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We break apart from the kiss, he rests his forehead on mine. His eyes stare into mine and his hands find the back of my thighs.

He lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Lucian's chin rests on the top of my head while he carries me to the bedroom. He uses his foot to shut the door and slowly lowers me to the bed.

He takes both of my heels off and sets them to the side of the bed.

His hands find the bottom of my dress, he tugs it up around my waist. He takes the gun out and drags the cold barrel along my bare thigh. His green eyes filled lust stare into my eyes.

"Is this okay?" he traces the dip of my hip with the gun.

"Yes," I whisper.

He nods, trailing the gun back to my thigh. He uses the gun and puts it under the strap that was holding it earlier. Putting the gun at an angle, he uses it to pull the strap down my leg.

"I'm gonna take this off, alright?" he moves the gun from the bottom of the dress and up to the top.

"Okay," I hum.

His hand that doesn't have the gun lifts the bottom of the dress. I sit up so he can take it off.  When the dress gets below my cleavage he stops and kisses my stomach. I finish taking off the dress while he watches, standing between my legs.

I can hear his breath get heavy as if he's never seen this part of me.

I'm left in just my red laced underwear while he is still fully dressed.

He takes the gun and my breasts, tracing them underneath. The coldness of the metal sends goosebumps on my arms.

He trails the gun up my neck, and pressed it upwards to my chin. If he shot it, it would blow my brains out.

"Takes these off," is voice is stern while his fingers play with the side of the lingerie.

"Take this off first," I tug at his black shirt.

Setting the gun at my side, he unbuttons his dress shirt. He shrugs out of it and tosses it on the chair next to the desk behind him.

I grab the gun next to me and press it to his chest, lifting my hips.

"Get them off yourself," he smirks at my words.

His eyes lower to the gun, and they grow darker. He grabs both sides of the red lingerie and pulls it down.

He gets on his knees between my thighs. His hands grab under my thighs and pulls my to the edge of the bed. I fall back in the process and support myself with my elbows, the gun in my right hand at my side.

Lucian places a kiss on each of my thighs, and then slowly trails them up. My heart thumps in my chest the higher he goes.

He suddenly stops and looks up at me to make sure I'm comfortable. I simply nod and he kisses my lower stomach. His tongue goes down until it meets my slit, then continues down until his tongue reaches my hole.

I roll my head back when his tongue thrusts into me, a moan lodges in my throat, begging to come out. When he slides his tongue and licks me up and down and thrusts back in the moan escapes.

I clutch the gun tight and my other hand finds his hair, gripping it. Lucian groans against me, I can feel it throughout my whole body.

His hair falls forward, blocking my view to his eyes. I bring the gun to his forehead and slowly push back the hair, his eyes stare into mine.

I hold the gun in the center of his forhead as his tongue moves inside me. His tongue comes out of me and his hand grabs my wrist that holds the gun. In a swift motion he takes the gun from me and presses it against my temple.

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