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"I hate you for leaving." Hyunjin pouted sitting across Felix. The freckled only smiled reaching across the table to hold the olders hand. "I'm sorry. But you'll get a new photographer." The blonde sighed out. "I know. But it won't be as fun without you."

The two stayed quiet for a second just breathing before Hyunjin spoke up. "I heard you picked someone to replace you." Felix nodded taking out a file from his bag. "I was checking out some of his work and honestly, he's not bad."

Hyunjin's eyebrows shot up, looking through the pictures Felix was showing him. "Huh. I guess he's not bad." The freckled Australian nodded taking out his resume. Hyunjin checked over the form, eyes lingering on the small photo longer than they should.

"Kim Seungmin? It says that he had small jobs over the years both professional and non-professional." Hyunjin spoke out loud. "When's he coming in?"

"I think tomorrow. He's going to meet with me first and then I'll send him to your office." The tall blonde nodded eyes lingering in the photo again. Felix took a notice and wiggled his eyebrows. "See someone you like?" The older male scoffed closing the file.

"Lix I'm not gay." The younger sighed pulling the file to himself and drinking some of his coffee. "You sound like me in middle school when my mom asked me about my sexuality." Hyunjin sighed and shook his head. He wasn't going to make a comment on that.

He has no idea why his best friend thinks that he's gay. It's not that Hyunjin is homophobic, it's just that he doesn't see himself ever liking the same gender. Minus that one time he fucked a guy but that was 8 years ago and in Los Angeles. It didn't mean anything and nothing happened so he forgot about it.

Except when you sometimes think about him. The blonde sighed shaking those thoughts off. Like he said nothing big happened that night. He just got drunk.

"Alright we'll, I guess I have to go." Felix sighed sadly looking down at his phone. "Okay. Do you need help?" The freckled shook his head. Pushing back his chair, Felix held onto his giant belly and Hyunjin rushed to help him. A couple seconds later, a white SUV pulled up and Felix smiled.

Changbin got out of the drivers side and smiled Felix waddling over to his fiancé the best he could. "Hi darling." Changbin hugged his lover careful not to squish his child. Felix pecked the olders cheek and Changbin placed his arm around the purple haired turning to Hyunjin.

"Don't worry, I didn't overwork him." The blonde said lifting his arms to prove his point. Changbin smiled and nodded. "Alright. But I'm not sorry I have to steal him from you." Hyunjin narrowed his eyes at Changbin and the older shrugged. "Fine. But only because you're having a kid."

"Bye Jinnie." Felix gave his best friend a last hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." Pouting, Hyunjin knew there was nothing he could do to keep his friend with him. One, he was having a fucking kid and giving birth in the upcoming month. Two, Changbin was really scary. One punch and Hyunjin wouldn't see the light of day again.

Waving at the purple haired, Hyunjin crossed his arms seeing the car drive off.

Observing his friends, Hyunjin couldn't help but feel that familiar song hit his heart. He wanted a relationship like theirs. The type where you could spend hours staring into your lovers eyes without getting tired, cuddling all day every day, looking at them like they're your entire world, feeling safe when your in their arms, soothing words lulling you to sleep. Hyunjin wanted all of that.

He wanted to fall in love with someone so deeply just the mere thought of not seeing them everyday hurting his heart. He wants the 'can't eat, can't drink, reach for the stars, over the moon' type of love. His expectations might be a little too high, but years of failed relationships left him desperate for a healthy, working one.

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