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Are lips connect. Heat flows throughout my body as his tongue parts my lips, forcing it's way in my mouth.

Lucian's hand moves from my waist down to my upper thigh. His hands tighten, grasping my thigh and he lifts me up to his chest. My legs wrap around his waist.

I gasp for air when he bites my bottem lip, my hands meet his hair. He moves from my bottom lip that is probably now swollen to my neck. He leaves a trail down my neck to my collarbone. I roll my head back, releasing a light moan.

"Fuck," He whisper. I hum to his voice.

Not leaving my neck he carries us to the shore, laying me back on the warm sand. One of his hands rests under my neck, lifting my neck closer to his mouth, while his other hand runs up and down the side of my waist.

I want more.

I need more.

"Lucian,"I let out, breathlessly.

I feel his lips turn up into a smirk on my neck. He lifts his head up above mine. His emerald eyes now darken from lust.

"Gardenia," the name rolls of his tongue, "What do you need?"

I take in a deep breath underneath him.

"You," I whisper, looking up at him.

"Say it again," he orders.

"You," I say a bit louder, causing him to smirk.

"Hmmmm," he hums leaning down to my neck, making me short of breath.

His mouth latches onto my neck, his tongue swirling along my skin, he slowly moves his tongue down my breast, to stomach, and right above my bikini bottoms, never losing eye contact.

"Are you sure, Tate?" he asks.

I don't even need to think, I know I want him.

I lightly nod my head.

"Use your words, Tatum" he twists his finger with the strap on my waist.

"I'm sure, Lucian,"I'm confident with my answer.

Lucian slowly pulls the black bottoms down to my ankles, I can hear his breathing get heavier.

He trails his fingers up my legs to my inner thigh until it meets my slit.

He circles my clit with his thumb causing my head to roll back and my eyes to close.

He stops what he's doing, "Eyes on me," he orders.

I lean myself up slightly, and look Lucian in his eyes, the look he's giving me is causing my stomach to flutter and knot.

His thumb circles my clit again, I force myself to keep looking at him.

His index finger taunts my opening, causing my breath to hitch.

He notices my breath rising and narrows his eyes at me, then slowly pushes his finger in. The feeling makes me moan and clentch my hands.

He moves his finger deeper in me and then adding another finger, while his thumb rubs my clit.

He keeps his eyes on mine, watching each facial expression of mine from his movements.

"Lucian," I rasp.

His fingers move faster and go in deeper, making my stomach knot.

My eyes get hazy and my pussy to clentch around his fingers, he knows I'm close. He moves his fingers hitting me in the right spot, making me come undone around his fingers. My stomach unknots and my chest falls back down, my vision clears

Lucian's fingers slide out of me, he smirks up at me and then looks at his glossy fingers. He puts them in his mouth and slowly brings them out, making my stomach to flip.

He lowers his head between my legs, his tongue runs along my thigh, tasting me.

After he finishes he slides my bottoms up and places a kiss on my lower stomach and then on my lips.

"You're beautiful, Tatum," he whispers, sliding his hand under my back and leaning me up with him to stand up.


We ended up swimming during the sunset and now it's probably 11 and we are heading back up to his Mustang.

Lucian opens my door and lets me in before shutting it and walking aorund to his side.

"I get to choose the song first," he says clicking a few buttons on his phone.

"Fine," I roll my eyes dramatically.

A song starts playing and I look over at him raising my brow, "Seriously?"

He smiles, "Mhmm."

"What Your Fantasy by Ludacris," I say keeping my brow up.

"Yup," he starts the car turning it onto the road.

I shake my head and start singing the song. He thinks he's funny, but he's not.

"I wanna lick you from your head to your toes," I rap.

"You do?" he looks over at me.

"I mean if you insist," I smile at him.

"Stop," he turns his focus back to the road.

"How 'bout in the library on top of books, but you can't be too loud," I say making sure he can hear me.

He shakes his head and shifts his body in the seat.



I walk into the estate, Lucian behind me.

Quinton walks up to us and raises a brow. Lucian and I both turn to eachother and shrug our shoulders.

"Why do you have so much sand in your hair?" he takes a strand of my brunette hair.

"Sands at the beach," I shrug. I should be an actress or something.


"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Quinton asks.

"I need to shower, you guys go ahead an start it without me," I look up at Lucian.

His eyes grow dark, "I need to shower too."

"No," I deadpan.

He scunches his nose and turns to Quinton, "Let me go change and then I'm come down here."

Quinton nods and walks away, "You guys fucked at the beach right?"

Lucian and I both looked at eachother and then Quinton, "No," we say in unison.


This was a short chapter, I know. I'll try to make the next one longer.

I've never written smut or anything like that so hopefully I did okay

I've never written smut or anything like that so hopefully I did okay

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