thirty four

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"Ah!" Heejin screamed and giggled running away from Hyunjin who was chasing the little girl. He screamed and freaked out the ravenette, easily picking her up. "Nooo uncle jinnie." She laughed loudly when Hyunjin tickled her.

"Don't get hurt kids." Seungmin said from the kitchen, drinking some water. "We won't." His daughter yelled back and the brunette began stirring the pot in front of him. "When have you ever seen me hurt myself?" Hyunjin asked, Heejin climbing on his back.

"You cut your foot on the fridge door this morning." Seungmin said not looking up from the pot of sauce. "Okay besides that." The younger thought, humming. "I hope you have time cause I have an entire list ready."

Hyunjin clicked his tongue and admitted defeat. "Alright alright. Let's go for a ride." Heejin excitedly nodded and Hyunjin made sure she wouldn't fall off his back and the two walked to the apartment door. "Min, we'll be back."

"Where are you going?" Seungmin asked coming from the kitchen, hands on his waist. "Just out. Don't worry, we'll be back before you know it." The blonde kissed his boyfriends lips and held on to Heejin.

Walking out of the apartment Hyunjin grabbed the back of her knees while she wrapped her arms around his neck. "So where to?" She thought. "How about we get dessert?" Hyunjin hummed. "That's a good idea. Your so smart. Definitely took after your papa."

She giggled lightly and laid her chin on Hyunjin's shoulder. The two walked out of the building and Hyunjin didn't bother taking his car. He wanted to spend more time with the adorable little girl. They ended up in lightly crowded side walks and Heejin got tired of being carried.

So, Hyunjin put her down, tightly grabbing her hand. He really didn't want to lose his boyfriends daughter. "So where should we go?" Hyunjin asked, Heejin swinging their arms. Her cute eyes scanned the places and stores before they landed on one. "There. Let's go."

"Baekhyun's Bakes? Alright. Lead the way princess." She held his wrist and dragged Hyunjin towards the store. People who were passing them witnessed the cute scene and cooed, talking about how cute they looked.

Hyunjin pushed the door open and let Heejin walk inside first, the little girl's eyes widening at all of the options they had. Looking around, Hyunjin followed her every move and just followed behind her, towering over Heejin's small frame.

"Can we get this?" She asked pointing to the glass. Behind it was tiramisu. "Sure sweetie. Come on." The two walked to the counter and behind the register was a tall guy with unruly orange hair. "You're daughters really cute." He commented and Hyunjin looked back at Heejin seeing her kinda cling onto his leg.

"Thanks." He smiled and left the obvious part out. She wasn't his daughter. It's okay though. "Alright so are we just getting tiramisu?" Hyunjin looked at Heejin and she shyly nodded, the orange haired male cooing internally. "Okay. That will be $18.28." Hyunjin took out his wallet and handed his card to the man.

The employee swiped the plastic and politely gave it back to its owner, Hyunjin tucking it away in his pocket again. "Have a great day." The employee smiled handing Hyunjin the bag and adjusting his glasses.

"Thanks. You too." The blonde held Heejin's hand with his right and the bag in his left. Right after Hyunjin left the employee took out his phone. "Hyun~ I want kids now." He said and heard his boyfriend chuckle. "Okay. Just get home early though."

Meanwhile Hyunjin looked down at Heejin who was babbling about her day at school yesterday and how Jake almost broke his arm because some mean kid decided to push him on the playground. I guess we do kind of look alike. Hyunjin thought staring at her and observing her features.

Right off the bat the first thing he noticed were her eyes. They were like an exact copy and paste of his except the moles were switched. Her adorable smile and that small dimple as well as her cute habits that were too familiar to Hyunjin led him to ponder about who Heejin's dad was.

What if she was just born like that? What is she didn't take after Seungmin or the other guy? Hyunjin thought swinging their hands back and forth. He looked down at her and she smiled at him brightly, the blonde getting a wave of deja vu. Holy shit. She's a mini me.

The blonde bit his lip and didn't realize they already got to the apartment. Pushing open the door for the little girl he let her go in first before following her tiny steps.

"Oh hey. What'd you get?" Seungmin asked arranging the dinner table. "Nothing just dessert. Heejin picked it out." The brunette nodded and grabbed the bag from his boyfriend, the blonde kissing his cheek as a thank you.

Placing the pan in the fridge, Seungmin brought out the food and Hyunjin and Heejin helped him plate them. The three sat down around the dinner table enjoying each others company and basking in the nice feeling.

Towards the end, Seungmin noticed something off about his boyfriend and he decided to confront the older. "Are you okay?" Seungmin asked holding the blondes shoulders, sitting on his lap. He had just put Heejin to bed.

Hyunjin smiled that Hyunjin smile that was way to familiar to Heejin's and would brighten up Seungmin's day. "Of course, Min." He said grabbing Seungmin's waist, pulling the brunette closer to himself. "I'm fine." He said leaning in and grabbing Seungmin's lips with his own.

He loved Seungmin's lips, they were so soft and warm and the cherry chapstick Seungmin wore would always leave some stains on Hyunjin's lips and the older fucking loved it.

Grabbing the sides of Seungmin's neck, Hyunjin deepened their kiss, pushing his tongue past the brunettes lips. Seungmin hummed, hands going to Hyunjin's hair. The two pulled away and Hyunjin tucked a strand of Seungmin's hair behind the boy's ear.

"Do you want to continue?" He asked, not wanting to make Seungmin feel uncomfortable or overstep boundaries. The brunette smiled, heart jumping when stared into Hyunjin's eyes. "Pretty damn sure."

The blonde grinned and his thumbs wondered under Seungmin's shirt. "If you say so." Their lips crashed together again in a much more heated kiss and Hyunjin nibbled on his boyfriends bottom lip.

The two smiled into the kiss and Seungmin was glad he had put his daughter to bed.


a/n: he's so cute🥺🥺

a/n: he's so cute🥺🥺

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