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I hate these stupid balls my father forces me to, he says I need to find my future husband but I don't even want to start thinking about marriage. I'm only 19 and my father is trying to show me off to men, and not any men, mafia men.

I'm mafia princess to the Red Blood Mafia, my father, Pierre Kingston is the leader. Of course I'm the youngest of my sibilings, which are all boys, 4 to be exact. My mother passed when I was 4, I don't remember her too much, and no one dares to say her name in the house.

"Tatum, you need to put your gown on." Leanne, our house keeper, says to me. "You know I hate these! What if we just tell Father I'm sick." I ask. Leanne rolls her eyes, "Knowing your father, he would probably still make you go.

I yank the dress off the clothing rack and rush into the dressing room. The dress is skin tight, hugging my curves.

-the dressI look down at the sparkly, black gown

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-the dress
I look down at the sparkly, black gown. I'm not going to lie, it's absolutely gorgeous, I just hate the idea of having to walk around infront of people in this.

I bobby pin the a small amount of my wavy, brunette hair back and slip on my heals. I'm not wearing any makeup, I'm not fancying for a man.

"You're gorgeous, Dear!" Leanne wraps her arms around me.

"Thank you," I bite back a smile.

I walk down our stairwell, which goes straight down into the foyer. I carefully step down each stair, I can barely even stand in these heals.

I reach the end of the staircase to be met with brothers and father. Maxon's eyes widen, "Wow, Tate!"

"You're definitely finding a hot date," Rick says smirking.

I look over to see Hollis and Eduerdo are bickering over god knows what.

I can't help but smile from my brothers.

"Tatum, we need to leave. We can't be late, nobody will want your hand in marriage if we can't even show up on time," my father says with an aggravated tone.

My smile and mood immediatly fades. He can't even say I look pretty or encourage me for tonight.

I walk up to the limo, which Mr Heri is holding my door open for me. I offer him a smile and he takes my hand, guiding me through the door.

"Will brothers be joining us?" I ask my father.

"They should be arriving in about 2 hours. They have buisness to attend to," my father informs

I nod. I start fidgeting with my fingers as the car drives. I start to grow even more anxious.

"Do you know who will be there?" I ask

"Do you ever shut you're goddam mout, Tatum!" my father yells.

He literally can't hold his temper, I asked a simple question. I usually don't even try to have conversation with him, he can sometimes get hands on when he gets mad so I dont want to risk it.

The car stops jerking me a little. The car door opens and a tall man holds his hand out to help me out.

"Mafia?" He asks to my father.

"Red bloods," my father curses under his breath.


Hey everyone! This is the end of the first chapter.

Keep in mind this is my first story ever so there might be some icks here and there.


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