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My eyes look around the room. Everything is blurry until I meet Lucian's gaze. My lips shake as the turn up into a small smile.


He stands up. His hand moves to the back of my head, pushing me into his chest. A sob leaves my lips.

Everything comes rushing back; everything fading out, not being able to breathe, Hollis.


I pull away from Lucian and he cups my face.

"He's gone, Lucian," my lips pull into a frown.

Lucian's brows crease, "Who's gone?"

"H-Hollis," a tears drops from my eye, down my cheek.

Lucian doesn't say anything. He just pulls me closer to him, holding me as if he is making sure I never leave.

His eyes are all red a puffy as if he has been crying. I did that. I'm the reason he is upset.

He releases me and hold my face in his hands.

"I'm going to go tell everyone your awake, yeah?" he smiles at me.

I nod.


My head is throbbing, probably from crying so much.

I feel so guilty. I have been so happy away from my family. I haven't even talked to them since Father died. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

He can't be gone. He is my brother. He is the guy that woke me up early Christmas morning to make cookies with him. He's the guy that trusted me when he came out. He's the guy that would hold me as I cried through the night.

Lucian walks in with Leo who has Kamila in his arms.

"Kammy, look. See? She is okay," Leo tries to get her to look up.

"Let me see her," I speak up.

Leo nods, setting Kamila next to me. I lift the cover over her, holding her in my arms.

"Can we be alone?" I ask the two men.

They nods, exiting the room.

I run my hands through Kamila's soft curls.

"Kam, I'm okay," I wipe under her eyes where tears are drying.

She looks up, her green eyes look don't look their usual self.

"I thought you were....dead," she whispers the last word.


She must have found me.

I wipe my eyes with my free hand.

"Oh, Kamila," I kiss her cheeks where tears drop to.

"I'm sorry, belle fille," I apoligize.

I hold her in silence for a few minutes.

Leo and Lucian walk back in.

"Has she said anything?" Leo asks.

I nod and he picks her up, whispering in her ear. They leave the room and a pat the spot next to me on the bed.

He carefully gets on the bed and wraps an arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm sorry for making you upset. I'm sorry for ruining your day. I'm sorry," I lay my head on his chest, staring at the wall.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Gardenia," he plays with my hair.

I take in a deep breath.

"I didn't visit them enough. This is my fault," I say, staring at the wall.

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