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This morning we woke up to everyone waiting for us downstairs. They gave Lucian and I hugs, congratulating us on our engagement.

We're getting married.

I could scream, I'm so excited.

Adoring the ring on my left hand, Lucian placing a kiss on my cheek.

"You're officially my bitch, you understand thaat, right?" I shift my position on the couch.

"Mhm," he hums and he kisses along my neck.

I laugh, pushing him away.

"Woah, woah, Lover boy, theres a four year old in the other room," I wave my finger at him, symbolizing no.

Pointing to the blue crystals on the ring, "These match my eyes."

He drops his mouth open, creating a gasp, "You're kidding." 

I gently shove him by his shoulder, barely making him move.

Lucian does the same back, but actually makes me jerk the other way. Rude.

Kamila and Leo walk into the living room, the little girl holding a juicebox in her hand.

She picks up the cat sitting on the floor, kissing his face. Milo cuddles close to her face, causing her to giggle.

"We need one of those," Lucian says beside me.

I turn to him, raising a brow, "One of those," I point my finger at Kamila.

"Yeah," he nods his head, confidently.

"You say that like we can go buy a kid," I shake my head.

He forms a straight line with his lips, "Well, we could."

Kamila breaks the conversation by jumping onto my lap.

"Close your eyes," she says.

I close my eyes, and she holds my arm out.

"Tell me when I get there," she rubs her finger at the crease of my elbow.

I nod my head, "Alright."

She draws little circles from my wrist up. I wait until I feel like she's at the crease.

"Stop," I say, opening my eyes.

"Nope!" she says, pointing about an inch below the crease, "You're off."

Adam and Furore walk down the stair together, holding their suitcases.

I almost forgot, all the guys from France are leaving today. They were going to leave yesterday, but held it off so they could be here this morning.

I stand up, going over to them. I hug Furore first and then Adam.

"You better miss me, okay?" I tell them.

"We will," Furore says, looking over to Adam.

Adam nods, "I guess."

"We'll be back in a few months for the wedding, so you'll see us soon," Furore says.

Nodding, I hug them again, "Bye."

They tell me bye back, before going out to the SUV, loading in their suitcases.

Lucas is next down there stairs, holding his grey suits case.

"We'll need to do a mission again, soon," he says.

"Of course," I say as he pulls me into a hug.

He gives bear hugs, I don't think I want to let go.

He let go.

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