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My father grips my arm, his nails digging into my flesh making me whimper.

"Papa please forgive me!"

My father only digs deeper into my arm, pulling my through the halls. He can't even look me in the eyes without feeling disgusted.

We meet up with the closet at the end of the hall. Fear fills me, making the bile in my throat rise.

"Papa please," I clasp my hands together, begging him not to leave me in there. The monsters will get me.

"Qué vergüenza, no eres más que vergüenza," his spit hits my face as he speaks.

"I'm sorry Papa,"I close my eyes as he unlocks the door with his gold key.

The sight of the key makes my palms sweat, I squeeze my eyes shut when I hear the door creak open.

No, please no, I think to myself.

"You're nothing but shame," my father scoffs before throwing me into the closet, making sure his nails drag deeper in my skin.

My back hits the wall of the small closet sending pain through my spine.

Father slams the door shut, locking the door. 

Nothing but darkness surrounds me. I feel eyes on me everywhere.

They are going to get me.

"They are going to get me," I whisper, rocking back in forth with tears running down  my eyes.

"They are going to get me," I choke up.

Shadows of nothing surround me, but I know the monsters will get me.

My eyes burst open and my body shakes, drenched in sweat.

I lie in the fetal position rocking back in forth mumbling, "They are going to get me."

I feel a hand on my back and a faint voice, but I can't make out what they are saying.

The walls are closing in, my vision can't focus. I squeeze my eyes shut, "They can't...they won't."

My lungs feel tight, making it hard to breath. I wheeze trying to get air in. 

A blurry figure infront of me comes in view, their voice sounds miles away.

Their voice slowly comes closer as my vision clears.

"Tate, listen you're okay. I'm here. You're okay," the deep voice reminds me.

I nod, still hugging my body.

"I need him," I whisper.

"Who? Who do you need?" They repeat.

My eyes focus on the figure, finally matching up that the figure is Lucian.

"L-leo," my voice crack, "I need my phone."

Lucian hands me my phone with a worried look on his face.

I click the contact named 'Lee' and the phone starts ringing.

After 3 rings the line finally picks up.

"Tatum?" the other line says.

"Leo," I hiccup through a cry.

"Breath, Tate" I do as he says like we've done dozens of times.

Inhale, 1.............2..............3


Exhale, 1..........2...........3

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